Weird Talk Asylum Center

Chapter 207: Assembly Hall

"As expected of Shangjing, it's really lively."

Wang Jin in the co-pilot looked outside through the color-changing glass.

It was the first time he had seen such a tall building.

"It's hard to escape."

Wang Jin lowered his head and whispered something.

Not envious, Wang Jin subconsciously began to think about how to escape if he was in danger on the roof.

The first time he became familiar with the situation around him, this would greatly increase his chances of surviving.

The van made a strange sound of being overwhelmed, and Leonard's huge body squeezed into the driver's seat, looking aggrieved.

"Xiao Lei, if it doesn't work, let's change the car."

Hu Xiaobei sat on the back seat and shook her head. She didn't expect that the van could drive a tractor.

"After all, the research institute is an organization that favors scientific research, and it is very poor."

"If it weren't for the help of the Administration Bureau, we are all bankrupt now."

Leonard grinned bitterly twice.

"Oil prices are skyrocketing, and I'm going to have to think about riding an electric bike in a few days."

"Ha, it's not like you have to drive here by yourself, isn't it cheaper to fly?"

Wang Jin, who was sitting in the co-pilot, adjusted his seat belt and changed to a more comfortable sitting position.

"I like driving."

Leonard smiled innocently, and the minivan chugs towards the urban area.

"I really didn't expect the headquarters of the Administration Bureau to be in the urban area. Will there be no problems?"

Li Hui raised her eyebrows and asked her doubts.

"In the eyes of many people, this is just the meeting place of the Administration Bureau."

Leonard looked at the traffic lights with his head, and explained casually.

"Where is the containment room, there are very few people who know it, and they are all silent."

"Maybe it's because there are many ultra-high-risk ghost stories there."

"That's it."

Li Hui nodded and wiped the straight knife in her hand.


"Abomination is near here?"

In the urban area, Zhao Guangming stepped out of the car, carrying a long and thin box in his hand.

"Hmm... I don't know the exact arrival time, but this is the only way to go."

Li Yu hung up the phone and walked over from behind Zhao Guangming.

"When it's cloudy, the cuttlefish's ability will be enhanced. She is responsible for guarding the surrounding area."

The slender woman nodded, then blended into the shadows.

After taking two breaths of the earth-smelling air, Li Yu seemed to cough twice because of too much force.

"Cough, the air is very humid, and my ability will be compromised, so I will be responsible for evacuating the crowd then."

"The unclean people nearby are also rushing here as soon as possible, and it is estimated that they will start to arrive in half an hour."

Li Yu grinned, his face getting paler.

"Brother Zhao, I have to tell you a few more words."

"We don't know the appearance of the other evil."

"However, according to the news from the headquarters, the two gods are twins, so they should also look like seventeen or eighteen-year-old humans."

"Besides, gods have different-color pupils."

As if afraid that Zhao Guangming would not understand, Li Yu continued to explain.

"It's just that the pupils of the two eyes are different colors."


Zhao Guangming nodded.

"Our main purpose is to persuade him to turn around and leave."

"Once a fight breaks out, many innocent people will be implicated."

Pointing to the hurried pedestrians around, Li Yu looked serious.

"Yo? It's really rare for unclean people to care about the lives of ordinary people."

Zhao Guangming grinned with a cigarette in his mouth.

Trying to dilute the solemn atmosphere with trash talk.

After staying with Wang Jin for too long, he found that he had such a habit inadvertently.

"Ha, there are fools like me everywhere."

Li Yu shook his head and continued.

"Brother Zhao, I know your strength very well, but I still hope you remember it."

"We didn't come here to do our best. That's an extremely dangerous strange story, a real abomination."

Having said that, Li Yu looked at Zhao Guangming.

He felt an extremely dazzling light in the eyes of this sloppy man.

It was a condensed flame of anger and hatred, as if it was going to burn everything.

including yourself.

"Brother Zhao, don't die."

Patting him with a bandaged hand, Li Yu turned and left.

Zhao Guangming did not respond.

He took out the ghost blowing lamp and lit the cigarette that had been in his mouth.


The old man smoked a cigarette and hummed softly.

"The sound of the willow flute blowing in the evening wind..."

“Sunset Mountain Outside Mountain...”

As if recalling the past, his eyes were a little blurred, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.


"This is nothing short of heaven-shattering."

Wang Jin cursed in a low voice.

He was inexplicably upset.

Putting up the collar of his windbreaker, Wang Jin walked quickly into an office building with his head on.

Similar to the Pingan Building, the meeting place of the Administration Bureau is also underground.

But it's underground in the city.

As the saying goes, the big hermit hides in the city.

This way of thinking of putting the meeting place under the eyes of ordinary people is indeed quite brilliant in Wang Jin's opinion.

After all, this is Shangjing, where every inch of land is expensive.

Everyone is exhausted, and no one cares about what is under the building that passes by every day.

"Really stylish."

Wang Jin looked at the door in front of him.

It can only be said that it is worthy of the management bureau, the underground garages here are larger than the company's.

"That's the safety exit, the entrance is here."

Leonard patted Wang Jin's shoulder helplessly. This seemingly omnipotent young man seemed a bit foolish.

"oh oh."

Wang Jin smiled, watching Leonard push the wall hard, enter the password on the secret door, and then reveal the winding stairs.

Something has changed.

Wang Jin knew that it was the Zaratul Great Mystery of the Administration Bureau that was operating.

"It is said that the office building above used to be a big company, but later the boss ran away with the money and became an old man."

"It seems to be called some kind of dragon."

While speaking, Leonard walked slowly down the stairs.

"Huh? Yu what dragon? It seems familiar."

Wang Jin raised his eyebrows, then reached out and pressed the button on the ring.

Blazing white light illuminates the corridor.

"It's quite convenient."

With a heavy shoulder, someone whispered in Wang Jin's ear.

The big mystery made her a little uncomfortable, and there were no ordinary people around her, Hu Xiaobei no longer had any scruples, and directly turned into a little fox and squatted on Wang Jin's shoulder.

"It's really convenient."

Li Hui looked at Wang Jinkong's other shoulder with resentful eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

Go through the narrow stairs and use iris recognition to open another secret door.

Leonard waved at the two men in security uniforms, and they led him to the elevator.

"As expected of the Administration Bureau, the security measures are so strict."

Wang Jin squinted at the muzzles around him, and muttered softly.

He was not sighing, but found something wrong.

A simple meeting place does not need complicated secret passages and careful defense measures.

After all, everyone is a capable person, even if there are unclean people looking for trouble, they can be easily subdued.

Leonard said before that no one knows where the containment room of the Administration is.

Sensing the inspiration warning coming from under his feet, Wang Jin had a faint guess in his heart.

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