But after thinking about it again, since this person has been able to hide his name for the fifth prince for many years, why is it so strange to die for him?After all, he underestimated the enemy, thinking that he would be fine after removing the poison in his mouth, huh.

Seeing the appearance of the fake monk seeking benevolence and dedicating himself to death, she couldn't help but sigh: "You don't know, do you? In fact, biting your tongue may not necessarily kill you.

But since you love to torture yourself, it's not easy for me to stop you.

If you don't believe me, stay here and see if you die first or I take this place first.

By the way, if someone recruits, doesn't it mean that your sacrifice was in vain?Oops, I'm going to be a person with a big tongue in the future. "

After Bai Junjun gloated, the fake monk almost died of anger, and the blood from his tongue was also many times more violent.

However, as Bai Junjun said, he only felt a sharp pain in his tongue, but there was no sign of life disappearing at all.

The process of waiting to die is undoubtedly the most terrifying, the feeling of insignificance and powerlessness is about to engulf him.

But the road was chosen by himself, and there was nothing he could do about it. Now that he was tied up, he didn't even have a chance to save himself.

Unexpectedly, after three years of dormancy here, he finally fell into such a situation, the fake monk was hopeless and would rather die than die.


Bai Junjun walked out quickly. She didn't open the door, but jumped directly to the top of the wall. As her vision widened, she could see clearly the guards and monks who were beating hard outside.

However, these monks gathered more and more, and there were about 800 monks.

Seven or eight hundred against one hundred, so what if the Ouchi guards are masters?

In the wheel battle, even the number one in martial arts will be dragged to death, let alone them.

At this time, many guards were injured or collapsed.

Just when they thought they might all be planted here, a clear and clanging sound came from behind.

"All Ouchi guards obey the order and withdraw to the Jingshe of Contentment and Changle."

The Ouchi guards were taken aback for a moment, and they all turned their heads to see a girl in Ge clothes standing on the wall, but they didn't react.

The only person who saw Bai Junjun's handwriting immediately shouted: "Your Highness's handwriting orders, all orders by this girl!"

Although they didn't know where Bai Junjun came from, the guards still chose to believe her. They gave up the battlefield and gathered their teammates to retreat to the door.

The monks naturally refused to allow the guards to run away, but how could Bai Junjun let them succeed.

There was a black crossbow in her hand.

These arrows and crossbows shot hundreds of times and the enemy fell to the ground in response, giving these guards a lot of time to escape.

After a while, all the guards entered the Zhulin Abode.

Bai Junjun gave another order: "Keep the inside and guard the wall, don't let people turn into the urn to catch turtles."

"Miss, what about you?" The Ouchi guard was a little worried.

"Don't worry, these people are not my opponents, just don't drag me back."

After Bai Junjun finished speaking, she jumped off the wall, and when she closed her hands, those sharp arrows that pierced the enemy's heart suddenly flew up.

If Li Wenli's air blade is an invisible strangling machine, then her short arrow is a tangible strangling machine.

At this time, these people were already dead in Bai Junjun's eyes, so she didn't mind letting them see her abilities.

The monks only saw short arrows flying through the air at an unreasonable speed. What was even more frightening was that these flying arrows seemed to have eyes. They could accurately see the hearts of everyone, and then passed through without hesitation.

After seeing the power of the short arrow, everyone fled in all directions.

But what's the use of running away?

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