Daddy Porter

Chapter 156 Solve the puzzle!

Regarding similar topics, when Wu Jingrong was in the provincial capital, Chen Ting of the foreign trade department once asked Wu Jingrong. At present, for Wu Jingrong, apart from insufficient factory buildings and too few skilled workers, other problems are not available to Wu Jingrong. What a problem.

Hearing Lin Xianguang's question, Wu Jingrong thought of the factory's biggest difficulty and replied gratefully: "Lin Ji! At present, in addition to the shortage of factory buildings, there is a serious shortage of skilled workers in our factory."

Lin Xianguang heard Wu Jingrong's question, pondered for a while, and said to Wu Jingrong with a serious face: "Boss Wu! Your factory is under construction. After I return to the office, I will call the construction company immediately. Let us send more architects, work overtime, and strive to help you build one or two workshops within a month."

"As for the serious shortage of skilled workers, I will help you contact the county electrical machinery factory and ask if the employees of the electrical machinery factory are willing to come to your factory to work part-time when they are not working on weekdays. In addition, the county vocational middle school By the way, there are two electrical engineering classes this year, and tomorrow I will arrange for these students to go to your factory for internships, but you have to pay some internship fees."

At the beginning, Wu Jingrong invited the employees of the electrical machinery factory to work part-time in the electrical machinery factory. Wu Jingrong first gave a subsidy of one yuan per hour. Later, after seeing the skilled production skills of the masters, he decided to use high salaries to recruit people from the electrical machinery factory. idea.

Because of Wu Jingrong's decision, those part-time workers applied to the electrical machinery factory for suspension without pay, or took sick leave, and then quietly went to work in the generator factory, but the good times didn't last long. Only after a month and a half, the electrical machinery factory The management of the company discovered this incident. In order to prevent similar incidents from happening again, the electrical machinery factory directly issued a document prohibiting its employees from working part-time in the electrical generator factory in any way.

Although Wu Jingrong helped the electrical machinery factory introduce advanced production lines, the management of the electrical machinery factory has always held a hostile attitude towards him because of the poaching of people. As a result, the workers of the electrical machinery factory are afraid to work part-time in the generator factory. He was discovered by the electrical machinery factory and lost his job.

Lin Xianguang is the top leader in Hancheng County. If Lin Xianguang came forward to coordinate, even if the management of the electrical machinery factory had objections to him, he would not dare to obstruct him. In addition, students from vocational middle schools came to the factory for internships, and the shortage of skilled workers could be temporarily alleviated. The problem.

Lin Xianguang's suggestion made Wu Jingrong's eyes light up immediately, and he thanked Lin Xianguang happily: "Lin Ji! If the employees of the electrical machinery factory are willing to come to our factory to work part-time, it will not only temporarily alleviate the problem of our shortage of skilled workers, but also help us Training a large number of skilled workers is simply a good thing that serves multiple purposes.”

Hearing Wu Jingrong's words, Lin Xianguang thought of what the director of the electrical machinery factory had complained to him, and he didn't forget to tell Wu Jingrong: "Boss Wu! I can help you coordinate the part-time job of the employees of the electrical machinery factory, but you have to pay for it." The remuneration cannot be as high as before."

Hearing Lin Xianguang's reminder, Wu Jingrong had an embarrassing expression on his face when he thought about the matter of poaching people from the electrical machinery factory, and pretended to be confused, saying: "At the beginning, I just wanted to ask the employees of the electrical machinery factory to help, so that the three production lines could When everything is running, who would have thought that the employees of the electrical machinery factory would ask the electrical machinery factory to suspend their jobs in order to work part-time with me."

Regarding Wu Jingrong's answer, Lin Xianguang naturally didn't take it seriously. Seeing that Lin Xianguang had achieved his goal, he stood up from the sofa and said to Wu Jingrong with a smile: "Boss Wu! Regarding the question you said, I will help you immediately when I return to the office." If it is implemented, we can keep in touch by phone."

Seeing Lin Xianguang standing up from the sofa, Wu Jingrong quickly stood up, smiled and thanked Lin Xianguang: "Lin Ji! Then I will trouble you."

"Boss! This is the rice noodles cooked for you in the kitchen. Eat some quickly to fill your stomach." After Wu Jingrong sent Lin Xianguang away, he returned to the office. He had just walked into the office, and Song Yu walked into the office with a plate. Respectfully said to Wu Jingrong.

Just now Wu Jingrong took care of the affairs in the factory, but he forgot about his hunger. Now that he heard Song Yu's words and smelled the fragrance, Wu Jingrong suddenly felt hungry, and said to everyone with some embarrassment: "I just took care of the affairs, In the end, I forgot to put something on, and now I smell the aroma of rice noodles, and I really feel a little hungry."

"Dad! Dad! Why don't you go home to see Niu Niu when you come back!" Just as Wu Jingrong was sitting at the desk eating rice noodles, Niu Niu ran into the office from the outside on her short legs and saw sitting in the office. Wu Jingrong, who was eating at the table, complained childishly to Wu Jingrong.

Hearing her daughter's complaints, Wu Jingrong subconsciously looked in the direction of the office door, just in time to see Niuniu and Yaya running into the office one after the other.

Wu Jingrong is an out-and-out daughter slave. He hasn't seen Niu Niu for nearly ten days. He also misses Niu Niu very much. If it wasn't because there are many things in the factory that require him to make decisions, he would have gone home to accompany his daughter. up.

Hearing his daughter's complaint, Wu Jingrong quickly put down the chopsticks in his hand, stood up from the desk, hugged Niu Niu who ran to him, and did not forget to kiss Niu Niu's immature face, happily Said: "My little baby! You miss me to death."

"Hmph! Dad lied to me. Dad doesn't want Niuniu at all." Hearing Wu Jingrong's words, Niuniu was not happy because of Wu Jingrong's actions. Instead, she pouted and complained dissatisfiedly about Wu Jingrong.

When Wu Jingrong heard what his daughter said, a wise look flashed in his eyes, and he said to Niuniu with a smile: "Baby! Who said that Dad doesn't want you, Dad specially bought you and Yaya from a very, very far place. A singing doll."

When Niuniu heard Wu Jingrong mentioning the singing doll, an expression of ecstasy appeared on her immature face, and she quickly asked Wu Jingrong, "Dad! Is what you said true? Did you really buy Niuniu a singing doll?" doll?"

Seeing that his daughter had been successfully comforted, Wu Jingrong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly put his daughter on the ground, walked quickly to his suitcase, put the suitcase on the table, and took it out of the suitcase. Produce two identical dolls.

"Little rabbit, be good! Open the door! If you don't open it, you can't open it...!"

Wu Jingrong stretched out his hand to turn on the switch on the doll, touched the doll lightly, and a beautiful children's song came from the doll immediately.

When the two little girls heard the nursery rhyme from the doll, their expressions of joy appeared on their faces, and they shouted to Wu Jingrong in a childlike voice: "Father! (Godfather!) I (Yaya) want a doll!"

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