Ning Fang stepped forward and led Nini out of the bucket. After wiping her down, she immediately put on a down jacket.

"What's too late?"

Nini is not cold, she is really alive, she can meet everything, she actually boiled herself, the key is to feel comfortable all over.

"Go wash it, it's really comfortable..."

Before he finished speaking, a gust of wind blew by, and the trees beside him were blown to this side, making a rustling sound.

"It is going to rain."

Nini raised her head together with Ning Fang. When she came just now, the moon was still in the sky, the sky was full of stars, and I don't know when the clouds were dense.

I was too involved in washing and didn't care.

Ning Fang naturally wanted to take a dip, but just now, he found that the sky in the distance was getting darker, and the lake also had ripples, and the waves became much bigger.

"Let's go quickly, the rainstorm is coming!"


Nini didn't waste any time, and the two of them worked together to overturn the bucket and put out the bonfire. By the way, they put a few stones in the bucket.

This is a habit developed on Golden Skull Island.

The audience in the live broadcast room also learned from the information given by the program group that it was not a rainstorm, but a storm.

In Maple Leaf Country, storms are not uncommon. Coastal countries, like fishing villages by the sea, experience several times a year, with different power and duration.

The most powerful ones can span the entire east or west of the country.

Before the players arrived, it hadn't rained in this area for more than a month.

The strong storm is coming from the east, that is, the Atlantic Ocean.

Like typhoons, they are unpredictable.

On the second night of the race, it gradually formed and is expected to make landfall tomorrow morning.

After getting the exact news, the program team immediately notified the three teams that their camp was too close to the lake or river.

It is inevitable that the competition area will be affected, but it is hard to say how big it is.

The two of them hurried back to the camp without wasting time.

Nini is not afraid, she has experienced typhoons many times, but she still holds Ning Fang's hand.

Arrived at camp.

The remaining three have already begun work on securing the shelter.

They are not fools, the surrounding trees are blown like that, and the sky is so dark that they don't know what will happen.

"Ning Fang, it's going to rain."

"I know, you continue to strengthen, take more branches or something to cover the roof, and then tie ropes, in short, how to make it firm, and move the bonfire to the tent, Nini, you use clove knots to make a tripod, In addition, if I save some firewood, I always feel that the rain will not stop for a while."

"Where are you going?"

Seeing Ning Fang pick up the backpack, Nini asked quickly.

"Our food is still on the tree, we have to go get the meat back."

"I'll accompany you." Zhang Yi stood up.

"No, one more person can't help much," Ning Fang had already walked out: "Hurry up."

"Be careful." Nini warned.

Will it be a stroll in the garden, rather than just start running.

The tree on the shelf is not strong enough, even if the construction site is not in the wind, but now such a big wind can blow it down.

It doesn't matter if the shelf falls off, but if the meat is lost, you have to cry, it's your whole family's belongings.

Thinking of this, he was even faster.

The headlights flickered on the ground, and the audience in the live broadcast room were about to throw up.

"Quick, quick!"

"Don't really get blown away."

"Ning Fang, come on."


It took about two kilometers from the temporary shelter to the construction site, and it only took about 10 minutes (I know the normal speed, this is a forest, please pay attention), and he arrived at the place.

Before he had time to slow down, he picked up the ladder by the edge of the pit.

It doesn't matter if there is water in the pit, and it can loosen the soil, making it easier to dig back.

Sure enough, the three trees were already swaying in the wind, and the frame was fine for the time being, and was tied with a rope. After searching the ground, no fallen meat was found, and Lao Zhang's work was still in place.

As soon as the ladder was leaned on, swish, swish, and the height of a few meters went up.

Opening the backpack, he was about to lift the pine branches.

A gust of wind blew by, and the shelves, trees, people, and ladders were all shaking.

"Fuck, it's kind of scary."

The audience was looking at his first-person perspective, and Ning Fang just lowered his head, quite immersive, as if he was also in the sky, swaying along with him.

Even if it is Ning Fang, he will not dare to move at this time. If he falls, it will be fine at least, and it will be a major event.


The sound of the wind was transmitted to the audience through the microphone.

It lasted for maybe half a minute before it slowly eased, but it didn't stop.

Ning Fang didn't dare to waste time, and he didn't care what kind of meat it was, so he grabbed it and put it in his backpack first.

During the period, it is estimated that some stones specially placed by Zhang Yi also went in, but there was no time to choose.

He checked it carefully, not even a piece of meat could be thrown away.

After making sure everything was recovered, Ning Fang went down the stairs carefully.

The work is done, and if you fall in the end, it's not worth it.

As for the racks and those paracords, it doesn't matter, what's the matter, food is more important.

feet just landed,


The whole world lights up.

A huge long, thick lightning with countless forks appeared in the air for at least a second.


Then, there was a loud thunder.

The speed was so fast and the voice was so loud that Ning Fang trembled all over, and the hairs on his back stood on end.

"It's thundering and raining, collect your clothes!"

After yelling, he ran again.

"are you crazy."

"Hahahaha, I laughed so hard."

"It's a good mood."

"Go home now."

After this flash of lightning, the thunder continued, and the wind became stronger and stronger.

And the feeling of the island is a little different.

In the forest, the trees are bigger, and the movement is naturally much stronger.

Along the way, I didn't see anything, only the blown leaves.

Facing the mighty power of nature, even grizzly bears have to hide in their dens, and it is impossible to move out.

It's not that urgent to come back, but it's not slow either.

After seeing Ning Fang in the camp, the three of them felt relieved.

"Don't enlarge the wood on the roof, unless it is fixed, it is useless."

When Wang Kai heard this, he happily threw down the wood in his hand.

Lao Hu crazily used an adze to dig the soil, covered the branches under the soil, compacted it, and then put stones on it.

"Hey, should we go get some water first? It's raining, so we won't be able to go out." Zhang Yi suddenly shouted.

Ning Fang was taken aback: "Old Zhang, guess what is raining?"

"Hmm... damn it!" Zhang Yi slapped his thigh: "I'm so busy and confused."

For half an hour, the four of them didn't stop for a moment, and they didn't dare to stop.

With lightning and thunder, one can guess how heavy the rain will be.

Roof, both sides are done about the same.

"Is that all right?"

The four of them came to the front of the tent, Lao Hu was sweating again, and the evening bath was useless.

"How can it be enough, the most important thing has not been done yet!"

(Catch up with a small chapter, let's post it first!)

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