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Chapter 156 I'm Getting Married

Seeing that it was Da Gang who came, Aunt Xian hurriedly stood up.

"Mom, why are you going?"

"The big-bellied man is here, I have to make another dish." Aunt Xian pursed her lips and smiled.

"Mom, don't blame me, I have fat in my stomach now, I can't eat much!" Da Gang said, pulled a chair, squeezed to the table, and was not polite, took a big mouthful of food by copying Xiaoqiang's chopsticks.

"It's still my mother's cooking is delicious, and I can fry an egg for me!" Da Gang said loudly.

Looking at Dagang is rough, but his EQ is not low. The more relaxed he is in front of Aunt Xian, the more she likes him. This is because he doesn't treat himself as an outsider.

Aunt Xian was obedient and fried four eggs over here.Dagang ate two, Xiaoxiao usually didn't eat, but now he was hungry again, so he asked for one.

"Brother, I'm getting married." Da Gang wiped his mouth and said.

"So fast?" Gu Zhengdong frowned.He is not optimistic about Dagang's girlfriend Xiaolin. He disapproves of the quick cohabitation of the two, and it feels a bit hasty to talk about marriage now.

"Hurry up, I'm not young anymore, you see your son is already playing with soy sauce, I have to hurry up too." Dagang said bluntly.

Gu Zhengdong was startled suddenly, as if he had guessed something, he took another look at Da Gang.

Interlaced electricity and light, the communication between men is so easy.

Gu Zhengdong sighed, needless to say, Fengzi got married.

He regretted not reminding Da Gang, but he smiled wryly after thinking about it. Is the reminder useful?

The road of life, if you really want to go up, no one can stop you.

In fact, he can understand Da Gang.It's normal for Dagang to live a normal life suddenly, and he can't control himself a little bit, but I don't know if he can afford the price.

I hope Xiaolin can cherish this man.

Gu Zhengdong believes that as long as Xiaolin lives well with Dagang, she will live a happy life sooner or later, and Dagang will not let her lose.

Aunt Xian could see that Gu Zhengdong was worried. She had a high emotional intelligence, so she attracted Da Gang's attention and chatted about the details of the wedding.

Da Gang was still excited, and yelled at Grandma Bai and Aunt Xian one by one, and Ge Ping also helped him with ideas, which meant that the sooner the better.

"Brother, you will accompany me to my father-in-law's house tomorrow." Da Gang asked Gu Zhengdong again.

"You go by yourself, so I still need me? Can they eat you?" Seeing Xiaolin like that, Gu Zhengdong knew that her family was not going to get better, and he didn't want to deal with it.

"Brother, are you afraid? Come on, come on!" Da Gang pinched his throat and acted like a baby, making Aunt Xian burst into tears with joy. Gu Zhengdong agreed to see that he could make the two old people happy.

Da Gang stuffed the large and small bags of gifts into the back seat, and Gu Zhengdong finally realized that Da Gang called him not only to make him look good, but mainly to make his car look good.

The condition of Xiaolin's house is very poor, and it is impossible to drive in because it is far away.Gu Zhengdong found a place to park the car, and the two of them walked inside.

At the same time, the water in the alley was very deep. Last night's rain didn't flow away at all, and it was all piled up.

Fortunately, people were also trying to find a way. They laid a few bricks and wooden boards. They jumped to the door of a house. Before Dagang raised his hand, the door opened, and Xiaolin stood inside.

"Why did you come here? My dad asked me several times."

"You don't even mention your place, it's easy for me to come in!" Da Gang was not very happy, for today he dressed up to attend, and changed into a white suit, but the bottom of his trousers was splashed with mud all the way along the way. idea.

Gu Zhengdong was not much better than him, he was still carrying a gift, and almost fell into the water several times, which was embarrassing enough.

"Come in." After Xiao Lin finished speaking, she stepped forward and walked in front.

Gu Zhengdong didn't pay attention, and fell down with a plop. It turned out that there were no steps below, and he just took one step to the end.

In general, if the yard sinks, the steps must be repaired, and this family will not live well. Gu Zhengdong came to another conclusion.

Xiaolin's parents heard the movement, and they sat in the room without moving, very reserved.

The room sank again, and this time Gu Zhengdong was smart enough to try it with his feet first, and then walked steadily when he reached the ground.When he entered the room, the inside had already exchanged greetings.

Unfortunately, Gu Zhengdong didn't even have a chance to be introduced, so he was squeezed to sit by the pit.

Xiaolin's parents sat on the broken sofa under the window.The sofa has been in disrepair for a long time and has sunk. The two figures are like two Buddhas sunken into the ground. They are dark and cannot be seen clearly because of the backlight.

When Dagang sat facing the window, they saw him clearly.

"You are Dagang?" This is Xiaolin's father talking, and he can tell that he is not very satisfied.

"Uncle, it's me." Da Gang's voice trembled, this kid is really cowardly.

Gu Zhengdong moved his butt to sit more comfortably.

When he is with Dagang, any comparison will hurt him. Even if he is blind, he still knows to choose Gu Zhengdong, so Xiaolin's parents have been deducting points from Dagang, but Dagang himself can't understand this.

"You collect waste?" Xiaolin's father continued to interrogate.

"I don't collect waste products. Our factory collects waste products. I sell waste products." Da Gang felt that he had explained clearly, but he didn't know that it was even more troublesome.

"Anyway, it's dealing with waste products." Xiaolin's mother added.

"Yes." Now Dagang was speechless.

"How much salary per month?"

"Full attendance is [-], and there is a bonus." Da Gang glanced at Xiao Lin as he spoke. He had a bonus, but he didn't want Xiao Lin to know, and wanted to keep some private money, so he didn't report the amount.

"How much is the bonus?" Xiaolin's mother asked thoroughly.

"It depends on the benefits, not necessarily how much, sometimes more and sometimes less, hehe." Dagang just didn't report the amount of money.

"How much is it! Seeing how hard it is for you to speak!" Xiaolin's father was annoyed.

"Twenty!" Da Gang gritted his teeth and reported the number randomly.

"It's not too much money, Xiaolin, your uncle's brother is two hundred and five a month." Xiaolin's mother reminded.

"I don't spend two hundred and five, what's the use." Xiaolin said unconvinced.

"I heard you have a building?" Xiaolin's father continued to interrogate.

"Yes, in the Red Star Community, you two should go and have a look when you have time." As soon as Da Gang heard about his advantages, he became more confident and his voice became louder.

"Look at that, don't you think we live in a bungalow, and you have never seen a building before?" Xiaolin's mother sneered, "There are quite a few people chasing us, Xiaolin, and your conditions are the worst."

Da Gang choked for a moment and couldn't speak anymore.

Gu Zhengdong just came to see the play, he didn't want to help anyone, this is a marriage he doesn't like, let them fend for themselves.

Wouldn't it be better if it was messed up?

"To tell you the truth, Dagang, we only have this one daughter, and we didn't want her to get married so early. My niece's boyfriend is in the export business, and he drives a nice car. He is not in a hurry to get married. Are you in a hurry? what?"

This sentence is snobbish and unlevel, it's like showing your face, and you don't even bother to hide it. How contemptuous of Dagang is this?

Gu Zhengdong felt that the most ridiculous thing was that they overestimated Xiaolin's price too high.

"Uncle, just let me marry Xiaolin!" Da Gang also heard the voice of their words, and was anxious at the time.

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