Rebirth of Gold Star Broker

Chapter 169: Variety Show Battle!sparkling sister

Although Sun Mengchen's performance was not very brilliant, it also touched the enthusiasm of the fans.

Especially the opening scene is singing and dancing.

The barrage in the live broadcast room applauded.

There are also many messages in the comment area.

"Although Sun Mengchen was born as a host, his singing and dancing skills are still acceptable."

"I think Sun Mengchen should be able to occupy a place in the top sixteen."

"Chenchen, looking forward to your next performance."


This Sun Mengchen was originally ranked No.18 in popularity, but rose to No.13 in a blink of an eye.

The scene of the entertainer's lounge quickly cut back to the stage.

The master of ceremonies announced the next contestant again.

The contestant Shen Bingye who played this time is also a related account of hn TV station.

A few years ago, he participated in the hn TV audition and made his debut. Although he has been popular in the past few years, as long as there are any programs on hn TV, he will be invited back to participate as soon as possible.

Lin Feng watched the order of appearances arranged by the TV station.

The first few hot spots are all related accounts of hn TV station.

Because the voting time is limited to three hours during the broadcast of the show, the sooner you show yourself on stage, the more votes you can get.

After a few affiliates of hn TV came on stage, there were some well-known artists.

These people often occupy the most golden time.

Liu Xiaofei played fifth, Du Wenqing seventh, Feng Ling ninth, Zhang Yazi No. 13.

Among them, Du Wenqing played the best time, about [-]:[-], the golden time of the golden time.

And Yang Zhenzhen was a bit pitiful, she was arranged to appear at the end.

That is No.20 four appearances.

He is neither a big hit, nor an affiliate of hn TV station. He is the youngest among this group of stars.

Can only accept such an arrangement.

The result of this arrangement is that after Yang Zhenzhen's performance is over, there will not be too much time for her to really get votes.

Including the time for the judges' comments, advertising time, and a short period of time for guest performances, it will only be about 10 minutes.

In the beginning, it wasn't a fair game.

It just so happens that this kind of unfairness is the most beneficial to the operation of the program.

The stars that the audience likes to watch are kept, which can guarantee the attention of this program to the greatest extent.

Only with enough attention can there be gold content.

If all the big names are eliminated during the audition, then it is unknown how many people will watch this show.

Anyway, the ratings will drop significantly.

Therefore, when hn TV station set up the competition system at the beginning, it made up its mind to protect the big names first.

If those big names can stay, this show will have a guaranteed ratings.

From the arrangement of the competition system and the order of appearance, it will also be more beneficial to them.

This is why well-known artists like Du Wenqing, Feng Ling, and Liu Xiaofei are arranged to appear at the best time.

As for other artists, it depends on luck whether they can snatch a promotion spot from them.

Lin Feng sighed.

The rules of the game are here, no matter how capable he is, he can't change the rules.

In many cases, strength is one aspect, but also luck.

Time passed unknowingly, and soon Liu Xiaofei appeared on the stage.

Lin Feng still had an impression of Liu Xiaofei.

When I went to audition for Wu Ming's movie with Yang Zhenzhen, this Liu Xiaofei was also there.

Among the new generation of Xiaohua, Liu Xiaofei is among the most popular.

Her packaging marketing routine is somewhat similar to Xiao Yibo.

The company spends a lot of money on buying traffic and buying drafts.

Lin Feng scanned Liu Xiaofei with the system.

【Artist: Liu Xiaofei】

【Company: Yiyi Entertainment】

【Agent: Hu Yuan】

【Coffee Position: A-list Star】

[Positioning: actor and entertainer]

[Appearance Score: 79]

[Abilities: Acting 71, Singing 65, Dancing 67, Stage Resilience 63]

【Media Popularity: 83】

【Fan Appeal: 77】

[Influence: 61]

【Masterwork: The TV series "Flowers Fall and Blossoms"】

[Honor received: None]

[Appearance fees: commercials (300 million/article), TV dramas (60/episode), movies (1200 million/episode), variety shows (1000 million)]


Sure enough, a TV series "Flowers Fall and Blossoms" made her popular.

Originally a second-tier star, with her work and the company's packaging, this Liu Xiaofei has already stepped into the threshold of a first-tier star.

The popularity of the media, the appeal of fans, and the influence have all increased considerably.

It also indirectly led to an increase in salary.

Liu Xiaofei's indicators in all aspects are already better than Yang Zhenzhen, and she can be regarded as a top star seedling.

It's only a matter of time before it catches fire.

Sure enough, when it was Liu Xiaofei's turn to be the emcee's nanny, the barrage on the live broadcast page instantly ushered in a small climax.

"Feifei is so beautiful."

"Come on, Feifei!"

"Call Feifei!"


Before the person appeared in the camera, the barrage was all over the place.

Music sounded.

A beam of light shone on the stage, and Liu Xiaofei appeared on the stage wearing a close-fitting mermaid dress with gold sequins.

This skirt is elegant yet pure, which suits Liu Xiaofei very well.

Liu Xiaofei waved towards the auditorium.

At this moment, the audience burst into cheers.

After a while, she picked up the microphone and started singing.

"That year, you said that the blooming of flowers was a silent oath.

On that day, I seemed to hear the change of time,

One life, one thousand years of reincarnation


Liu Xiaofei sang the theme song of the TV series "Flowers Blossom and Fall" she starred in. This theme song was very popular some time ago, and it was in the top three of the online music list.

Lin Feng has listened to it several times, and the lyrics and music are of high quality. From the high and low pitch design and the length of the lyrics and music, it can be seen that this song is specially customized for Liu Xiaofei.

But that doesn't stop the song from being a good one.

In fact, in the world of Lin Feng's rebirth, there are also many pretty good musicians and singers.

They are also working hard to compose their own music.

He never thinks that he has the art and civilization of the earth, so he can look down on the art and civilization of this world, and treat the music producers and film and television producers of this world as elementary school students, or even idiots.

On the contrary, Lin Feng will appreciate the art and culture that embraces this world.

During this period of time, Lin Feng will also listen to music from this world, and watch movies and TV shows from this world.

Literary and artistic works in this world, whether it is songs or TV dramas and movies, have brought him a lot of freshness and surprises.

Many songs are no worse than Earth's. For example, this song "Flowers Bloom and Fall" is no worse than that song "Cool".

Of course Lin Feng could tell that Liu Xiaofei was lip-syncing.

Many idol singers are not good at singing.

If they really sang live, it would be horrible.

Therefore, these idols are allowed to lip-sync on many occasions, in order to ensure the effect.

If you think about it, if a beautiful female star sings on stage and howls like ghosts and wolves, that would really be a disastrous sight.

Not only does it affect the female star's own reputation, but it also affects the quality of the program.

So simply, many programs allow lip-syncing.

Even in the previous Spring Festival Gala, there were lip-syncing for a few years.

Although Lin Feng didn't like Liu Xiaofei, it didn't prevent him from enjoying the lyrics of this song.

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