Faced with the eyes of everyone seeking knowledge, Li Wenli can only act to the end.

He walked over calmly, glanced at the blueprint roughly, and sure enough, the blueprint here was the same as the one found in Mr. Zou's secret room.

It means that Eunuch Zou often comes here too.

Having said that, I don't know how many people there are in this so-called "first seat", and why both Eunuch Zou and shopkeeper Qiao are dressed like this.

Is this the case for small leadership?

Li Wenli was thinking about the drawings, and those people thought that Li Wenli was trying to figure out a way for them, so they gave up their seats to him one after another.

At this time Li Wenli didn't dare to sit down, after all he had two buttocks.

What if you fail when you sit down?

So Li Wenli politely asked everyone to sit, but he didn't sit.

If the leader does not sit, how can others dare to sit?

Everyone is embarrassed.

After some excuses, everyone simply stood.

While everyone was waiting for the leader to solve the problem, a false leader silently put down the blueprint: "Are there any other problems besides this?"

The implication is that he collected and answered together.

Without hesitation, everyone immediately told other confusions.

"To be honest, there are several places in the new blueprint that I didn't understand."

As the man spoke, he turned over a few new manuscript papers and came out.

Li Wenli glanced at it. The drawings included finished products and parts analysis.

But they are all abstract drawings, except

The finished product looks like a tank, but the analysis diagram is really abstract.

And this tank is not the kind of armored vehicle of later generations.

This is a human-powered tank that is pushed by manpower, but apart from the fact that the engine is manpower, the others are indeed quite post-modern.

I saw that this tank has two layers, the first layer is pawn carts, and the second layer is placed with crossbow carts, isn't it similar to a tank?

Of course, people are asking about the wheel at this time. They don't understand how the roller shaft can complete all-round rotation.

In their cognition, the car can only move forward and backward, and to turn, it has to make a big circle.But it is impossible for the battlefield to have such a large rotation position.

But what is described here is that it can turn deftly and avoid being bulky. Everyone just finds it incredible. How can it be done? ?

For this question, Li Wenli just knows how to do it. After all, the basic quality of every post-apocalyptic person is to be able to repair cars.

However, at this moment, he didn't know whether to say it or not.

Although he plays the role of "Chief", his real identity is an intruder. Let the intruder tell them the correct answer?

Something seems wrong.

Therefore, Li Wenli squinted his eyes and sighed: "I don't really understand. If I knew, I would have made notes on the drawing."

Everyone sighed: "It seems that we can only wait for the head to come over and ask one or two questions."

Big head?

Li Wenli grasped the point keenly.

There really is a small leadership?Besides, the shopkeeper Ganqing Qiao is not the boss of the small leader, is there anyone above him?

Before Li Wenli could ask a question, those craftsmen started discussing again.

"It is said that the master is coming soon, and he will definitely come to patrol the field. Why don't we ask him at that time?"

"good idea."

Li Wenli didn't speak, so he just listened quietly.

Another person shook his head: "Beware of the misunderstood master, all of you are things that only eat and don't think."

"..." After hearing this, everyone sighed immediately: "Isn't this an act of helplessness? In the past, the chief executive made a point or two, but now even the chief executive has no choice. Where else can we find the answer? The node is coming soon. We are also in a hurry if we can’t hand over things.”

This made everyone sigh at the same time.

"If the process is delayed, I'm afraid I will be punished."

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