The main live broadcast room cut the screen, and many foreigners poured into the Huaxia live broadcast room.

Wang Kai sighed all the way.

I imagined a lot of hunting scenes before participating in the competition. Most of them are the same as yesterday. A bow and arrow from a distance can make up a knife at most.

But just like before, just rush up with an ax and break their heads face to face...

He has played many tough guy roles in film and television dramas.

Ning Fang is a real tough guy, even after getting along for a long time, he never expected such a brave action.

Wrong, definitely right.

If a wolverine gets close, the consequences will be disastrous.

"How to deal with this thing?"

Nini has a headache, the prey is a bit big, let alone clean up, it seems that the zoo has never seen it before.

"It will be easier to boil the water first, scald the fur, and then open the gut." When Wang Kai was filming, he saw fellow villagers butcher pigs. They could handle hundreds of catties, and wolverines of tens of catties should be able to do the same.

The foreigners are more straightforward. The game started for a day and a half. Among other things, Ning Fang showed great strength in hunting.

The porcupines hadn't finished eating yet, and this brought in another wolverine.

The hunting method is simple and brutal.

Many foreigners advocate the idea of ​​personal influence. Actors such as Dashi Johnson next door and Jason Statham are popular because they have played many similar roles.

Among the eighteen groups, the only one who has truly become a hero so far is this Oriental.

Domestic night owls see an army of foreigners coming. If they speak good English, they can chat directly. It is not very good to open the translation software.

The fans of the three teams next door looked sour.

Before the start of the game, a lot of big talk and trash talk were said to each other.

After the start of the game, whoever lives poorly will be embarrassed.

Sakura Country has basically become a little transparent, and Bangzi Country can often be seen in the main live broadcast room, but it is used as a negative teaching material and becomes a background board.

Some extreme Chinese netizens have turned their backs and supported Huaxia.

There is no way, there are 4 teams in Asia, three of them are not good enough, and there is one left, which feels a bit hopeful for the whole village.

The video of Ning Fang's axe-bladed wolverine, from when he grabbed the ax and struck out, to when he completely killed it, took a total of 13 seconds.

Some fans have already cut it out and put it on the video website. Many people who are not interested in survival in the wild clicked into the live broadcast room because of the video.

After seeing the meat being packed, he called out cnno1.

Harvesting wolverines made the three of them work a lot more vigorously.

After carefully checking the ground and making sure there was no blood, Ning Fang and Lao Hu continued to cut trees.

In one morning's work, twenty of them were processed.

It’s hard to say exactly how much, but it’s always right to get more, and it can be used as firewood later.

However, Zhang Yina's progress was much slower. He was alone and had no tools at hand.

What Ning Fang wanted was an area about 5 meters long and 2.5 meters wide.

Anyway, Lao Zhang cleaned up the ground first, and then beat him with a stick.

If I can't stand up, I just kneel down.

When Ning Fang and the two came back carrying the wood, Zhang Yi was already filthy.

Hands, face, clothes, especially pants, were all muddy.

"Thank you." Ning Fang threw the five-meter-long log on the ground.

"It's really hard work. I guess it will take a lot of time to dig the ground." Zhang Yi wiped his face, adding another black mark.

The old dream opened: "Actually, it's the same, building other types of shelters is nothing more than spending time on cutting trees.

There are five of us, no matter how big the area is, it is basically fixed.

It’s okay to be a little bit bitter now, but when the weather gets colder later, the effect of the underground shelter is better, it’s bitter first and then sweet.

Come to think of it, it's snowing heavily outside, we're sitting on the fire, lying on the soft leaves, eating barbecue..."

"I'm hungry!" Zhang Yi rubbed his belly.

"Go back." Ning Fang didn't even need to look at the time, it was going to be dark soon.

Today's tree-cutting progress was a bit slower, but I got a wolverine, so I don't have to worry about food for this week, which actually improves the efficiency.

"Get off work, get off work!"

Hearing Ning Fang's words, both of them had smiles on their faces.

Packed up the tools and went to the river first.

"Good guy, the water is so cold!"

The sun went down and the temperature dropped. The three of them were not cold, but the lake water was unexpectedly cold.


Lao Hu raised his hands, palms facing himself.

The nails are full of black mud.

"It's better to wash it. Although you don't care too much in the wild, if you eat with your hands, don't wait to get diarrhea."

So, the three men squatted by the lake, clasping hands seriously.

After they were done, they stretched out their hands and compared each other, who could wash cleaner.

Ning Fang looked at the hands of the two and was quite satisfied.

It's not because I washed it clean, but because I didn't find any blisters. I have suffered a lot in the previous training, and now it has paid off.

When I happily returned to the camp, I couldn't see the road clearly.

"It's back!" Nini simply raised her head.

The work of the two of them in the afternoon is no less than that of the three outside.

The wolverine was so big that one pot of water was not enough to remove all the fur. It took three passes to get it done.

There is only one axe, and although the saber is sharp, it can deal with meat, but it is hard bone, which is quite difficult.

Moreover, the body is almost all muscle, no fat.

Nini has to cut the lean meat into small strips. She has practiced in the hot spring village, so it can be smoked faster, and it might take a week to put it on her legs.

Wang Kai was still the same, dealing with disgusting water, just to save more fat.

After one afternoon, only half of the head was barely treated, and even less smoked.

Ning Fang was also straightforward, picked up the axe, and slashed the entire hind leg into a piece of meat the size of half a fist.

"Let's cook first."

"Is it so extravagant?"

"A hind leg."

"We can already eat and drink."

Seeing Ning Fang's generosity, the four of them were both surprised and delighted. The pure hind legs weigh at least two or three catties, so they can eat well.

"If you don't eat enough, you won't have the strength to work."

The fact that wolverine meat has less fat doesn’t mean it doesn’t have it. Under the high temperature, it sizzles and emits an attractive fragrance.

Nini gave up her seat, and Lao Hu wanted to help, but she refused.

"I'm already proficient, you take a break." Continue to slice the meat aside.

"Is there anything special about pine needles?" Wang Kai turned over the sliced ​​meat in the bacon rack, and saw that Ning Fang washed it and threw a small handful of pine needles into the pot.

"No!" Ning Fang shook his head: "I just think that pine needles can be soaked in water to drink, and cooking together should be able to get rid of some meaty smell."


The meat pieces in the pot were stir-fried for a while, and half a pot of water was poured down, and then, it was up to time.

When eating in the wild, the taste is second, and it must be cooked thoroughly.

"If you're going to be tired, just lie down for a while, it's okay!" Ning Fang turned his head and said.

Zhang Yi Lao Hu didn't delay either, he didn't need them to work for the time being, so he got into the shelter and closed his eyes.

It's not an exaggeration.

I don't know how long it took, Lao Hu woke up from his sleep, not because of the noise, but because of the fragrance.

"Dinner ready?"

"Hahaha, I was just about to call you guys!"

&n, it's dinner time.

Then, a small screen appears,

Team Huaxia: A steaming pot of wolverine meat,

Maple Leaf Country: stewed fish,

Beautiful Country: Braised Hare,


Cherry Blossom Country: Berries,

Three Kingdoms: Berries,


The last and worst team, Bangziguo, only has hot water.

Five people gathered around the campfire without anything to eat.

Eighteen pictures disappeared one by one, leaving two.

On the left, the five members of the Huaxia team were holding the meat, gnawing on oily mouths, and the sound of chewing and swallowing could be heard in the earphones.

On the right, the five people from the Bangzi Kingdom settled down like old monks, staring straight at the bonfire. Finally, someone moved, raised a water glass, snorted, and fell into silence again.

"Ning Fang singled out Wolverine, 13 seconds to solve the battle"

"The strongest jungler, Ning Fang, won forty catties of meat for the Huaxia team"

"Thrilling 13 seconds, rather put two axes to solve the beast"

"The Huaxia team's advantage is once again opened, too much meat, can't finish it"

Early in the morning, the Chinese people received the latest progress of the competition through the radio, newspapers, or websites.

I found the title interesting at first sight, so I casually took out my phone and entered the live broadcast room.

I saw the scene where my team was feasting and eating dinner.

"Oh my god, are you sure you are going to survive?"

"It seems to be the reappearance of Golden Skull Island."

"Before it was lobster freedom, now it's meat freedom."

"Follow Ning Fang, there is meat to eat."

"I think it's time to declare, the Huaxia team champion."

I didn't have enough fun chatting in the live broadcast room, so I had to go to the Bangzi Country next door to see it.

A bunch of "enthusiastic" netizens ran over.

"I heard that your team can only drink water for dinner, so hold on."

"Drinking water is good and healthy. Unlike Ning Fang and the others, they can only eat meat, and their teeth are stuffed."

"Why don't your team members talk, oh...I know, they are resting."

"Don't give up, you must persevere. I heard that people can live for a month by drinking only water."

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