Rebirth of Gold Star Broker

Chapter 391, Unexpected Accident

(Tonight is a big chapter, which may be nearly 5 words, so be late and hand in the homework first.)

Lin Feng changed his normal routine, he didn't stare at the data in the live broadcast room on the monitor.

Instead, sit down, close your eyes, and quietly listen to the once-familiar music.

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the previous world.

Both Zhou Jielun and Cai Yilin were singers he used to like very much, not to say that the music of other singers is not good.

He used many songs of world singers, but only Zhou Jielun represented youth for a long time in his life.

This "Chivalry" was written in his prime and is full of his unparalleled talent.

It's just a pity that Lin Feng didn't listen to the next few albums much.

When Du Wen finished singing the last line.

The audience at the concert gave her applause and cheers again.

From the beginning of the concert to now, the applause and cheers have never stopped.

Because from the beginning to the present, every minute and every second of this concert has been full of surprises and sincerity.

The audience are not fools. They may not know much about music, but they can tell which songs are good.

In the opening half hour, they experienced a fantastic half hour.

The same goes for the audience in the live broadcast room.

It is now [-]:[-], the most golden time, the peak period for users to go online.

At this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded 700 million.

Almost half of the users of the tok live broadcast platform were attracted to this live broadcast room.

In addition to the popularity of the tok live broadcast platform and specially sent advertisements to help attract traffic, there are also many people who saw related content in the circle of friends, on Weibo, or on other social platforms. concert.

Du Wenqing's live broadcast room has actually exceeded the number of people it can accommodate. If it weren't for Tok's official technical staff, who worked overtime and added three temporary servers, the live broadcast room would have exploded by now.

After the song "Chivalry", the knights in armor retreated one after another, and so did the supporting dancers.

The stage was empty again, only Du Wenqing was alone.

But even if she was the only one, standing there, her aura was enough to hold the whole audience.

The spotlight was all on her.

When the previous music ended, the new accompanying music began without leaving a gap.

The next song is "Flammable and Explosive", which was released as the first song a month ago, although many people have listened to it for countless times.

Although this song has been in the top three on the new song listening list for a month since it was released, it is still in the top three.

But this is the first time to sing "Flammable and Explosive" live.

This song is very individual, with a kind of arrogance that blooms alone, which is especially suitable for Du Wenqing.

This song has been covered by many singers, and Lin Feng also likes it very much.

Especially the lazy voice of the song and the layers of music, there are both madness and vicissitudes of life.

It's like facing an unpredictable but changeable woman.

You can't help but be attracted to her.

So when Lin Feng chose the first song, the first song that came to his mind was "Flammable and Explosive".

Standing on the stage, Du Wenqing was wearing a black European court evening dress and a crown on her head. The spotlight was on her, making her extraordinarily charming.

In the sound of music, Du Wenqing smiled slightly, and she took off the crown on her head.

Her long, wavy hair was draped over her shoulders, and she suddenly had a lazy temperament.

This kind of laziness, the charming temperament that only a mature woman can exude.

Like a cat sleeping on a cushion in the afternoon at sunset.

The eyes of the surrounding audience lit up, and they cheered for Du Wenqing's actions.

Amidst the cheers, Du Wenqing always had a smile that was not a smile, and her temperament was particularly crazy.

She leaned over to the microphone and began to sing.

"Hope that I'm a madman and hope that I'm not alone

Miss me glamorous and also miss me frivolous and vulgar

You want me to be sunny and my style is not swaying

Make fun of me crying and laughing, no one knows how to play me, my heart is like a dead tree

Give me dreams and give me quick sobriety

Sleep with me and spend time with me without mercy


On the stage, Du Wenqing's breath was very steady, and she performed the song "Flammable and Explosive" to her heart's content.

This song is also a portrayal of her heart.

Being a celebrity entertainer has all kinds of rules and regulations, how many people can truly be themselves?

She sang to her heart's content on the stage, and the audience below listened quietly.

At this moment, there is no complicated performance, but simple music can also immerse people in it.

When Du Wenqing sang the last note on the stage, the song "Flammable and Explosive" soon ended.

As the rhythm ended, the audience in the audience also gave warm applause.

She stood on the stage with a smile and waved to the fans in the distance.

The fans burst into cheers.

"I'll drink some water first." Du Wenqing said, beckoning to the side.

At this time, the staff brought her a bottle of water.

She unscrewed the mineral water bottle, took a sip, and put the bottle aside.

Then she walked to an area of ​​the stage.

In that area, there are already crews bringing guitar bass and jazz drums to the stage, as well as a piano.

A band of musicians and a piano for instrumental accompaniment are already in place.

There is no doubt that the next song is rock and roll.

Du Wenqing stood in front of the band with a microphone in front of her.

"Next, I want to present you with a rather special song. Why do I say it is rather special? Because my creator and I have a very tragic story about the origin of this song.

The protagonist of this story is a boy named Ye Yongzhi. Teachers and parents say that he is a very gentle boy. He just went to junior high school, but because he likes to wear girls’ clothes, he is discriminated against by his classmates because of transvestism. And bullying, finally unbearable psychological pressure, and finally committed suicide in the school toilet. "

When Du Wenqing said this, she fell silent.

The audience at the concert didn't know why she told such a story.

Du Wen paused and continued: "The author of this song said that writing a song is to appeal to everyone to respect those who are different from you in life, not just what you like to wear, but also what you like. Gender, what kind of person you want to be, and even what kind of food you like to eat.

There are so many different things in this world.

Different beliefs, different sexual orientations, different outlooks on life, different interests and hobbies, it is because there are so many differences in this world that it will be colorful. If everyone looks the same, there is only one color, How boring the world would be.


She took a deep breath and shouted to everyone in front of her: "So, everyone who is listening to a song, please don't care about other people's eyes, as long as you don't cause trouble and distress to others, then you can be brave and be yourself , Tell yourself that you are a unique flower in this world.

Next, this song "Rose Boy" is for everyone. "

After Du Wenqing finished what she wanted to say, the piano accompaniment sounded behind her.

There is a kind of pathos in the sound of the piano.

Du Wenqing seemed to be infected by this pianist, her expression was focused and she looked forward.

The story she just told was also heard from Lin Feng, but this did not affect her being moved by the story behind the song.

This song is also one of the songs she most wants to sing tonight.

"Who put whose soul into whose body?

who took whose body

to imprison oneself

Troubled times always lack whispers

What kind of beauty will arouse jealousy

You are not guilty, you are the world

born innocent

you don't need to be sorry


I don't know if the story Du Wenqing told just now also infected the audience present, or the singing voice matched the story just now, revealing a faint sadness.

The audience at the scene quietly listened to Du Wenqing's performance of this song.

The audience in the live broadcast room also changed from the usual excitement, with fewer bullet screens and comments.

There are only sporadic bullet screens passing by.

“one day i will be you baby boy , and you gon ' be me

If the noise doesn't stop

let me be quiet with you

i wish i could hug you , till you're really really be ing free


When singing here, the piano sound made a short pause.

Then, the guitar and bass drum behind him sounded at the same time, and Du Wenqing's singing rose again with the bursting accompaniment.

"What rose has no thorns?

The best revenge is beauty

The most beautiful bloom is a counterattack

don't let anyone change you

you are you or you are

someone will love you with all their heart


Du Wenqing put all her emotions into this song. On the stage, with the explosive accompaniment, she soared to the highest pitch.

On the display screen behind, a large area of ​​roses began to bloom, and at the same time, the machine above the head began to throw red rose petals.

On stage, at this moment surrounded by rose petals.

Under the stage, several blowers blew.

The rose petals fluttered on the stage with the singing, and echoed with the singing voice full of vitality on the stage, and the stage effect exploded instantly.

The audience at the scene froze for a few seconds, and then cheered like a mountain and a tsunami.

The audience in the live broadcast room are also constantly refreshing the barrage "too hot"... "Exploding the stage"... "This effect is simply explosive"...

This stage effect was specially designed, and a lot of money was spent on the stage effect tonight.

Lin Feng has always believed that a concert should be a double enjoyment of hearing and vision. If there is only hearing, then the audience will easily find it boring.

Especially in today's era of highly developed Internet, it is easier for videos to spread on the Internet with good stage effects.

So tonight's stage was designed with many small details.

It's not too exaggerated, but it can set off the song just right.

There was a rain of rose petals dancing on the stage. Du Wenqing stood there in a black dress, surrounded by a rain of petals. The photographer switched the camera to a close-up shot, and the visual effect was even more explosive.

After receiving auditory and visual sensory stimulation, some caring people began to really listen to the emotions conveyed in this song.

Especially the phrase "Which rose has no thorns? The best revenge is beauty", which directly sang to the hearts of many people.

There is an interesting saying on the Internet that strange animals are protected and strange people are excluded.

Many times, we often play this strange role in this world, perhaps because of different hobbies, or because of different beliefs, or different sexual orientations, etc...

As long as you do not conform to the mainstream of this world, then you will be rejected by this world.

But if you think about it carefully, is it necessarily a mistake not to be mainstream?

We always live in the rules of most people, trying to make ourselves a "normal" person, but we don't know what the boundary between "normal" and "abnormal" is.

It is precisely because this song contains a very vigorous vitality, and at the same time conveys a kind of upward value that tolerates others.

So this song "Rose Boy" has a higher level of structure than other songs.

In the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room, there were a lot of long comments all of a sudden.

Netizen "Leaf Suifeng": When I was in junior high school, I suffered from depression because of my parents' divorce. I dare not tell anyone. My classmates thought I was a strange and out-of-group person, just like the one in the story. Like the protagonist, I once had the idea of ​​committing suicide. The difference is that I am still fighting against the world. Thank you for bringing me such a song, which suddenly made me look forward to next spring.

Netizen "Ke Chunhuakai": Thank you for letting me hear this song. I cried while holding my mobile phone. I am a relatively introverted person. I like to be alone, enjoy my own space, and like to watch alone. The sky is in a daze, I like to watch the ants on the ground carry things, I like to listen to music and read books alone, but people say that I am lonely and weird. What makes me most desperate is that my teacher and my family also feel the same way, that I am abnormal, I don't understand why liking being alone is a mistake?

Netizen "Can't beat my gossip": I am the kind of feminine boy in the story.The difference is that I really feel like I am a girl, just like the wrong canning in the food factory, the workers mistakenly put oranges in the canned yellow peaches, God put the soul of a girl into the body of a boy , For a long time, I have been self-doubting and self-denying, and my family members also think that there is something wrong with me, and want to send me to the hospital for treatment.I cried when I heard this song just now, I couldn't cry... I like the lyrics in it very much, "Don't let anyone change you, you can be you or you, someone will love you wholeheartedly ", I will definitely live well.


This was the first time that so many long comments appeared in the live broadcast room.

Then, as some people spoke bravely, more and more people followed suit.

More and more listeners are communicating below.

On the Internet, some people began to discuss the song "Rose Boy", and everyone was talking about their experience of being a minority.

In fact, whoever it is will be a minority at some point.

Some minority groups are even discriminated against and excluded in this society. They dare not express their true selves. In order to please others, they can only wear masks to hide their true selves.

Some who don't know how to hide can only be regarded as weird people, or even sick people.

They dare not speak out, and no one speaks for them.

Those who can't bear this pressure, some even go on the road of committing suicide.

Lin Feng chose this song "Rose Boy" for Du Wenqing's album, not just because of the high quality of this song.

Of course, the quality of this song is very high. It was the best song of the year at the Golden Melody Awards in 2018, and it was sung by countless singers in the following years.

Lin Feng chose this song "Rose Boy", the most important purpose is that he hopes to convey some different values.

When Lin Feng and Li Xinran were auditioning in Xinze City, they were chatting by the fountain.

Li Xinran once asked Lin Feng such a question. She asked Lin Feng what his dream was.

Lin Feng's answer at the time was yes.

He hopes that because of his existence, the world will be different.

Lin Feng chose this song "Rose Boy", the most important purpose is that he hopes to convey some different values.

When Lin Feng and Li Xinran were auditioning in Xinze City, they were chatting by the fountain.

Li Xinran once asked Lin Feng such a question. She asked Lin Feng what his dream was.

Lin Feng's answer at the time was yes.

He hopes that because of his existence, the world will be different.

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