I got married to an orthopaedic surgeon

Chapter 486 Competition Gift

Zhou Mo: Are you really planning to go home?

Shen Pan: If you don't return, you can't. How can you get a certificate without a household registration book?

Zhou Mo: Did your parents make sense?How could they let you be with Lu Zhishu so easily?

Shen Pan: I talked to Lu Zhishu, and he said to leave everything to him.

Zhou Mo: That's okay.

I have to say, this time Zhou Mo felt from the bottom of his heart that Lu Zhishu was like a man and could be relied on.

While chatting about family matters, Zhou Mo took the opportunity to ask: Do you still want to find your biological parents?

Shen Pan: I think so.This time I go home and plan to ask my parents about the situation again.

Zhou Mo: If you have any news, please tell me. Multiple people work together, and I will help you.

Shen Pan: [Love you].

After simply talking with Shen Pan, Zhou Mo pondered for a long time.

after get off work.

Because Zhou Mo didn't get off work on time, he stayed in the office for a long time doing materials, and happened to meet Han Chen leaving get off work.

Han Chen said he would come to pick her up.

Zhao Xiaoshuang and Zhou Mo walked out of the academy.

The blue-and-black BMW was already parked on the side of the road.

Zhao Xiaoshuang gently bumped Zhou Mo with her body, her eyes kept pointing to the direction of BMW, and she said with a ghostly smile, "Senior sister, I'm leaving."

"Let's go quickly," Zhou Mo looked at her tenderly.

Although Zhao Xiaoshuang didn't say a single word of superfluous ridicule, all kinds of eyes and small movements revealed her ridicule and connotation.

Zhou Mo opened the door and got into the co-pilot.

Han Chen asked, "Why did you get off work so late today? Does your teacher have any projects to finish?"

Zhou Mo couldn't help laughing, "Do you have ptsd because of my teacher's temporary hug?"

Han Chen frowned: "Aren't you doing things for her every time you work overtime?"

Zhou Mo: "Not this time. There is a scholarship recently, I want to apply, and I have prepared some materials."

Han Chen: "Are you sure you can take it?"

Zhou Mo: "No."

Han Chen: "It's okay, the most important thing is to participate, it doesn't matter whether you win the prize or not, you will always be the best with me."

Zhou Mo looked at him tenderly, "You're really good at it now."

Han Chen deliberately asked: "What will happen?"

Zhou Mo gave him a helpless look, "What do you think you will do? You are slick."

Han Chen: "You just say whether you like to listen or not."

Zhou Mo gritted his teeth: "Love, is it alright?"

Han Chen looked smug, and then he said sternly: "I'm serious, you need to be in a good attitude when it comes to participating in the competition. If you are too fussy, it will affect your mood very much. Especially you, you still have a lot of mental burden. If you don't win the award... how much scholarship do you give? I will give it to you, and I will award it to you alone."

Zhou Mo quietly observed someone beside her for a long time before she opened her mouth and said, "I haven't even started participating in the competition yet, so you're giving me the mental work to face failure?"

Han Chen: "It's right to prepare early. I'm here too. Isn't this the result of today's case report competition?"

Only then did Zhou Mo realize that Han Chen was waiting for her here.

"What result?" Zhou Mo asked.

"Guess?" Han Chen purposely made a fool of himself.

Zhou Mo snorted, "Look at your smug look. You can tell at a glance, you won the award."

Han Chen smiled, "Daughter-in-law is really smart. Guess again, how many prizes will be awarded?"

Zhou Mo was helpless: "It must be the first prize, right?"

Han Chen: "As expected of my daughter-in-law, she really understands me."

Zhou Mo: "Is there a bonus?"

Han Chen: "Yes, five thousand, and the department also rewarded five thousand, adding up to ten thousand."

Zhou Mo was surprised, "So much, the same amount as my scholarship."

Han Chen: "Really? That's just right. When the money is sent, I will give it to you."

Zhou Mo: "What are you doing for me?"

Han Chen: "I'll give you a consolation prize in advance. If you don't get the scholarship, you won't feel too bad."

"I'm really defeated by you," Zhou Mo just felt warm in his heart, "I don't need it, you should keep it for yourself."

"Anyway, it will be recorded in the salary card at that time, and the salary card is with you..."

The implication, after all, was given to Zhou Mo.

Zhou Mo raised his forehead, "Okay, if I also win the prize, I will return the money to you."

"It doesn't matter if it's money or not," Han Chen suddenly hooked his lips, "I'm looking forward to something else."

"What?" Zhou Mo asked.

Han Chen suddenly turned cold, "You said, when I win the award, prepare a gift for me, forgot?"

Zhou Mo realized it later, and only then remembered this.

"You are so happy because you are asking me for a gift."

"Otherwise?" Han Chen asked rhetorically, "If you don't want to paint me a cake, why would I fight so hard?"

Zhou Mo was surprised, "You didn't want to compete well?"

Han Chen: "I've said it all. Participation is the most important thing. Whether I win the prize or not is up to fate. You said I want to win the prize and prepare a gift for me, so I prepared it carefully."

He suddenly began to look at Zhou Mo seriously: "Did you forget about this?"

Zhou Mo denied, "How is it possible?"

Han Chen: "Look at your guilty conscience, it's strange that you haven't forgotten."

Zhou Mo's face was hot, and she couldn't deny that she had been exposed, so she could only beg for mercy: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, I really... forgot."

But she was still a little reconciled, and she argued: "Who knew that the results of your competition would come out so quickly, it's only been a few days, and the winner will be determined."

Han Chen had no choice but to be annoyed, "Co-author, you forgot your promise and blamed the results of the competition in the first hospital?"

Zhou Mo rascally said: "Yes, it's your hospital's fault."

Han Chen really loves and hates Zhou Mo's nonsense.

But he also loves Zhou Mo's clumsy, hard-headed look.

Because most of them contain coquettish elements.

Which man can stand the girl he likes and act like a baby?

Han Chen said: "The result wouldn't come out so soon, it's all because of Duan Feng..."

Mentioning Duan Feng, Zhou Mo came to his senses, "What punishment did he receive?"

Han Chen: "I didn't receive any punishment, so it's said that he didn't come out with personal problems and the influence was not good. The department deducted some bonuses, and the hospital didn't even report criticism."

Zhou Mo: "I know."

Han Chen: "Hospitals are for treating patients, and they are in charge of treating patients and saving lives. Doctors' private life... It is difficult to control the law, let alone the hospital."

Zhou Mo: "Then he can still go to work normally?"

Han Chen: "Yes."

Zhou Mo: "If it were me, I would have no face to stay in the unit."

Han Chen looked at her tenderly: "Not everyone is like you, with strong self-esteem and thin skin."

Zhou Mo stuck out his tongue, "Didn't you say I was thick-skinned before?"

Han Chen: "You are thick-skinned to me, not to others."

Zhou Mo: "..."

Han Chen: "Hurry up and think about what gift to prepare for me."

Zhou Mo: "I've thought about it a long time ago."

Han Chen was curious: "What?"

This time it was Zhou Mo's trick, "Guess."

Han Chen frowned: "Is it what Shen Pan said last time...that..."

Zhou Mo looked at him: "Can't you think of something serious?"

Han Chen said solemnly, "Sorry, I can't."

Zhou Mo: "..."

Han Chen: "If I want to discuss seriousness with you, I might as well become a monk."

Zhou Mo: "..."

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