Everyone knows you only love her

Chapter 362 He Can't Make Up For Her Hurt, And He Has No Choice

Qi Jingyan took out a plate of photos from his pocket and handed it to the police, and glanced at Ling Feng by the way, "Go and bring them in."

"Yes, President."

Ling Feng walked out quickly.

When he came in, there were two men behind him, one of them was dressed in elite clothes, wearing glasses, and he was gentle.The other was dressed casually and yawned as he walked forward.

Su Yao stared at the two strange men in front of her, and sneered at Qi Jingyan, "Ayan, you really do everything you can. In order to help that bitch get rid of the crime, you even found people you don't know."

"It's terrible to be uneducated. Don't you even watch TV? This is a national-level forensic doctor. In short, he is an expert in human anatomy." The policeman expressed anger at Suyao's ignorance.

They often rely on this forensic doctor to solve cases, but it has to be a major case, otherwise there is no chance to ask this expert to come forward.

"Ayan, long time no see." The man walked up to Qi Jingyan, reached out his hand and shook hands with him.

Zhuang Henan glanced at the man and interrupted their conversation.

"Get over it quickly. This patient needs to go back to the nursing home as soon as possible. She won't last long." Zhuang Henan said with a frown.

The man opened the briefcase and handed the documents to the police.

"This is Mr. Qi's autopsy report, which clearly shows two wounds. The first is a stab wound, and the second is a rib inserted into the lung lobe, and there are sharp small conical marks on the chest cavity. This is The heel of the high-heeled shoe caused it, that is to say, according to the physical condition of the person involved at the time, the stab wound was a minor injury, and the real fatal injury was the second injury."

The man pushed his glasses and made a professional analysis on the spot.

After listening to the man's words, Lu Hui didn't feel relieved, on the contrary, she still felt guilty.

"Did Grandpa's death really be caused by a broken rib inserted into a lung?" She said sadly, looking at the man with tears in her eyes.

The man pointed to the data report in the policeman's hand, "According to my professional anatomy, the truth shown by the autopsy is this."

After listening to the man's words, Su Yao reorganized her memory, remembering that in order to cover up the fact of the bone marrow transplant, even if Mr. Qi was injured, she still stood on the sidelines and did step on his wound with a high-heeled shoe, but she didn't expect that it would cause his ribs to be broken. Hurt the lung lobes.

"Just relying on a tattered report as evidence? A Yan, let me tell you what's good about you."

She is still unrepentant and refuses to admit her mistakes.

Ling Feng pushed the man who was yawning, and the man woke up more than half of his drowsiness in an instant, "I have something to say, when Mr. Qi's body was transported to the funeral home, in order to let the family members lower their vigilance, I buried him in his body. When he was brought in, I found a red mark of high heels on his clothes. I heard that he died of an assassination, so I took a photo and wanted to blackmail the Qi family. In the end, Dean Zhuang bought it. If you want I want clothes, and I still have them! The clothes are in a sealed bag, and no environmental clues have been destroyed.”

After listening to everyone's testimonies, Lu Hui finally had a comprehensive understanding of Su Yao's attack on Mr. Qi.

She knew that Qi Jingyan was waiting for this day, but this day came too late.

In the end, Ling Feng handed over the plastic bag she was carrying to the police, "Inside are the pair of high heels she threw away back then.

"Come on! Handcuff and interrogate after hearing."

The police took the report and evidence and talked to the team members.

"Yes, Captain."

Two policewomen stepped forward and handcuffed Suyao's hands.

Chen Xiuxiu stood there with a blank face. She seemed to have thought of something, stepped forward, raised her hand and slapped Su Yao heavily on the face, "You bastard, you dare to lie to me. Qi Yu's bone marrow You lied about the donation, and you lied about the death of the old man, and I will make your Song family pay the price."

"No, mother, listen to me, Ayan is protecting that bitch. Only you and I are of the same mind, mother, look at me." Su Yao cried and shouted at Chen Xiuxiu.

Chen Xiuxiu raised her hand, interrupting Suyao's mournful cry, "Please call me Mrs. Qi from now on."

When Su Yao heard her words, she felt as if she had been thrown into the [-]th floor of hell, and her whole body suddenly limp into a ball.

Thinking that she was about to be imprisoned, she cried out, "Ayan, you can't treat me like this, we are childhood sweethearts who grew up together."

Qi Jingyan turned a deaf ear to it, and glanced at Ling Feng, "You can arrange the rest of the matter, and prepare by the way, I will hold a press conference tomorrow to clarify the matter of Grandpa being killed."

"Yes, President."

Ling Feng took away the yawning man and followed the police to go through the formalities.

Chen Xiuxiu was carrying her bag, she changed her embarrassment just now, and walked in front of Qi Jingyan, "Are you coming back tonight?"

"I want to go back." He looked up at Lu Hui again, "You go back too, and bring Xing Ran, not for anything else, for the sake of how well Grandpa treated you, you should go back and serve him A stick of incense."

Lu Hui didn't refuse, and when they were talking, she walked up to Aunt Lin.

"Aunt Lin, you go back first, I will visit you another day."

She squatted down and looked up at Aunt Lin who was sitting in the wheelchair.

"Okay, young lady, you have to take care."

Aunt Lin said with a sob.

"Yes." Lu Anhui was very calm.

As soon as Lu Hui got up, A Tao stood not far away holding Lu Xingran.

Lu Xingran was probably starving, and was crying loudly at this moment. It was the first time Chen Xiuxiu saw her little grandson, and she quickly stepped forward to hug him.

A Tao said with a look of embarrassment, "Madam, you can't hug the young master without the permission of the young lady."

She was rejected and couldn't hold back her face.

"Why can't I hug him? This is also the young master of the Qi family." Chen Xiuxiu refused to give up, and she still didn't forget to say harsh words, "If she wants to fight for custody, she has no right to fight with the Qi family."

Lu Hui stepped forward calmly, and took the crying son from A Tao's arms. He was so hungry that he rubbed his small face against her chest.

"What qualifications does the Qi family have to compete with me for custody? Did you take care of me during confinement, or did you contribute to the confinement meals I ate? Or did you hug my son every late night when my son was crying? Have passed him, coaxed him, changed his diaper? Don't just open your mouth, you are also a woman, why bother to say something that embarrasses women? With the bone marrow I donated to Qi Yu, your Qi family will treat me for the rest of your life. Thank you Dade." Lu Hui hugged Lu Xingran and patted his son's back, looking at his son suddenly became gentle.

After hearing Lu Hui's words, Chen Xiuxiu's face was embarrassed. She wanted to say something, but Qi Jingyan grabbed her wrist.

"Mother, enough is enough. Do you really think that all the things I did before were because of my feelings for Suyao? Do you want to be a filial son to you?"

He raised his head, his black eyes stared at Chen Xiuxiu coldly.

Chen Xiuxiu looked stunned, "Isn't it?"

"From the beginning to the end, what I want is the video in Su Yao's hand, so I have no choice but to hurt her. Although everything is not from my original intention, it is an established fact that the harm has been done."

Qi Jingyan spoke frankly to Chen Xiuxiu.

At this time, Lu Anhui had already left with Lu Xingran in his arms, and did not hear a word he said.

"I don't understand, why do you do this?" Chen Xiuxiu still couldn't see what Qi Jingyan was thinking.

Qi Jingyan pressed the button of the electric wheelchair and said in a low voice, "You don't need to understand the rest."

After all, the person who understands me is no longer there.

He looked at the place where the car was parked. Lu Ani was sitting in the car. They had no communication at the police station.

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