Daddy Porter

Chapter 178 The Bridge Project Approval!

Although Wu Jingrong's conditions made the directors of the Sam Group feel extremely angry, but considering the reputation and stock price of the Sam Group, these Western giants who once ignored Wu Jingrong finally had to let go of their arrogant attitude. Head, obediently paid Wu Jingrong a compensation of [-] million U.S. dollars, and then successfully signed a settlement agreement with Wu Jingrong.

In the previous Chinese authorities, although some people had heard of patents, no one had ever paid attention to patents. It was not until the Glory Generator Factory was sued by a friend trading company that Chinese officials began to pay attention to patents. At the same time, they also silently Follow this patent lawsuit.

When they learned that Citigroup's retail giant had paid a settlement of [-] million US dollars to the Glory Generator Factory for patent infringement, the officials of the Celestial Dynasty who were silently following the lawsuit were all shocked, and at the same time, Let the officials of the Celestial Dynasty truly realize the importance of protecting intellectual property rights.

In order to make up for the losses, after the Sam Group signed a settlement agreement with the Glory Generator Manufacturing Factory, they immediately sued the Youren Trading Company to court, demanding that the Friends Trading Company compensate the Sam Group for the loss of 20 billion U.S. dollars.

The prosecution of the Sam Group made Koizumi Shiro, who was far away in the heaven, unable to stay any longer, hastily signed an investment agreement with the Jiaocheng District Office, and paid an investment intention fee of 300 million US dollars, and rushed to Back to Japan.

As a result, Koizumi Shiro did not expect that he had just returned to Dongying, and immediately received a letter from the lawyer of Glory Generator Manufacturing Factory, asking Friends Trading Company to pay one billion US dollars in compensation for the infringing news.

The total assets of Friends Trading Company are only a few hundred million. The complaints of the two companies directly led to the declaration of bankruptcy of Friends Trading Company. Because of his greedy theft, Shiro Koizumi could only spend the rest of his life in prison. Of course, these are all things .

At around six o'clock in the evening, Wu Jingrong and his daughter had dinner in the factory cafeteria before returning to Hewan Village by boat.

"Jing Rong! Thanks to your money to build these street lamps, when we go back to the village at night, we no longer need to use flashlights in the dark, and we don't have to worry about getting our shoes dirty because of the mud on the road when we go out on rainy days," the boatman said. Overtaking control of the ferry and sailing towards the other side of the river, a villager standing in front of the bow looked at the brightly lit pier on the other side of the river, thought of everything Wu Jingrong had done for the village, and said gratefully to Wu Jingrong.

Wu Jingrong heard what the villagers said, looked at the pier not far away, thought about the upcoming construction of the bridge, and said to the villager with a smile, "Brother Zheng Long! Although there are street lights installed at this pier, the street lights last for one year. After a year and a half, it will be useless, because the bridge from our village to the other side of the river has been approved by the county, and it will officially start after the Spring Festival.”

"What! Our village is going to build a bridge, Jing Rong! Is this true?" Zheng Long heard the news that Wu Jingrong told him, with a surprised expression on his face, and quickly confirmed the news to Wu Jingrong.

Wu Jingrong heard Zheng Long's question, nodded with a smile, and replied: "Zheng Long! Our factory has paid tens of millions of taxes to the county, and the county's finances are rich. Naturally, we must pay attention to the construction of the bridge. Put it on the agenda, after all, taxation is taken from the people and used for the people!"

Hearing Wu Jingrong's words, Zheng Long thought of the benefits to the people of Guohewan Village after the bridge was built, so he couldn't help saying happily: "If the bridge can be built, it will be much more convenient for us to go to the county in the future, even in the flood season. You don’t have to worry about not having a boat to cross the river.”

When everyone on the ferry was very happy about the construction of the bridge, there was one person on the ferry who was not happy. This person was the boss of the ferry who was in charge of overriding the ferry. Immediately, there was a "click!", and he quickly confirmed to Wu Jingrong: "Boss Wu! Is what you said true? The county really plans to build a bridge?"

Hearing the boatman's answer and seeing the worried expression on the boatman's face, Wu Jingrong naturally understood the other person's expression, and said to the boatman with a smile, "Boss! Now your boat is almost all for the workers in our factory. Service, although you are a regular worker of our factory, you can also be regarded as a non-staff employee of our factory, if the bridge is really opened to traffic, you can come to our factory to work as a porter or security guard."

For the news that Fuchun Creek is going to build a bridge, it has already been uploaded on the wharf during this period of time. The boat owners have lived on the Fuchun Creek for generations, and the ferry is the main source of income for their family. Once the bridge is built, it means Seeing that they were going to lose this income, this was absolutely something that the boss of the ship did not want to see. It was precisely because of this reason that the boss of the ship had such a reaction when he heard the conversation between Wu Jingrong and Zheng Long.

The boss of the ship was still worried that after the bridge was built, their family would lose this income, but Wu Jingrong’s words made the boss very happy. When Wu Jingrong asked him to contract the ferry, he was willing to give up some of his income and contract his family’s ferry. To Wu Jingrong.

Wu Jingrong's promise undoubtedly wiped away the worries of the boss during this period of time, and he thanked Wu Jingrong with great excitement: "Boss Wu! Thank you!"

After the bridge is built, Wu Jingrong intends to enclose land in the village and build a second production area, and then hand over some downstream accessories to the villagers for processing, leading the villagers to a well-off life, and to live a truly good life, so that Guohewan Village became the wealthiest village in Hancheng County.

Soon the ferry stopped at the pier, and Wu Jingrong got off the boat with the drowsy Niu Niu in his arms, and said to a worker who was following him: "Uncle Jin Li! When you go home and pass by my third uncle's house, Please let my third uncle come to my house."

When Wu Jinli heard Wu Jingrong's order, he immediately replied, "Jing Rong! I'll remember. When I pass by the village chief's house later, I'll let him know for you."

Wu Jingrong returned home with his daughter in his arms. Seeing that his daughter was almost falling asleep, he immediately called out to Niu Niu softly, "Baby! Wake up first, we are already home. If you want to sleep, you can go to bed after taking a bath. "

Because of the knowledge of the parallel world, Wu Jingrong pays special attention to personal hygiene. Under the influence of Wu Jingrong, Niuniu also pays great attention to personal hygiene. Although Niuniu is already very sleepy at this time, when she hears Wu Jingrong's order, she still opens her closed door. Eyes, a baby voice said to Wu Jingrong: "Dad! I am not sleepy now, I want to watch TV before going to bed."

Hearing her daughter's request, Wu Jingrong nodded with a smile, and said to her daughter, "Baby! You take a bath first. After you take a bath, Dad will let you watch TV for half an hour."

"Jing Rong! You asked Jin Li to call me over. What's the matter?" Just as Wu Jingrong was helping Niuniu to wash up, he turned and walked out of the bathroom. asked Wu Jingrong.

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