Li Wenli kissed the eldest lady on the cheek sullenly: "If you want, I don't mind having weddings in the bridal chamber tonight. It's best to have a baby tomorrow. When Yu Wenjun comes to the door, our children will come out, so show him to death." .”

"I'll go to yours."

Bai Junjun kicked him speechlessly. Maybe she will see Yu Wenjun tomorrow. Could it be that she will give birth to a son tomorrow?

What nonsense are you talking about? She is not a monster.

The fox didn't get angry after being taught a lesson by the young lady, but only bared his teeth and pretended to be soft.

In this way, the two finally got back together.

When they returned to the second gate, they saw that the living room was brightly lit, and everyone was eagerly waiting for the two of them.

Seeing the living room full of people's heads, the two of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was no whole child at the door, otherwise it would be embarrassing to attract this group of people to listen to the wall.

The two looked at each other, let go of each other's hands silently, and returned to the crowd.

Everyone didn't notice any abnormalities, they gathered around them like stars and asked about the palace, did they have enough to eat, was there any danger and so on.

Li Wenli, as a representative, answered one by one.

And Bai Junjun looked at Li Wenli who answered patiently in the crowd, and felt a little dazed.

She also didn't expect to establish a relationship with the fox so suddenly.

She has never been in love, and she has never thought about these issues of love and love, but she has no resistance to the contact of the fox, and she still has some palpitations, which may be the so-called liking.

Before, she thought that the fox had never considered love, but she never thought that he was more decisive than herself.

But the people of the last days originally, thinking of this, Bai Junjun smiled faintly.

At this time, Li Wenli was dealing with the questions from the little radishheads. From the corner of his eye, he saw that the eldest lady lowered her head and smiled inexplicably. He was also greatly affected, and smiled along with her lips.

Mrs. Lin is a perceptive person, when she saw the two flirting with each other when they didn't agree with each other, a suspicion suddenly surged in her heart.

When everyone finished asking questions and was about to wash up and go to bed, Mrs. Lin put her arm around Bai Junjun's shoulder and winked at her.

"Oh, you two finally reconciled?"

Bai Junjun turned his head seriously: "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Come on, your mouth is swollen and you're still trying to be brave here."

"???" Bai Junjun turned his head suddenly, his face turned red little by little.

Mrs. Lin looked at the expressions of the passers-by: "I don't know what's going on with you, but in our time, it was normal for young couples to hug and kiss each other in the street, and you two have been in a cold war for so long, and now your relationship is heating up. Isn't it quite normal?"

"..." Bai Junjun.

I really didn't see that Mrs. Lin is still a seasoned lover.

Mrs. Lin squinted at her: "Of course, if you have any emotional setbacks in the future, remember to tell me. I can be your life mentor and show you the direction of life. I promise, it will not be a problem to handle that cunning little fox."

Li Wenli: ...

When Mrs. Lin was acting as an emotional master, a certain remote palace in the palace was reopened after three years.

In the past few years of war, many palaces have been abandoned due to no occupancy, such as this Qiongfang Palace.

However, it was very shabby back then, and now it is just adding a bit of ruin to the shabby.

Yu Wenjun walked on the dead grass branches and leaves, "creaking" and "creaking" the sound of broken leaves, like a blunt knife, slowly cutting people's hearts.

At this time, the little father-in-law who was leading the way had cold sweat running down his face.

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