Weird Talk Asylum Center

Chapter 298: Chasing the Genius


Li Hui frowned, tore off the fabric from her clothes and simply bandaged the wound.

This is not a TV series, guns can hit people.

Fortunately, she was lucky, the bullet just scraped across her arm and took off a small piece of flesh.

But the most serious injury on Li Hui's body now is not this.

In response to the werewolf's attack, she repeatedly made the movement of blocking with a knife.

This caused her to be backlashed again.

"Cough cough."

Li Hui gently stroked the snow-white bone blade in her hand, and couldn't help coughing twice.

She didn't blame the knife, if she didn't have it, she wouldn't be able to get to where she is now.

"Do you want to stop here?"

The pale girl gritted her teeth, her face full of unwillingness.

In fact, she was badly hurt.

The spray used to treat the injuries has been left behind, and even the adrenaline that was carried with him has been used up.

run out of ammunition

not at all.

She still has a knife in her hand.


Taking a deep breath to adjust her state, Li Hui stood up again.

The structure of the tube building is very strange, with two staircases inside and outside.

The group of people chasing her will definitely block the exit and prevent her from leaving.

that now

"Go to the rooftop."

Li Hui tried to hold the weapon tightly in her hand, but found that her arm was already numb.

She tried to tie the knife around her hand with a strip of cloth so that it would not fall.

Under Han Dong's arrangement, Leonard did not participate in this fight at all, and Li Hui didn't realize how wise it was until now.

Big trees attract wind, and people from companies and research institutes will definitely be besieged.

Even snatching one or two things from them is profitable.

Not to mention Wang Jin, too many people want his reputation as a star in the ghost story world.

"I hope you have persisted until now."

Stretching out her blood-stained left hand and lightly stroking the pendant on her neck, Li Hui muttered to herself.


"That's definitely Li Hui, there can be no mistake."

Among a group of good brothers, Wang Jin quickly sorted out the slightly chaotic thoughts in his mind.

He should have thought a long time ago that not everyone has as many escape skills as himself.

Li Hui's behavior has always been too reassuring. Wang Jin didn't expect her to be in crisis.

It's my own negligence.

Even if the little girl didn't draw so much hatred, she might be implicated because of Wang Jin.

"Damn it I didn't think about that."

Wang Jin sighed angrily, full of self-blame.

After eating hot pot together, Li Hui has become a lot more mature.

Maybe it's to impress your sweetheart, or maybe it's because you don't want to cause trouble to others.

This little girl is trying her best to help Wang Jin relieve some pressure as much as possible.

But Li Hui was so self-reliant that Wang Jin forgot that she was just a little girl about his own age.

The moment Wang Jin saw her being hunted down, Wang Jin's heart skipped a beat.

Even if he was in the besieged city, he didn't want to see this little girl die at the hands of others.

"Calm down."

Wang Jin was talking to himself, trying to calm down his emotions.

After finally making myself safe, is it necessary to risk myself?

He didn't think about it at all.

There was only one reason why he didn't rush out immediately, he was thinking about how to avoid these good brothers.

Seeing their colleagues running into the distance like crazy, they must catch up and ask.

It is even possible to directly use an anesthetic needle to make him unconscious.

"Use the secret ritual? I have no chance to open it."

"Tear their faces and kill them? This is simply impossible."

After carefully observing the excellent equipment of the good brothers, as well as the incantations engraved on the uniforms, Wang Jin dismissed the idea.

He can vaguely recognize some of those incantations, which are similar to the Zaratul Mysteries.

Obviously, it has a defensive effect on the power of ghost stories.

Even if he uses the power of the dream of death to break through forcefully, he may not be successful, and he may even be killed in advance.

"Let Wangcai take the top? That's a way."

Wang Jin frowned, and the shadows under his feet began to boil.

"Brother Ma, what's the matter?"

Almost instantly, the people next to him saw Wang Jin's abnormality and asked.

"It's nothing."

When Ma Yao's voice sounded, Wang Jin shook his head.

No one noticed that his voice was coming from beneath his feet.

"Damn it, it's not going to work."

Wang Jin gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice.

Let Wangcai imitate Ma Yao's voice and say a few words is the limit, there is no way to let him come out to replace him.

The originally safe situation has now become a quagmire that binds Wang Jin.



Hu Xiaobei has turned back into a girl with fox ears, she is sitting on a chair with a worried expression on her face.

The popcorn in her hand has not moved for a long time, and she has maintained this position for more than ten minutes.

Most of the rest of the players have already been eliminated. During this time, what was played on the screen was Li Hui's every move.

The figure of the girl in black has been imprinted in everyone's mind.

One against nine without losing the wind, not to mention that she had killed more than a dozen enemies before that.

This courage and strength is like a Valkyrie.

But the gaze she casts into the distance from time to time is so clear and beautiful, as if she is waiting for someone's deer.

As for that person's name, it is already obvious.

That bastard Wang Jin.

"Her name is Li Hui, right?"

The audience began to whisper, someone had turned on their phone and was about to search for her strange talk cards.

Compared with Wang Jin's weird and unpredictable methods, this kind of fighting method is obviously easier to accept.

"Found it! Huh?"

Someone found Li Hui, but found that her cards were a little different.

Shrike brambles.

This card is green because it corresponds to the "Shrike" of the current Minister of Repression, which has been forcibly upgraded.

Shrikes kill their prey by threading their carcasses on brambles to dry.

Therefore, thorns are the Shrike's most capable assistants.

"But it sounds like an affiliation."

"It's not a related household, is it?"

"Xiaohui is not affiliated with anyone."

Hu Xiaobei stood up, looked at the man and said word by word.

"That's my buddy's friend, so be careful what you say."

Leonard looked at the crowd with a cold face, the ferocious strong man made them dare not make a sound.


Zhao Guangming didn't even speak, he just hummed.

An astonishing aura surged from him, almost reaching into the sky.

The few people who just spoke were even a little out of breath.

"Well, it's true that we didn't think carefully."

A figure emerged from the darkness, and Xingkong muttered something in a low voice before disappearing again.

Li Hui is born without inspiration, and everything she has is obtained through hard training for more than ten years.

She is not a genius, but she caught up with them on her own.

Because of this, the little girl's every move will involve the hearts of many viewers.

They more or less saw their own shadow.

"Ha, that little crying bag back then was already so powerful."

Zhao Guangming squinted his eyes and looked at the big screen, his eyes full of emotion.

"Aren't you worried?"

Hu Xiaobei looked at the slovenly middle-aged man with teary eyes and asked.

"Do you really think Wang Jin will leave her alone?"

Zhao Guangming grinned, showing a weird smile.

"Don't worry, that kid is a bit of a bastard, but he is definitely loyal enough."

"Is it righteous enough?"

The girl tilted her head, her big fluffy ears were shaking back and forth, as if she was very puzzled.

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