Rebirth of Gold Star Broker

Chapter 57, Birthday

Before time travel and rebirth, Lin Feng was an orphan and grew up in an orphanage.

So Lin Feng didn't know that he was born that day, nor did he have a birthday.

The date of birth on his ID card was only the date when he entered the orphanage, not his real birthday.

Lin Feng didn't have the habit of celebrating his birthday, and he wouldn't let others celebrate his birthday.

Once an employee tried to flatter him by sending him a cake on his "birthday".

As a result, Lin Feng was furious and immediately fired the employee.

Because for Lin Feng, the date of birth on the ID card is the day when he officially became an orphan.

Such a day is not worth celebrating at all.

Later, no one dared to wish him a happy birthday on his birthday.

After time travel and rebirth, Lin Feng never thought about this problem.

Today, Xu Youyou suddenly celebrated his birthday, which shocked him.

Xu Youyou saw that Lin Feng was expressionless and looked very serious.

Lin Feng was angry because she messed up tonight's dinner.

She lowered her head like a child who did something wrong: "I'm sorry, I really never cook, at most I can only cook noodles, and I often cook them into mush..."

At this moment, Lin Feng smiled.

It's true that Xu Youyou's cooking skills are bad enough, she cooked the noodles into lumps last time.

Even so, she could still think of celebrating her own birthday.

What else is there to be angry about?

A moment ago, Lin Feng figured it out.

Now that I have been reborn in this world, I should live in this world well.

The former self did not have a birthday, but the owner of this body does.

Since I have inherited this body, I have to inherit it along with his birthday, so I can live well.

From now on, today is his Lin Feng's birthday.

"Hey, what are you laughing at? I am the eldest lady of the Xu family. I usually don't touch the spring water with my ten fingers. Today I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and cook for you. You are still laughing. Do you have a conscience?"

Seeing Xu Youyou's angry look, Lin Feng smiled even more happily.

"You're still laughing..." Xu Youyou stared at Lin Feng with those eyes, as if she wanted to eat Lin Feng up.

"Okay, okay, stop laughing... I just remembered the noodles you cooked last time, it was absolutely horrible, horrible..."

Xu Youyou stomped her feet angrily: " bullied me."

"Okay, I really don't laugh anymore, I just feel happy today, no one has ever given me a birthday, so I am happy."

"No one celebrated your birthday, is it true?" Xu Youyou looked at Lin Feng with big eyes.

"Don't believe it."

Lin Feng turned his head aside.

"Well, I believe you."

After finishing speaking, Xu Youyou looked at the motionless fish that had been scalded to death by the oil on the ground, and said, "It seems that I won't be able to eat tonight's dinner."

Lin Feng also glanced at the fish on the ground, then at the almost burnt dishes that Xu Youyou had prepared in front of him, and asked, "Is there any uncooked dish?"

"No... there are still a few eggs and noodles left. It's auspicious to eat longevity noodles on your birthday."

"Okay, let's eat noodles tonight."

"Eat noodles on your birthday? How can this work?" Xu Youyou exclaimed.

"It's okay, I'm happy."

Lin Feng rolled up his sleeves and walked into the kitchen.

He first poured out Xu Youyou's fried vegetables, and then threw the "undead" fish on the ground into the trash can.

In addition to noodles and eggs, Lin Feng also found some Xu Youyou's leftover vegetables, and there was chicken soup in the rice cooker.

It's just that the chicken soup tastes very salty, it should be because there is too much salt.

With these things, Lin Feng can cook noodles.

He boiled the water first, and when the water boiled, he put the noodles down.

After cooking for a while, scoop out the noodles and put them in ice water.

"Is it necessary to use ice water to cook the noodles?" Xu Youyou asked in surprise as she watched from the side.

"This is called super-cold river. Through the principle of heat expansion and contraction, the noodles taste stronger."

"Oh, so that's the case." Xu Youyou nodded.

After putting the noodles in the ice water, Lin Feng started preparing the toppings again.

For some leftover vegetables, Lin Feng put them in the pot and stir-fried them over high heat, and then put the sauce into them to simmer.

The topping is ready.

On the other hand, some water was added to the chicken soup and it was boiled, so it was not so salty.

Lin Feng made a soup base with chicken broth, and then put the noodles in it to simmer for a while.

The noodles were served out, filled two bowls, and topped with toppings.

Lin Feng also specially fried two eggs.

The noodles are ready.

Xu Youyou looked at the two bowls of noodles cooked by Lin Feng, they were steaming hot and fragrant.

He sighed: "Sure enough, you have to step in at the end."

"Hurry up and eat it, it will be cold if you don't eat it." Lin Feng picked up the chopsticks and said.

"Okay." Xu Youyou also picked up the chopsticks, and put the eggs in her bowl to Lin Feng: "It's your birthday today, it's auspicious to eat two eggs."

"No, I'll fry it again." Lin Feng wanted to put the egg back to Xu Youyou.

Xu Youyou hurriedly removed her bowl.

"No, I'm losing weight."

Now that Xu Youyou said so, Lin Feng will not refuse.

The two huddled around a small table to eat noodles.

Lin Feng happened to be hungry, and Xu Youyou guessed that he was also hungry after working for a long time.

The two of them didn't speak, and finished the noodles in the bowl in a hurry.

After drinking the last mouthful of noodle soup in the bowl, Xu Youyou put the bowl on the table and let out a satisfied breath.

"I'm so full. By the way... Lin Feng, you are really good at cooking noodles. If you don't become a star manager, even if you open a noodle restaurant, you won't be starved to death."

"Then I'll accept your words, when I can no longer survive in the entertainment industry, I'll open a noodle restaurant."

"That's okay, I will definitely help every day."

"My noodle shop lacks a proprietress, why don't you think about it?"

"You...hate it." Xu Youyou blushed.

Lin Feng smiled.

It's interesting to tease Xu Youyou for nothing. From the eyes of his old driver for many years, it can be seen that Xu Youyou should be the kind of girl who has never been in a relationship.

Otherwise, she wouldn't blush after being so teased.

When he was chatting with Xu Youyou before, he heard her say that his family's tutoring is very strict.

From junior high school to high school, basically I can only do my homework and study at home at night, and I am not allowed to go out to play.

Even if you go out, you have to come back on time at nine o'clock in the evening.

When she was a sophomore in high school, a boy wrote her a love letter, but her mother found out.

Going to school is full of ups and downs.

There are a lot of things like this, and Xu Youyou used them to complain about her parents.

So after graduating from high school, Xu Youyou made a rebellious decision.

She refused the admission qualification of a famous foreign university that her parents helped her find, and chose to take the college entrance examination by herself, and was admitted to Shanghai City University.

When her parents learned of her decision, they were so angry that she moved out of the house that night

Move to this old crappy little house left to her by her grandmother.

She said that it means that when she grows up, she will go her own way, not the one arranged by her parents.

Lin Feng admired her unique temperament very much.

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