Rebirth of Gold Star Broker

Chapter 131, The Wind Rises

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't intend to chat with her, Su Lisha started busy with work instead.

She was a little lost, thinking of the gift she brought back.

Su Lisha took out a box from her bag, and she handed the box to Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, do you know? There is a temple near the Shudian Film and Television City. The local people say that the temple is very spiritual. I just went to worship the day before I came back, and I asked for a peace talisman for you."

"Thank you, put it on my table."

Lin Feng still didn't lift his head.

"I'm going back to the crew tomorrow." Su Lisha said again.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Well, you've been away from the crew for almost a week, it's time to go back."

When Lin Feng was talking, his eyes continued to stare at his computer screen, and he was screening Yang Zhenzhen's next job announcement.

Seeing that Lin Feng treated her so indifferently, she became anxious instead.

The colder Lin Feng was to her, the more she wanted to get closer.

I remembered that when Yang Zhenzhen and Lin Feng walked over just now, they looked closer than her and Lin Feng.

Su Lisha had a very strong sense of crisis just now.

Su Lisha felt very wronged, she looked at Lin Feng pitifully.

"Lin Feng, don't treat me like this, okay?"

Lin Feng stopped his work at this moment and looked up at Su Lisha.

"I asked you just now if you needed me, but you didn't say...well, let me ask again, did you need me."

Su Lisa nodded.

"I want to talk to you alone."

"Come with me."

Lin Feng stood up.

He was so indifferent to Su Lisha on purpose just now.

Su Lisha is really different from Yang Zhenzhen.

Lisa Su is smart and ambitious, like a wild horse.

If you want to control this wild horse, you not only require you to have excellent skills, but also to make her unpredictable to you, thus creating awe.

So Lin Feng would not have a good face in front of Su Lisha, and sometimes he would deliberately make things difficult for her.

But the more Lin Feng was like this, the more Su Lisha would put on a shy face to please him.

Lin Feng took her to the balcony near the company corridor.

It just so happened that Lin Feng also wanted to breathe, so he smoked a cigarette by the way.

Lin Feng took out a cigarette case and took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff, and said, "If you want to ask me anything, just say it."

"Wan Xiaoxia wants to recruit me to Xingli Media."

Hearing this sentence, Lin Feng's eyes showed a hint of shock.

But it was quickly covered up by him.

Su Lisha continued: "I didn't promise her."

Then, Su Lisha told Lin Feng about Wan Xiaoxia poaching her.

No reservations.

Su Lisha planned to confess this matter to Lin Feng before she came, and she really hoped that Lin Feng would know how loyal she was to him.

For him, he was even willing to give up Xingli Media's poaching.

After hearing Su Lisha's words, Lin Feng was not only shocked, but also a little annoyed.

He didn't expect Wan Xiaoxia to reach out to him.

But think about it, this is normal.

Poaching is very common in the entertainment industry, especially for big companies poaching artists from small companies.

Directly poach potential artists away, and save the trouble of early training.

Recently Su Lisha and Xiao Yibo sang "Cool and Cool" together, and Xingli Media tied the two together for marketing.

Even the hot searches on Weibo were posted by two people together.

This is real money.

Wan Xiaoxia is not a living bodhisattva, so how could she help Lin Feng hype Su Lisha and increase her popularity?

The biggest possibility is that she is also interested in Su Lisha.

Su Lisha passed Xiao Yibo and hooked up with Wan Xiaoxia, giving him a chance.

Lin Feng has been busy with Yang Zhenzhen's affairs during this time, and neglected Su Lisha's situation.

Fortunately, Su Lisha did not agree.

Otherwise, Lin Feng would have a headache for a while.

It's not how important Su Lisha was to Lin Feng. She had jumped over from Li Hansen halfway, and she wasn't a star cultivated by Lin Feng himself.

But this doesn't mean that Lin Feng doesn't care about Su Lisha.

As a manager, Lin Feng cared about all the artists under him.

In his opinion, whether they are red or not, they are all his people.

His people were poached by other companies, which would embarrass him.

Su Lisha didn't agree to Wan Xiaoxia's generous terms.

This surprised Lin Feng.

Because according to his understanding of Su Lisha, this ambitious woman who is desperate to climb up will give up the olive branch thrown by Xingli Media.

This is Xingli Media, a bigwig in the industry, not at the same level as Fanhua Entertainment.

And he also promised to support her and star in the leading female lead drama.

With these few conditions, in the circle, there is no female star who is not tempted.

Su Lisha actually refused.


Lin Feng was very direct and only asked three words.

Su Lisha looked directly at Lin Feng.

In her eyes, Lin Feng saw a kind of determination.

At this time, a gust of wind blew on the balcony.

In the wind, Su Lisha just looked at Lin Feng like this.

She said seriously: "Lin Feng, do you know? From the first day I entered the entertainment industry, I swore that I must work hard to climb up. I climbed to the height where others look up to me.

I want to be popular, so popular that I am so popular, so popular that other female stars hate me, Su Lisha.

In order to be popular, I am willing to give everything. Only I know how much I have paid to get to this point today. "

"When Sister Xia invited me to join Xingli Media, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep for several days.

Xingli Media highly recommends it, starring in a leading female lead drama, this is an opportunity that I dreamed of before, it appeared in front of my eyes, as long as I nodded, I could have everything I wanted.

But at the last moment, I still rejected Wan Xiaoxia.

Perhaps, I will regret this decision in the future, and even regret it for a lifetime.

But I still stayed. I chose to stay not because I was nostalgic for this company, but because I believed that even if I stayed in Fanhua Entertainment, you, Lin Feng, could help me realize my ambition and lead me to To a height that other female stars can only look up to. "

Su Lisha breathed a sigh of relief after she finished speaking her heart.

She originally wanted to tell Lin Feng about this, to prove her loyalty to him.

But he didn't expect to say all the words in his heart all at once.

Let's just say it, after finishing speaking, Su Lisha felt comfortable instead.

Lin Feng stared at her right now, without saying a word.

This man's eyes are always deep and unpredictable.

Su Lisha was a little nervous when Lin Feng looked at her.

She quickly said: "I...I still have a column interview with the crew in the afternoon, so I'm leaving first."

After speaking, Su Lisha turned and prepared to leave.

At this time, a voice sounded from behind.

"I don't believe in Buddhism."

Su Lisha turned around and looked at Lin Feng suspiciously.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, and said: "There is no need for such a safe talisman. Next time you come back, just bring me some souvenirs."

Su Lisha also smiled, very happily.

She smiled and said, "Okay, I'll bring you souvenirs next time I come back."

In the wind, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Su Lisa is gone.

Lin Feng took the last puff of the cigarette in his hand, and pressed the butt of the cigarette into the ashtray on the balcony.

Also went back to the office.

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