The first shift last night was Ning Fang.

The main pair of green eyes, even if it is said to be a fox, how many people are a little concerned.

The fact that the fox can come means that other animals can also come.

He guards first.

The last shift is Wang Kai.

After he woke up, he studied it with Lao Hu, and the charcoal fire lasted until the next morning, and there was no problem.

Tomorrow, add a few more pieces of firewood, and then use stones to build the stove higher, so that nothing will go wrong.

After adding firewood, there was no need for guards, and they all went back to sleep.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Kai, and Ning Fang all came out. Nini crossed her arms and raised her head. All she could see was a clothesline.

This would have no clothes, but hanging mushrooms.

"Did any of you have supper last night?" the young lady asked.

"Night snack?"

The three looked at each other and shook their heads: "No, what's the matter?"

"Then we met a thief," Nini pointed at the mushroom, "I clearly remember that there are eleven mushrooms left, and the ones here and here are gone, so there are only eight left."

Although it wasn't the mushrooms that the three of them hung up, there were indeed two empty seats.

"Will it fall?" Lao Hu lowered his head.

"I've looked for it, and there isn't one."

Ning Fang squatted on the ground and picked up a small piece of mushroom fragments below: "Don't look for it, we have been robbed."

"No way." Wang Kai didn't quite believe it: "Didn't I say that the distance between the contestants is very far from each other? Besides, why only take two flowers?"

"Who said it was a human?" Ning Fang showed everyone the fragments in his hand: "If you guessed right, it should be a squirrel."

"Huh?!" The three were stunned.

He really guessed right, the program team found the video of this morning, and recorded the process very clearly.

After five o'clock, a squirrel came down from the tree next door, smelled it, and came straight to the mushroom.

It wasn't curious why the mushrooms grew in mid-air, and it carried them back and forth several times.

"Hahahaha, Avenger Squirrel."

"This is probably retribution."

"I guess my friend was roasted, so I didn't smell it."

"Be careful, don't be discovered by Ning Fang."

"This squirrel bull fork, its kind not only got rid of its nest, but also failed to escape itself, but it can take revenge."

And the point of more viewers is the second variable. After sleeping, I found out, hey, why is there one less, and there are 16 people left?

Understand the whole story, but also speechless.

So, they all poured into Ah Sanguo's live broadcast room.

All three of them got up now.

Or rather, barely slept last night.

The team members who went out for the game came back in the middle of the night. I heard that I ordered the shelter. It is not an exaggeration at all. Except for his apology, the two of them remained for half an hour without saying a word.

What was lost was not only the qualification for the competition, sleeping bags, jackets, and down jackets were all ordered.

While everyone was guessing whether there would be a second eliminated team, the three members of A Sanguo made a decision to continue the competition.

For them, what is lost is the reward of the second variable.

It might be a good thing if you want to open it up and end it now.

After all, it is not easy for a person to survive outside, and it cannot help the base camp.

Like our own side, there are only three people left, and the number is already at a disadvantage.

The reason why it is a good thing is to refer to the rules of the game.

There are only rewards for the 1-6th place, and the rewards for the 3-6th place are not attractive to look at, and one item is drawn.

Of the seventeen teams, eleven were accompanying runners.

If you only stay for two or three days, it doesn't matter. If you stay for a week or more, you will come back disheartened without getting anything.

That was a blood loss.

It doesn't matter if the clothes are gone, the sleeping bag is gone, there are spares.

It doesn't matter if the handle of the ax is damaged, just make another one yourself.

It can't be said that Ah San is completely in the spirit of Ah Q, their strength was not particularly strong in the first place.

Quitting early, letting go of fantasies, does pay off.

As long as you are in the game, anything is possible.

Zhang Yi, who said he would sleep until he woke up naturally, also got up early, he was used to it.

Even if I want to lie down for a while, I can't lie down.

Didn't sleep very well last night.

I woke up several times in the middle of the night, worried that the fire would go out, I seemed to hear something, and when I turned around, I bumped into the wall next to me...

After getting out of the shelter, the bonfire was still burning. After waking up, I didn't forget to add more firewood.

Put your own square box on it, add water, break some fish, and make a soup in the morning. It should be excellent.

Pack the sleeping bag and so on, and you can still move your body.

The other fifteen contestants also woke up at about the same time. This environment is not at home. If you want to stay in bed, you have to consider the consequences.

Is there any food, enough firewood, is the shelter leaking...

As long as you think, there is more to live.

One less person has no effect on them. Even if they are told, they will nod at most, oh, there are fifteen more.

The game has just begun.

Lao Zhang followed his own pace, had breakfast, and went out with an ax in hand.

The remaining four members of the Huaxia team also went out.

Before going out, the stove was refurbished.

A lot of stones were added, one on top of the other, a bit like a yurt, with an air hole left on the top and bottom.

Just try it out and see how long it lasts.

Naturally, I didn't forget to bring two sticks of charcoal. When I arrived at the construction site, I lit the fire first.

Nini was worried that the squirrels would come again, so the mushrooms were collected and eaten today, so they would not be stolen.

When he arrived at the construction site, Ning Fang took off his coat.

After two days, the soil in the pit is still a little wet, so it doesn't matter. The main task today is to erect the four pillars.

Nini went to fetch water with the pot, and old Hu Hanchi brought the wood.

"What are you doing?" Ning Fang asked.

"Isn't it mortise and tenon? Remove the bark and dig a hole." Lao Hu was dumbfounded by the question.

"What the hell, we have nails, we have nails!"

Ning Fang took out the spikes from his bag and waved them in front of his eyes.

"Ha..." Lao Hu was stunned: "I forgot, so why don't you use it?"

"Nonsense, why do you have to trouble yourself for things that can be solved with tools? To make a mortise and tenon joint, you have to measure and repair it. What a hassle."

"Okay, understand."

Bang, bang, bang.

The two beams were firmly nailed to the vertical beams, and Nini came back just in time.

Ning Fang and Lao Hu put the π-shaped beam into the pit to support it.

Nini and Wang Kai started to fill in the hole.

According to what I said before, small rocks first, then soil, water, and so on.

In two hours, all four pillars were buried.

"The eaves will be dealt with tomorrow."

Several people sat down to drink water and rested.

Survival, time is the most abundant, unless it is like a storm a few days ago, otherwise, there is no need to worry too much.

Perfect as you go.

"In the afternoon, the three of you will set up the bed frame first."

Ning Fang got up and walked into the pit.

"The location is limited, and it doesn't need to be too long. About 1.9 meters is enough. In this way, about 1.5 meters can be left as a space for activities."

The entire pit is about four meters long and three meters five wide.

Much smaller than the previous plan.

This is not living in the city.

The larger the house, the less insulated it is and the more materials it needs.

Originally, Wang Kai planned to expand the width a little more, and simply made it into a square, but Ning Fang rejected it, as long as it is enough, don't chase big.

Otherwise, when it snows, you will regret it.

"Is this okay?"

Old Hu came over.

Standing in the direction of the side width: "Put the bed here, so that the space in front can be completely vacated.

After all, if you put it horizontally, you have to take into account the steps. The position is more than three meters, and it sleeps five people, which is a bit narrow. "

Ning Fang turned his head to look and nodded: "Well, your layout is more reasonable. When eating, you don't need to squat in a row."

Lao Hu was encouraged: "Including we are going to build two walls, don't waste the space in the middle of the wall, fill it with firewood.

It can not only save the space in the house, but also increase the stability of the whole house, and finally save firewood, killing three birds with one stone. "

"Very good, just do it," Ning Fang clapped his hands: "There is still a lot of work left.

Or, let's work harder and strive to settle in the new house as soon as possible? "

This proposal was agreed by all three.

"Okay, arrange work, Nini, you have a lot of tasks, let's eat lightly for lunch, don't save meat, and get two squirrels, we will work hard when we are full."

"Yeah!" Nini nodded, "There are more."

She knew that it was impossible to have only one job.

"The next thing is to grow moss. There are many pieces of moss growing in the bushes. The more the better, it may take hundreds of kilograms.

Also, the branches, we'll talk about these when we don't have to saw them. "


"What about us?"

"Lao Hu and I fix the remaining two beams with wide sides first, Lao Wang, the bed is the last thing to talk about, let's finish it together, you can measure the length of the wood for the walls of the house, get ready first..."

"Roger that!"

The construction materials are almost prepared in the early stage, and the speed is naturally accelerated a lot.

After Ning Fang got rid of all the beams, he left temporarily.

He is going to find stones.

All kinds of large and small stones are used not to lay the floor, but to build an indoor stove.

This thing, only he can come, don't worry about giving it to anyone.

As a relatively sealed space, the inner stove is very critical.

Not only for cooking, but also for heating, drying clothes and more.

This can't be like the temporary shelter where you directly light the house on fire. If it burns out, you can announce your withdrawal from the game.

Stone is the best material, besides stone, mud is also needed.

Gotta make a chimney.

It's all work.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, at the two men's place, the wood for the first wall has been prepared. Unfortunately, the ax is not with me, or it can be sharpened and inserted into the soil. Now I can only dig a small hole.

The gap in the middle is filled horizontally with similar wood and filled with moss.

When it comes to moss, the three men are somewhat convinced.

Nini is amazing. From the moment she received the task, she didn't need to search for it, and started to carry it directly.

After staying at the construction site for so many days, where is it, the door is clear.

After a few hours, the three of them turned their heads suddenly, only to realize that she had moved the amount of a small mountain.

No exaggeration, it is really a hill, one meter high.

Of course, it is also related to the growth environment of moss in the forest.

This is not what everyone usually sees on the steps of the ditch.

A random piece is three to four centimeters thick, and when you pull it, it will be a piece, with roots and some soil, as an insulation layer, which is perfect.

There is a price for doing so much work, and the whole person is as dirty as a cat.

"Come on Nini!"

"You should work hard," Nini took a break and took a sip of water: "Isn't that enough?"

"It shouldn't be enough, but you can use it first, and then talk about it..."

Ning Fang squatted there, his body was not much worse.

In the morning, I dug a stove mouth about half a meter long on the long side, and in the afternoon I kept working mud to make a chimney.

"Don't, I get it, wait for me to catch my breath and continue."

Old Hu Wangkai saw that the young ladies are working so hard, so what else is there to say, work harder and work hard.

In this way, when it was time to get off work, the progress far exceeded expectations.

There was only one hole in the morning, but now, except for the entrance, the other three directions are all covered by pieces of wood, which can be regarded as a basic prototype.

"All right!"

Ning Fang clapped his hands and stood up, and he could still see a ray of setting sun on the mountain in the distance.

"Today it's over-scheduled, and at this speed, it's probably almost done tomorrow afternoon.

I have a suggestion, let's all go to the lake, bring fishing gear, take a bath alone, and three people fish, easy and relaxed, how about it? "


The three of them cheered instead of answering, packed up their things, took the tinder, and went straight to the lake.

There are a total of [-] live broadcast rooms. In addition to the main live broadcast room, the popularity of the Huaxia team is also at the forefront.

You know, there are not a lot of domestic audiences this time, it's early in the morning.

But many foreigners just like to watch it.

The reason is simple, there are surprises.

Although people didn't know each other very well at the beginning, it was very interesting.

The beautiful country is building a shelter, Ning Fang got a porcupine,

The German team was building a shelter, Ning Fang killed a wolverine,

Maple Leaf Country is building a shelter, Ning released six squirrels,

All the teams are resting, and they can still have an encounter with the fox.

Among them, Hua Xianing's personal support rate also came to the top [-] position.

(Thanks to the boss of Blue Pufferfish for rewarding 5000 points, the boss will make a fortune!

This chapter is endless, hand over the monthly pass! )

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