I got married to an orthopaedic surgeon

Chapter 469 Liu Xia & Zhou Mo 1

With Zhang Lanlan's story as a lesson, Zhou Mo doesn't want her junior sister to experience a similar incident of encountering a scumbag again.

It was Duan Feng's method, which was a bit unexpected.

Unknowingly, he stretched out his hand to the people around her.

Fortunately, Ding Ning was honest and not too thoughtful, so he was able to tell the truth.

If she had more mistrust towards them, Ding Ning might become the next Zhang Lanlan or Xiao Ai again.

go back at night.

Zhou Mo took away all Han Chen's things left in Xiangbin Yali.

Fortunately, she acted in time, and at night, Liu Xiangru called Zhou Mo.

It is said that Liu Xia has also come to Dongjiang.

The last time Xiaobao wanted to change his name, it was Han Chen who helped manage it, and soon the new household registration book was completed, and Liu Xia came to get the new household registration book this time.

What Liu Xiangru meant was that the family couldn't accommodate them, so Liu Xialai and Zhou Mo could live there.

Of course Zhou Mo agreed.

Zhou Zheng drove Liu Xia to Xiangbin Yali, and Zhou Mo went downstairs to pick her up.

Before leaving, Zhou Zheng asked Zhou Mo, "Is Han Chen busy these days?"

Zhou Mo: "Busy, when he is not busy, he even participated in the hospital competition this afternoon. Do you have something to do with him?"

Zhou Zheng: "No, just ask. Your second uncle used to be a cook, didn't he suffer from tenosynovitis? After treatment on and off for a long time, he was much better before. Recently, the farm has become busy and he has done a lot of work. The old problem recurs again. Yes. I thought Han Chen would have time, so I would take him there to have a look."

Zhou Mo breathed a sigh of relief, "You told me about this earlier, I'll ask him now."

Zhou Zheng: "Yes."

Liu Xia on the side smiled faintly, she put Zhou Mo on her arm and said, "Uncle has found a good son-in-law, someone in the family is a doctor, it's really convenient to see a doctor."

Zhou Mo was naturally happy in his heart, and couldn't stop smiling.

She asked Han Chen on WeChat.

Han Chen replied quickly, saying that he will not be out of the clinic tomorrow, and they can come to the office to find him.

Zhou Mo told Zhou Zheng: "Han Chen said that he will go directly to the office to find him tomorrow. Is the second uncle's condition serious? How about I ask for leave tomorrow to accompany you?"

Zhou Zheng looked at her: "Do you want to accompany your second uncle to see a doctor? You want to go to Han Chen, right? Look at when Han Chen just came back, and now, your attitude towards him has changed 180 degrees. Talk This love, the soul is hooked. I wonder if Han Chen gave you some kind of ecstasy."

Zhou Mo stuck out his tongue.

Liu Xia revealed Zhou Zheng's shortcomings, and said: "Uncle, you didn't have this attitude in Yushan. At the wine table, you often praised Han Chen in front of my father and my second uncle."

Zhou Zheng looked devastated.

Zhou Mo smelled a breath, she immediately turned cold, and asked: "Dad, are you still drinking in Yushan?"

Zhou Zheng was at a loss for words for a while, feeling ashamed and afraid to look at Zhou Mo.

"It's not like you don't know what's going on with your body," Zhou Mo said worriedly, "In the past few years after your operation, my mother and I have been watching you carefully. If you want to do this, I'm going to tell my mother about your drinking."

"Don't," Zhou Zheng begged for mercy, "don't let your mother know."

Zhou Mo was helpless, "You know she will be worried and angry, why would she do such a dangerous thing?"

Zhou Zheng timidly said: "I didn't drink much, just took a sip. It's been so many years, I haven't touched a drop of alcohol... It's normal to be greedy."

Zhou Mo only felt angry on the top of his head.

Liu Xia realized that she seemed to have said something wrong, she didn't know who to help for a while, so she stood aside and worried.

She thought for a while, and quickly persuaded Zhou Mo to say: "Momo, don't worry too much. I testify that my uncle drank that time. He really only took a sip and didn't drink much. It was mainly because my dad and I Second Uncle drank too much. We were also to blame for not persuading him at the time."

"I know my father's temperament. If he wants to drink, you can't persuade him, let alone persuade him," Zhou Mo said. The situation must be told to me as soon as possible.”

Liu Xia glanced at Zhou Zheng and nodded obediently.

There are no small things about the body, especially Zhou Mo, who is his own father, pays close attention to it.

Zhou Zheng knew he was in the wrong, but he couldn't help pleading: "Momo, don't tell your mother about this."

Zhou Mo: "It's just this one time, not the next time. I won't tell her, but if you don't obey the rules again, I will definitely tell my mother. Let her talk about you."

Zhou Zheng promised: "Okay, don't worry, there will definitely be no next time."

Zhou Mo and Liu Xiangru have reached a consensus since Zhou Zheng had the operation, quit smoking and drinking, and reduced fat and salt for so many years, as long as Zhou Zheng is not in good health, he is not allowed to touch him.

Zhou Zheng also understood the intentions of the mother and daughter and has been very cooperative.

After a long time, it is inevitable that there will be slack, Zhou Zheng's departure from Liu Xiangru, there are already signs of presumptuousness, Zhou Mo must strangle this sign to death.

Zhou Zheng: "You should also take a leave of absence tomorrow. The First Hospital of Dongda University is so big, I'm afraid I won't be able to find Han Chen's office."

Zhou Moxin said that Zhou Zheng definitely had a guilty conscience, that's why he compromised.

She didn't reveal it, and agreed, "Okay, I'll ask him when he's free later, and I'll tell you the time in the evening."

Zhou Zheng nodded, "This matter is settled, you guys go up and rest quickly."

"Well, goodbye Dad," Zhou Mo waved at him, "Drive slowly on the road."

Zhou Zheng waved his hand, signaling them to go back quickly.

When Wei Chi turned around and left, Zhou Mo took Liu Xia's arm and went upstairs together.

The last time Zhou Mo saw Liu Xia, Liu Xia had just broken up with Guo Zhong, and the child had just been born not long ago, Liu Xia was depressed and unhappy, and she wanted to cry when she saw someone.

This time her mental outlook is so different, she is much more cheerful.

"Xiaobao's name changed back?" Zhou Mo asked.

"Yeah," Liu Xia took out the household registration booklet she received today, and showed Zhou Mo the child's page: "It's been changed to Liu Huixuan."

"That's fine. The Guo family didn't bother you anymore, did they?" Zhou Mo asked.

"No," Liu Xia said, "Speaking of which, it's thanks to Han Chen."

"Him?" Zhou Mo wondered, "What happened to him?"

"You really found a good boyfriend," Liu Xia pulled Zhou Mo to sit on the sofa together, "Not only did Xiaobao find someone to do the name change, but I divorced Guo with the property division and agreement The lawyer who helped provide legal aid for the divorce was also introduced by him. He also asked the lawyer to go to Yushan in person, otherwise I would not be able to separate myself from the Guo family so clearly. Although the surname Guo is sorry for me, but Guo’s father Mother Guo treats me well, and she also thinks that Xiaobao is their grandson, so I don’t care about Guo Zhong’s death, but I can’t stop my grandparents from coming to see my grandson.”

"It's true," Zhou Mo frowned, his parents are also very nice, why is his son such an asshole.

"That's why I said, Han Chen has helped me a lot," Liu Xia said, "The lawyer he hired is very experienced, and he helped us draw up the divorce agreement. It's been agreed for a long time."

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