Rebirth of Gold Star Broker

Chapter 326, Are you threatening me?

In the autumn and winter afternoons, the sun is a bit warm, but the temperature in Haicheng is very low, and you can still feel the chill when standing outdoors.

Lin Feng got off the taxi, and he glanced at his watch.

Fourteen o'clock sharp.

He was resting in Galaxy Entertainment's office, but after receiving a call from Zou Qinghong, he called a taxi and rushed over.

The purpose of Galaxy Entertainment was originally to handle the brokerage contract of the Seine 48 group, so the company's address is close to the Seine 48 Theater.

As for Yinhe Media Company, they found an office near the TV station for the Ghost Blowing Lantern project.

These two companies belong to Lin Feng's company, and there is a distance of more than 20 kilometers between them.

Because they are all newly rented offices, we haven't had time to move the two companies together.

It took Lin Feng four to ten minutes to get from here to there.

When I received a call from Zou Qinghong, it was at one o'clock, and Lin Feng was eating.

Zou Qinghong said that an uninvited guest came to visit and asked to see Lin Feng by name.

She told Lin Feng that the person who came was a reporter from a gossip weekly named Cheng Shujie, and he had some things to show Lin Feng.

The reporter of Gossip Weekly is also the paparazzi.

Zou Qinghong didn't specify what Cheng Shujie brought. She said that Lin Feng had to come and see and deal with it in person.

After Lin Feng hung up the phone, he hailed a taxi and came over.

After Lin Feng got off the car, he went straight into the building and took the elevator up to the seventh floor.

After getting out of the elevator, Lin Feng saw Zou Qinghong waiting for him outside the elevator.

Zou Qinghong has always been a very calm and calm person, but to make her panic like this, it must be quite an unusual person.

When Zou Qinghong saw Lin Feng coming, she said, "I'm in the reception room. I want to see you by name. I can only talk to you about this matter."

Lin Feng nodded and replied, "Understood."

"I'll make you a pot of tea." Zou Qinghong said.

"No need." Lin Feng directly vetoed Zou Qinghong.

He looked at Zou Qinghong who was in a daze, smiled, and said, "I probably know why the other party is here. The paparazzi came to the door, basically because they had some shameful information about us, so they came to negotiate a deal."

Zou Qinghong looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

Seeing Zou Qinghong's expression, Lin Feng knew he was right.

He has been an agent for 20 years and has dealt with the paparazzi a lot.

With his many years of experience, when the paparazzi raise their feet, Lin Feng will know whether they are shitting or peeing.

He smiled slightly and said, "These paparazzi are not worthy of drinking the tea made by Hong Jie."

Zou Qinghong was a little surprised.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me, and you can do whatever you want."

I don't know if it came from Lin Feng's strong self-confidence, which made Zou Qinghong, who was a little panicked, calm down.

She nodded heavily.

When Lin Feng came to the reception room, he glanced inside first.

He saw a middle-aged man wearing a brown leather jacket, with short hair and a pair of black-rimmed glasses sitting inside.

There is also a portfolio on the table.

The middle-aged man happened to be looking out too.

The eyes of the two intersected at this moment, like swords, "colliding" sparks.

A smile appeared on Lin Feng's face, and then he walked into the reception room.

He came to Cheng Shujie and looked down at him.

Lin Feng said solemnly: "You are Cheng Shujie, right? I am Lin Feng. What do you want from me?"

Lin Feng knew that when dealing with these paparazzi, he couldn't lose his momentum.

You have to be tougher than the opponent to be able to suppress the opponent.

Besides, this is Yinhe Media, which was originally his territory.

Cheng Shujie was really taken aback by Lin Feng's aura at first.

You must know that their paparazzi usually come to the door with fierce information in their hands.

The bosses of the entertainment companies, or managers, or the person in charge of the stars, are very polite when they see them.

As soon as this Lin Feng came up, he used a kind of momentum to overwhelm others.

Generally can do this kind of thing.

Either newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and they don't know the meaning of paparazzi's visit.

Either he has strong self-confidence and ability to settle the next thing.

Cheng Shujie vaguely felt that the young man in front of him should belong to the second situation.

But as the senior "dog king" of the paparazzi, he will never be suppressed by the young man in front of him.

Cheng Shujie also smiled and said, "You are younger than I imagined, should I call you Teacher Lin, Boss Lin, or Shuangmu?"

Cheng Shujie asked three names in a row, and even Lin Feng knew the "Shuangmu" used in composing lyrics and music.

He was showing Lin Feng that he knew a lot about Lin Feng.

"You don't have to be so polite, we don't know each other very well, you can just call me Lin Feng."

Lin Feng's tone was very calm.

"Lin Feng..." Cheng Shujie read the name once, and said with a smile: "Well, I can see that you don't welcome me very much, but I will definitely come this time, because I have some special things in my hand. I want to show you something, and talk to you about a deal by the way."

"Deal?" Lin Feng smiled and shook his head: "I see that you are not here to discuss a deal, but to extort something from me."

"Hey Mr. Lin, don't talk nonsense, it's just that we happen to have some information and photos in our hands, and your company doesn't want to publish them, and I'm here to talk to you, how to keep these photos from being circulated. "

Cheng Shujie gently pushed the document bag on the table towards Lin Feng.

"You look at the things in the portfolio first, and I think you will change your mind."

Lin Feng glanced at the file bag on the table, he picked it up and opened it, and poured out a stack of photos from it.

He glanced at the photo in his hand, his expression became a little dignified.

Lin Feng frowned: "This is..."

Cheng Shujie smiled slightly and said: "Your Galaxy Entertainment's artist Li Xinran was tricked into taking some unsightly photos when she was playing a supporting role. The scale is quite large. If these photos are circulated, I'm afraid it will be good for her. , it’s good for your company, it will definitely bring bad influence.”

Lin Feng looked at the photo in his hand and remained silent.

Cheng Shujie continued: "Li Xinran, this little girl, won the Golden Film Award for Best Newcomer not long ago, she is such a good seed, she will have a bright future, if bad news spreads at this time, her future will be ruined.

Presumably your company has also invested a lot of time and money in her, hoping that she can grow up in the future and become a first-line star.

It would be a pity if the future was ruined because of these photos at this time. "

He looked at Lin Feng and smiled slightly: "Do you understand what I mean?"

At this moment, Cheng Shujie regained the feeling of being a "dog king" and coming to negotiate with entertainment companies.

In his tone, it seemed that he had already grasped the young man in front of him.

Lin Feng looked at the photo in his hand, and then at Cheng Shujie.

He laughed suddenly.

Just put those photos in your hand back on the table.

He looked at Cheng Shujie like a clown.

He said it very lightly.

"That's it? You don't think you can threaten me with these photos, do you?"

After finishing speaking, he shook his head with a smile, and said two words in a tone of hatred.


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