Twin martial arts

Chapter 3546 Boundary Wall Broken

The war is in full swing.

King Lu tried his best, but there were still many dangers.

In handsome account.

King Lu had a look of disbelief.

He was thinking, could it be that the Protoss side had some great masters who were making suggestions from the sidelines?

Otherwise, why did the other party suddenly become so cunning and treacherous?

In fact, when he first accepted this mission, his only worry was that the Protoss side was too weak, so that would be no fun, and it would exhaust him to death!

To win, but also to win a small victory, not to cause too many casualties to the Alliance of the Gods.

But now-

It turned out that he was in danger many times!

His ambushes and traps, etc., the other party seemed to have a foresight.

How did King Lu know that this was not the sudden advice of an expert from the gods at all.

It was completely planned by Lin Fan thousands of years ago.

Thousands of years ago, Lin Fan had already concluded that the Celestial Clan would reach this point.

Of course, you can know what methods and schemes the Celestial Clan will use after becoming an enemy of the world, and you can naturally arrange them calmly.


It took a long time.

A soldier rushed forward covered in blood: "Marshal Tianzuo was ambushed by a killer, and the [-] army he commanded was besieged by the Hai family and the Liuri God clan army. At this time, he was close to death."

King Lu's pupils narrowed slightly, and he said, "Old man Ku, please lead your army to rescue, and you must rescue Commander Tianzuo."

Ku Lao quickly got up.

But at the moment when he got up, when he and King Lu met their eyes, they had already confirmed a problem—Tianzuo must die.


This day, Tian Zuo was the sinner who knew that Ku Lao had left his army and fled without a fight.

It is also a coincidence that he is the deputy commander of the Heavenly Clan army fighting against chaos. He usually obstructs many decisions made by King Lu, relying on his identity as a member of the Heavenly Clan, he has repeatedly contradicted King Lu and others.

In any case, Tian Zuo must die.

Tenzo is really dead.

Of course, he deserved to die.

But in the end, Ku Lao established his merits, at least 30 of the 13 troops under Tianzuo's command were brought out by him.

The casualties were indeed heavy, and this was a disastrous defeat, but if the King of Lu had ordered assistance in time, and Ku Lao hadn't charged across the battlefield, the 30 army would have to die in full, and there would be no other possibility.

Therefore, even if the deputy commander of the first army was killed, King Lu and Ku Lao were still heavily recorded in the credit book, and on the same day, the coveted reward of the patriarch of the Celestial Clan arrived in the commander's account.

"There is one more person." King Lu looked at Ku Lao, and sighed, "Ku Lao, Ku Lao, I am really on your thief ship! A hundred times."

The old man said earnestly: "The kindness of the commander-in-chief will never be forgotten by this old man, but in the future, if there is an assignment, he will die."

King Lu smiled wryly: "Come on, don't mention any kindness, it's too fake, and I don't plan to do similar things in the future."

Ku Lao's complexion changed suddenly: "Marshal, please save me, the last person will be destroyed no matter what."

"It's too dangerous." King Lu shook his head: "It's been hard for me to get to where I am today, and I don't want to lose everything overnight."

King Lu did this on purpose.

The person who finally found out that Ku Lao ran away was also a high-ranking member of the Celestial Clan, and also a confidant of the Celestial Clan patriarch.

For so long, because he knew about Ku Lao's escape, he blackmailed him many times, and it turned out that he almost emptied Ku Lao's life.

Of course King Lu wanted this man to die.

It is very important to further make Ku Lao feel grateful to him.

In the end, seeing all kinds of pleas from the bitter old man, King Lu reluctantly agreed to give him another advice.

But only this once.

"The gods are like a single piece of iron, they are closely united, but in fact there are still differences." King Lu looked at Ku Lao and said, "Obviously, the Gushe gods, Hai family, and Liuri are one faction. Do not say."

Ku Lao listened quietly.

"Among the factions headed by the Hai family, Gushejing is the weakest. My Celestial Clan has lost consecutive battles. If someone can kill a God Clan Lord, how rich do you think the patriarch's reward will be?" King Lu's eyes lighted slightly. .

Ku Lao said: "This kind of great contribution is only worthy of the commander in chief. I am willing to do the work of a dog and a horse."

Ku Lao didn't realize that in front of King Lu, he no longer had the arrogance of a high-ranking member of the Celestial Clan, let alone the integrity of a senior, and he behaved like a subordinate of King Lu at this time.

A trace of contempt appeared in King Lu's eyes!

How many idiots do you have to pay such flattery?

Youyou said: "At the end of the day, Li Xiang is just an idiot who is very happy, if he knows that Gu Shejing is in Gusu City at this time, and only leads an army of [-]."

The old man snorted coldly: "Could it be that the commander-in-chief wants to hand over the credit to that bastard? Then it would be better for the old man to go and take Gu Shejing's head!"

The contempt in King Lu's eyes grew stronger, and he sneered: "If it's really a great contribution, why didn't I take it myself?"

Ku Lao's pupils shrank slightly, and he said awkwardly: "I dare not fight with the coach."

King Lu was really speechless.

Such an idiot old guy.

He said directly: "It is true that Gu Shejing only led an army of [-] to garrison Gusu City, but I dare to predict that there must be a large army ambushing in the Fushu Forest thousands of miles away from Gusu City. This is a trap in itself."

"Old and dull." The embarrassment on Ku Lao's face became even worse: "I understand, let's make arrangements now."


In this large army, Li Xiang, the last high-ranking person who could influence King Lu's decision-making, dispatched 20 troops privately without the permission of King Lu, and rushed straight to Gusu City with lightning speed!

King Lu deliberately pretended to be too late.

After hearing the news, he immediately sent a message to the Celestial Clan patriarch, and then personally led the army to the rescue.

Too bad it's too late.

Li Xiang's head was hung high above the city tower of Gusu.

The 20 army was also wiped out.

On Gusu City, tens of thousands of god-killing crossbows and immortal bows shone with a cold light, facing the army of King Lu's emergency rescue!

In order to avoid unnecessary battles and casualties, King Lu negotiated with Gu Shejing, and finally released 3000 people from the Protoss side who had been captured, in exchange for Li Xiang's body, and pleaded guilty to the patriarch of the Celestial Clan.

The reply letter from the patriarch of the Celestial Clan came.

First, they strictly ordered Li Xiang to be crushed.

Later, he rewarded the King of Lu again, and made a strict order that from then on, all command rights of this army belonged to the King of Lu, and the rest of the people could not interfere with the orders of the King of Lu for any reason or excuse.

And he was also given a sharp sword that symbolized the patriarch of the Celestial Clan himself!

This is the Shangfang sword in the secular world.

March time.

King Lu finally won the full command of this army.

But at the moment when King Lu won the full command of this army, just when he held Shangfang's sword in both hands——

The boundary wall suddenly cracked a crack with a click.

The gap wasn't too narrow, but it could only accommodate ten people side by side.

The World War has begun!

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