Weird Talk Asylum Center

Chapter 262: Rupture

"Damn, we can't delay."

Wang Jin gritted his teeth and got up, being supported by the shadow under his feet, he walked towards the position where the mustache was about to come.

In fact, before this, he also considered whether Liuli wanted to make a big noise.

It's a pity that there is not enough information to confirm the specific situation, and he doesn't have the ability to deal with it.

And now that Mustache is here, what I have to do now is to cooperate with him inside and out to break the barrier and bring in support.

Although it is impossible to send Liuli away by piercing the heart, there is still the possibility of forcible containment.

Han Dong nodded, he didn't stop Wang Jin's actions, but he didn't help either.

Liuli will attack here at any time, and he is the only one who can protect everyone.

"I'll help him."

Leonard tried to get up, but coughed up a few more mouthfuls of blood, and collapsed powerlessly to the ground.

Unlike Wang Jin, he can only bear the damage caused by the forced use of the copper whistle.

If it weren't for his strong physique, he would be on the verge of death now.

"I'll go as well."

Li Hui frowned, she couldn't watch Wang Jin take risks alone.

"You can't go."

Han Dong shook his head, the ice crystals rising from the ground directly froze Li Hui's feet.

"Wang Jin, like Zhao Guangming, has the blessing of evil on his body, and my ice armor can block that curse of death."

"Except for the three of us, anyone else walking around is sending death."

The middle-aged strong man looked at Li Hui apologetically, and patiently explained to her.

"I still have to protect this little girl who is dreaming from being disturbed and unable to move."

"Trust Wang Jin, he is stronger than anyone imagined."

Han Dong shrugged his shoulders, not looking at Li Hui's expression that instantly dimmed.


"Hey, this time I'm fighting alone again."

The little fox popped its head out of Wang Jin's pocket and whispered.

"Why are you running here again?"

The young man pressed the little fox's head with a helpless smile on his face.


Hu Xiaobei snorted lightly, and stuffed himself into his pocket.

Wang Jin smiled, gritted his teeth and quickly approached the weakest part of the barrier.



Mustache flipped the pages of the book in his hand, and stopped outside the barrier.

He saw clearly the figure facing him.

Although it was a bit blurry through the barrier, and although the snow-white long hair and the lines on his body were a little strange, he still recognized Wang Jin with those eyes.

This young man's eyes are different, with gentleness and unshakable strength, making it hard to forget just by looking at it.

The young man waved his hand with a smile, and the black shadow under his feet suddenly boiled, turning into a human shape and smashing towards him.


The amber light surged, and there was no crack in the enchantment, and it was even thicker than before.


Liuli blocked Zhao Guangming's double sabers, and gently pointed at Wang Jin.

He actually took the initiative to stay away from the strong man who was in the way. He didn't know whether it was brave or stupid.


The blade flashed and cut off one of Liuli's arms up to the shoulder.

The woman didn't respond, but stretched out her other intact finger to Wang Jin again.


Liuli had considered that this human being had troublesome abilities similar to that strong man, so she cursed twice in a row.


Wang Jin raised his eyebrows, the first curse of death swept through his body like a breeze, and became harmless under the blessing of the gods.

At this moment, Mirror Ghost and Xiao Hei rushed out quickly, leading him to change positions.

The Curse of Collapse arrived as promised, but happened to hit the barrier, distorting it for a while.


Seeing that his plan worked, the young man grinned.

He found out the moment Xiao Hei just punched out his fist.

This enchantment will strengthen the position being attacked, so it can only be broken in one go, otherwise it will only become more and more difficult.

Wang Jin is not that powerful, but this does not mean that the owner of the enchantment is not.

He deliberately took action after Han Dong blocked Liuli's attack.

Only in this way will the woman worry that the curse of death will not be able to kill Wang Jin completely, thus bringing another curse of physical rules.

"Ola Ora Ora Ora!"

"Wood, big, big, big, big, big!"

Without Wang Jin's instructions, the two tall black figures began to frantically attack the slightly different positions.

Although the effect is not great, the fast attack can prevent the barrier from repairing itself, preparing for Mustache's next attack.

"What a genius."

The mustache instantly understood what Wang Jin meant, and his fingers flipping the pages of the book swiped forward, making an attack gesture.

All Bai Zibing raised their hands at the same time, and they could vaguely see pure white electromagnetic fluctuations flickering in front of them.

It is similar to the anti-riot electromagnetic gun, but its power is more than a star and a half stronger.

Not to mention dozens of electromagnetic guns.

Wang Jin gritted his teeth and ran away quickly to avoid being pierced by those electromagnetic guns.

Mustache waved his hand, and the Baizi soldiers waved along with him, and dozens of powerful attacks poured out.

Like a muffled thunder, Wang Jin, who was inside the barrier, felt an unprecedented shock.

Liuli shook her head, the light on her body was a little unstable.

She wanted to make amends, but was stopped by Zhao Guangming.

The woman's body has been scattered and reorganized several times, and the poison is no longer effective.

But Zhao Guangming was able to stop her abruptly with his skillful and sharp sword skills and strange power.

The barrier violently fluctuated a few times, and cracks appeared at the attacked position, but it still remained stubbornly unbroken.

Because of this, it is healing fast, almost back to normal within seconds.

"It's easy."

Wang Jin looked at the crack that was enough to put down a hand, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the next second, with quick eyes and quick hands, he took out five or six blast bombs of different colors from the previous ones from his pocket.

People in the R&D department like explosions very much, so they also like Wang Jin very much.

Because of this, when Wang Jin asked them to make more powerful blast bombs, those big brothers smiled like children.

But now, those special shock bombs were stuffed in the gaps in the barrier, just waiting for Wang Jin to press the remote control.

This enchantment is very complicated, it is the most difficult to break from the outside, and it is impossible to break from the inside.

It is the easiest to destroy directly from the level of the ghost barrier itself.

The enchantment twisted, as if it was about to heal together soon.

Wang Jin retreated abruptly, pressing the remote control in his hand without any hesitation.

A huge and violent air wave surged up, tearing the already unstable barrier to a gap that could allow one person to pass through.

Xiao Huzi closed the book in his hand as he approached, and Bai Zibing disappeared.



Liuli didn't hesitate at all, and the two curses flew over directly.

Something flickered in Mustache's pocket, turning the curse into a breeze.

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