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Chapter 50 The Fate Is Over

Lin Qiaoyou has lost a lot of weight, her face is full of sorrow, her big eyes are watery, and tears are in her eyes. When she saw him turn around and stomp his feet, the tears fell down.

"Quiet, you have suffered!" Gu Zhengdong said, tears also fell.

"You..." Lin Qiaoqiu never expected that he could say such words, and was momentarily stunned.

They had known each other since childhood, Gu Zhengdong was not a good talker at all, he made his classmates beat up when they said they were in a hurry, he was very stupid.

After they got together, they also showed their care for her with actions, but they didn't say a word.

Now she will suddenly be able to coax people, can she not be surprised?

How could she know what it takes for a person to climb from the bottom of society to the top step by step?Gu Zhengdong's EQ and IQ are both extremely high, and he has the experience of his previous life. It is very simple to be compatible with anyone now, not to mention that this is a woman he can't love and is full of guilt. Pass.

"I'm married." Lin Quietly finished speaking, tears streaming down her face.

Although Gu Zhengdong had been forewarned, but hearing the news, he was still pierced by thousands of arrows.

"How did he treat you?" Gu Zhengdong wiped away his tears, calmed down and asked.

"It's okay, you know it too, it turns out that Lao Yang who runs a small shop next door to my house."

Gu Zhengdong's head buzzed, Lao Yang?At least 20 years older than Lin Jingyou, what is this picture about?

"Why did you marry him? What are you planning?" Gu Zhengdong blurted out.

"What else does he want to figure out. My brother-in-law owed him a lot of money and paid me off." Lin Qiao smiled wryly.

Gu Zhengdong suddenly realized, no wonder, he and Lin Qiaoqiao had conflicts during that time, Lin Qiaoqiao's third sister was uncharacteristically indifferent to Lin Qiaoqiao before, this time she helped Lin Qiaoqiao stand out and make trouble with Gu Zhengdong.

In the past, Lin Qiaoqiao didn't have the support of her natal family, and she was obedient to Gu Zhengdong. This time, she suddenly resisted, which made the ending unmanageable. In the end, the two of them broke up the divorce certificate in a fit of anger.

Unexpectedly, the third sister played such a big game of chess.

The corner of Gu Zhengdong's mouth twitched, and hatred grew in his heart, and this hatred must be avenged.

If there is no such step, he will be able to get the children's mother back after waiting another month. No matter how difficult it is, he can fight for it, but now...

He suddenly saw that there seemed to be a change in Lin Youqiao's waist, and he understood everything, and his heart ached again.Probably nothing makes him feel more uncomfortable than seeing the woman he loves pregnant with someone else's child.

He took out his wallet, took out all the money in it, and stuffed it into Lin Qiaoqiao's hand.

"Buy yourself some nutritional supplements and see how thin you are!"

Seeing him stretching out his hand, Lin Qiaoqiao subconsciously hid at first, and when he saw that he was inserting money, everything from astonishment to grief was written on his face.

She stomped her feet, returned the money, turned around and ran away.

"You..." Gu Zhengdong didn't dare to chase her, fearing that there would be another accident, he could only sigh heavily, get on his bicycle dejectedly, the business was important, his wife couldn't come back, and he had to take good care of the children.

After finishing his work, it was already noon. After meeting Lin Qiaoqiao, he was also greatly shocked and lost his appetite.

There is a fat lady who cooks in the factory, and it will be solved after going back to eat at noon. He is still reluctant to eat outside, so he rides lazily in the direction of the factory.

Suddenly, a group of children rushed out from the side of the road, the leader of whom ran and shouted.

"Hit him!"

Gu Zhengdong took a closer look, wasn't Xiaoqiang running ahead?

The few children chasing after him were taller than Xiaoqiang, and they didn't look like students, like idlers in society.

In a blink of an eye, Xiaoqiang was overtaken, and the group of children came up to surround him and were about to attack.

Gu Zhengdong hurried up, using the bicycle as a weapon, picked up the handlebar, swung left and right, and knocked down several children.

Gu Zhengdong then pulled Xiaoqiang aside to see if he was injured.

"what happened?"

"We had a holiday in the afternoon, and they robbed me on my way home," Xiaoqiang said tearfully.

"What are they going to do?"

"I want money." Xiaoqiang said aggrievedly.

"You bullied a primary school student and asked for money?" Gu Zhengdong knew that he had encountered a gangster.

It was also because of his carelessness, he didn't even know how many times Xiaoqiang had been bullied before.

"What's the matter? When children fight, adults also have to get involved?"

Three tricycles stopped on the side of the road, and four or five men jumped out. The leader, who was taller than Gu Zhengdong, was swarthy, and his figure was awesome. It looked like he had worked hard.

He walked over with his arms folded, and the children who had just been lying on the ground immediately got up and followed him proudly.

"Dad, beat him up!"

It turns out that the man with the flower arm is the father of the kid who just took the lead in chasing Xiaoqiang.

"I don't get involved in conflicts between children, but it's not right for your son to steal money."

"What is robbing? This is the world of the weak and the strong, don't think I don't know who you are, don't you also rob many people's jobs?" After a few words from the flower-armed man, Gu Zhengdong seemed to hear something. His, and know what he did.

"I didn't grab my job. It was Lao Duan who had a conflict with the tenants and was expelled. Now they work in my factory, so there is no problem of grabbing a job, right?" Gu Zhengdong had a clear idea. back.

"To put it nicely, isn't it stealing jobs? Is that exploitation?"

Unexpectedly, the flower-armed man looks very thick and speaks a bit politely. Gu Zhengdong likes him a little bit. It is easy to talk to people who understand. Even if they disagree, they can talk.

"Who are you? Don't talk about it for a long time, I still don't know who you are." Gu Zhengdong didn't answer directly, which was called four or two.

The flower-armed man consciously stood up and reasoned, and wanted to have a good argument with Gu Zhengdong, and didn't want him to bypass the topic and become a general.

If he doesn't answer this question, he will appear timid and immodest.

"Have you heard of Yan San's account?"

"Yan San? I've heard about it!"

Gu Zhengdong has met the number one, he has an impression of this person, but he has no face-to-face encounter with him.

Yan San is a legend, he liked to fight when he was young, and his fame was earned by fighting. Later, because of the fight, he was sent to the juvenile prison, and after he came out, he didn't have a job, and finally joined the ranks of collecting waste.

Because of being able to fight and showing loyalty, a group of people soon gathered around him.

The last time Lao Duan and the others were beaten, it was Yan San and his men who did it.

After all, Lao Duan didn't dare to go to his territory again.

Hearing that it was him, Gu Zhengdong felt that today's matter was a bit interesting, as long as he continued to work in this waste collection industry, the two of them would have a fight sooner or later, whether they were enemies or friends, they would have to be separated.

"I heard about it, what then? You stand back and let them solve it by themselves!" Yan San pointed to several children with his chin.

This is a blow to Gu Zhengdong.

"Do you think this is fair?" Gu Zhengdong met his gaze and asked.

"Is there fairness in this world?" Yan San was amused by his question.



Yan San was so angry that he turned around on the spot, and then looked at Gu Zhengdong with a bit of playfulness.

"Okay, then let me show you what fairness is. What do you think we should do today? At this point, we must solve it." Yan San tilted his head and stared at Gu Xiangdong.

"Of course it needs to be resolved. I'm not satisfied if I don't. Let your son apologize to Xiaoqiang."

With Gu Zhengdong's words, all the people present were a little overwhelmed.

Yan San was overjoyed.He beckons his son to come over.

"Yanyang, tell me what to do with today's matter!"

"It's impossible to apologize, let's just get over it." Yan Yang behaved like a father.

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