Weird Talk Asylum Center

Chapter 219: The Dreamer

"Brother Han, are you sure you're okay?"

Ma Yao looked at the strong man with a beard and asked in a low voice.

At the beginning, he thought that these rookies only wanted to fight in their dreams at most, no matter whether they won or lost, no one would get hurt.

Even the enemies who collapsed on the ground had no obvious injuries.

However, it has been so long, and Wang Jin still hasn't woken up.

Large and small bruises began to appear on his body, and his breathing became disordered.

As for the two middle-aged men with similar looks, their bodies were distorted and deformed, but they recovered quickly.

The little fox showed humanized worry on his face, but he still stopped others from approaching him.

The eyes of the girl in red were slightly red, and she tried her best to deal with Wang Jin's injury.

Unfortunately, without the bonus of Paradise Will, Ah Zi's healing ability is not strong.

It wasn't until the girl with a hot body spurted a mouthful of blood that Hu Xiaobei finally couldn't sit still.

At this time, she couldn't care about any competitions and bonuses anymore, so the girl in white stretched out her hand to shake Wang Jin, trying to wake him up.

But the outstretched hand stayed in mid-air.

Wang Jin's consciousness is in the dream world, which can be regarded as a strange scene.

This situation wakes them up forcefully and no one knows what will happen.

Hu Xiaobei gritted his teeth, and once again stopped the people from the Administration Bureau in front of him.

"Old Han, you also found out?"

The man with the fine mustache raised his eyebrows, and his slightly raised cheekbones made him look a bit mean.

"Well, I found it."

Han Dong nodded, and spoke carefully.

"That's not some strange talk equipment that makes people fall asleep at all."

"Among them, there should be a dreamer."

"Huh? Dreamer?"

Ma Yao's eyes widened, and the hideous wound on his face twisted, making him look even more terrifying.

The next second, he picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted loudly.

"All personnel evacuate immediately! Don't disturb them!"

At this moment, he panicked more than anyone else.

Unlike the other Unclean, the Dreamer is not a half-breed.

They are ordinary people polluted by the dream world.

However, this pollution stays with them throughout their lives, giving them all the characteristics of an unclean person.

According to the records of the governing bureau, the dreamer has only appeared twice in the past hundred years.

These two times directly caused casualties in half the city.

Dreamers have no special abilities, they can only pull people into the dream world.

However, all damage received in the dream world will appear completely in the real world.

Moreover, people who are forcibly awakened have a high probability of losing consciousness, and can only spend the rest of their lives in hospital beds.

In other words, as long as the dreamer wants to, the whole city can fall into the dream at the same time, and then kill them at the same time.

"Ah, it's alright."

Han Dong turned to look at Ma Yao, then said slowly.

"That little girl protected them very well."

Pointing to Hu Xiaobei who looked anxious, Han Dong raised his eyebrows.

"Xiao Lei and Wang Jin haven't known each other for long, but he told me something very important."

Han Dong waved his hand, Leonard stepped forward and spoke slowly.

"Trust Wang Jin."

The blue eyes were crystal clear under the light, which made Ma Yao very unhappy.

"All right, all right, trust that kid."

Ma Yao waved his hand.

The dreamer is very troublesome, and the Administration must contact her.

But their attitude should not be too tough, lest the two sides tear each other apart and cause unnecessary casualties.

Of course, those have to be dealt with later.

The dreamers around Wang Jin's group have grown up so well that nothing happened, and they are not in a hurry.

Ma Yao's job is to ensure the smooth progress of the conference, and with Han Dong in charge, he is happy to be the shopkeeper.

"Since Wang Jin is so reliable in their eyes, he should be able to catch the dreamer... right?"

Sighing deeply, Ma Yao felt that he was losing his hair crazily recently.

"People who are in trouble will mix together. What kind of bullshit is that?"

After muttering a few words in a low voice, Ma Yao continued to look at the big screen with his head.

Judging from the injuries on their bodies, the battle in the dream was probably coming to an end.


"cough cough..."

Wang Jin shook the dirt off his head, and crawled out from the ground tremblingly.

The smoke and dust from the explosion has not yet dissipated, and the pungent smell of gunpowder is still lingering in the air.

But Wang Jin had to come out, he was about to suffocate.

He is not the kind of person like Meng Yu who is blessed by the dream world. Forcibly changing the shape of the ground under his feet requires a lot of inspiration.

Therefore, Wang Jin is exhausted physically and mentally.

Besides, he didn't dare to bet on whether the brothers Liu Da and Liu Er had that abnormal self-healing ability.

After all, the speed and strength they have shown so far are far beyond the scope of human beings.

Wang Jin has no doubts that if the two of them become like this in the outside world, they will definitely be arrested by the administration and locked up in a small black room.


The smoke and dust were broken, and a somewhat curved knife quickly stabbed at Wang Jin's face.

Although this blow was not as fast as it was, it was not something Wang Jin could dodge.

Liu Da was the closest to the explosion and was already under the weight of the rocks, so it was Liu Er who attacked Wang Jin now.

Surprisingly, the beastly man didn't suffer any particularly serious injuries.

Although blood came out of his mouth and nose, he was still able to attack Wang Jin.

"A hundred times the weight."

Meng Yu stretched out his finger, the forward tendency of the scimitar stopped suddenly, and then hit the ground straight.

This little loli finally had a chance to make a move.

Although it is very convenient to make a wish in the dream world, it also has limitations.

For example, you can only make one wish at a time.

And it takes time to talk.

These two restrictions directly doomed Meng Yu to not be able to intervene in the hand-to-hand battle between the four of them just now.

However, Wang Jin has already changed the situation of the battle with an explosion, and it will be very convenient for her to make another move.

"Liquid soil and rock."

Little Loli waved her hand, the rocks and soil suddenly churned, pinning down Liu Da and Liu Er.


Meng Yu spoke again, and the earth and stone on the two brothers' bodies instantly turned into metal, completely imprisoning them.

Very relaxed, even just moved his mouth.

But everyone knew that without Wang Jin and Li Hui, these two brothers would never have been caught without a fight.

"cough cough..."

Wang Jin found the place where Li Hui was buried just now, stretched out his hand and pulled her out.

The little girl had no inspiration and couldn't crawl out by herself.

"Huh—is it over?"

Li Hui took a few breaths and looked at Wang Jin.

The expensive, slim dresses were in tatters, and the makeup on her face was smeared.

The long hair that fell loose was stained with clods, making him look extremely embarrassed.

But in Wang Jin's eyes, she is more beautiful than ever.

"Thank you."

Wang Jin looked at Li Hui with unprecedented tenderness in his eyes.

Li Huineng risked his life many times to save himself, this is simply...

Dead brother.

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