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Chapter 150

"Director Zheng is right." Sister Liu echoed, this should be the thinking of all the employees.

"Then even if we have passed this period, what will we do in the future?" Zhang Dana led the army.

"In the future? In the future, the state will also control it!"

"Don't talk about that, isn't the machinery factory owned by the state? Isn't it also yellow? The workers have all gone to the construction site to smash steel bars." Zhang Dana's words were also quite choking.

"Then tell me, what should we do? A new factory manager can't be appointed. There is no movement, and the factory building is mortgaged out of nowhere. How is that different from Factory Director Li?" Director Zheng's words were full of gunpowder.

Gu Zhengdong knew, don't offend women if you offend anyone.

Director Zheng understood his negligence just now, and now he is starting to take revenge.

"So, I have a plan, the factory will be restructured, we will start over, switch projects, and make new products." Gu Zhengdong threw out his plan.

Everyone present except Zhang Dana showed surprised expressions, and they couldn't help discussing with each other in whispers.

Gu Zhengdong didn't urge them, he wanted to give them time.

"Restructuring? How to change it?" Sister Liu asked first.

"The shareholding system is actually the same as it is now, but the division of shares is more clear."

"It's all the same? Then why change it?"

"Get rid of the Second Light Bureau Chief."


"That can't be done, there is no backing!"

As soon as they heard that they were going to leave the Second Light Bureau, the room exploded, and they all shook their heads, saying that it was not feasible.

"Hey, let me just ask, why are you relying on the Second Light Bureau?" Gu Zhengdong choked everyone with a single sentence.

"The Second Light Bureau is the leader, and it supervises our work. This cannot be changed." Director Zheng struggled a lot to hold back a sentence. No one panicked more than her.

Because she immediately thought of her own consequences.

If it is really restructured, then the factory manager Gu will be the first to kick her out, so she has to strongly oppose it.

"Leadership? We haven't paid wages for more than a year, and the workers can't survive. Did the Second Light Industry Bureau pay us, or give us condolences? Don't ask, don't ask!" Zhang Dana said angrily.

"There are so many units under Erqing, can you take care of it?" Director Zheng continued to clean the floor.

"If you can't take care of it, you don't need them to take care of it. It's not the best of both worlds. They don't have to work hard to take care of our affairs. We take care of ourselves and don't need them to take care of us." Zhang Dana performed very well today, and Director Zheng did not take advantage of it. .

"No one supervises? That's okay. If the factory manager doesn't keep his duty, just like the factory manager Li did, don't we have no recourse?"

"The case of Director Li is a good example."

"That's right, it won't work without supervision." Everyone immediately agreed.

"What you said is so funny, who brought down Director Li?" Zhang Dana made them laugh angrily.

The words choked them again.

"The Second Light Industry Bureau is supervising it, and let the factory manager Li harm our factory. Is there any use for this supervision?" Zhang Dana was aggressive.

"It's better than nothing." Director Zheng muttered.

"The law will become more and more sound in the future. Don't worry, the case of Director Li is an individual case and will not be copied, let alone reappear."

Gu Zhengdong summed it up for them.

"It seems that Director Gu is determined to win." Director Zheng sneered.

"Let me briefly talk about the plan. This factory is different from my Chaoyang Material Recycling Company. That company is also a joint-stock company, but the main shares are in the hands of my friends and I. The workers only have shares with year-end dividends, and the share is not high. This is Because they were not involved when the factory was built.”

Gu Zhengdong opened his mouth.Attracted everyone.

"But the embroidery factory is different. It is a small collective and a joint-stock factory. So we continue to operate according to the shares. Those who don't want the shares can sell the shares. I take them back here. It's just that they are only workers in the embroidery factory and will no longer participate. Dividend."

"How much do you recycle?" Director Zheng became a little more enthusiastic.

"This will be decided at that time. It's still a bit early to say. It can only be realized if everyone agrees, and it will be done step by step."

"Don't let the second light control, change to a joint-stock system, and then? What's the use of this?" Sister Liu asked.

"We want to change the project. I have done research and basically finalized it. After the restructuring is successful, we will fully put it into production."

"That is to say, if the restructuring is unsuccessful, then the project will also fail?" Director Zheng smelled something different.

"Yes, if the restructuring fails, I will not take risks with the project. I would rather open another company and distribute the project instead of doing it in an embroidery factory."

"Director Gu makes money in every project he does. You can find out about his other factory. The workers earn more than 200 yuan a month, as well as labor insurance and medical insurance. Don't be too comfortable."

Zhang Dana drank a few sips of water, regained his energy, and continued to attack.

"This big cake is very attractive." Director Zheng snorted, she found that something seemed wrong, she should leave a way out for herself, and not be too tit-for-tat, what if the scene couldn't be closed at that time.

"Can we know what the project is?" Sister Fang finally spoke. Among these people, she was a very stable one.He was in his early thirties, with long black hair tied in a braid behind his head, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, looking dignified and majestic.

Gu Zhengdong had paid attention to her a long time ago, and his first reaction was that this is the image endorsement of the director of the embroidery factory, and the gentleness and grandeur are worthy of this embroidery character.

Sure enough, she spoke well, and she hit the point when she asked.

"Sister Fang is a good question, but it's inconvenient to talk about it now. If you want to know more, you can find me after the meeting, just because I lack some technical guidance." Gu Zhengdong's tone to Sister Fang was obviously different. Director Zheng could hear it, and he was so jealous going crazy.

"Okay." Sister Fang also felt Gu Zhengdong's preference, so she stopped asking.

"I don't talk about any projects, and I don't know anything about it. If we come up, let us get out of the Second Light Bureau. I won't do it! Anyway, I don't agree!" It's terrible for women to be jealous, and Director Zheng doesn't want to reason.

"I'd like to ask everyone's opinions. If there is no objection, we can hold a staff meeting in the afternoon." Zhang Dana ignored Director Zheng.

"The meeting is going to be held now? I said I objected!" Seeing this, the factory manager Zheng was so angry that he beat the case, and his voice became sharper. He was really angry.

"We respect every employee, and hope you will respect yourself too." Gu Zhengdong said seriously.

"I..." Director Zheng found out that her elegant personality had been screwed up by him. At that time, he was really disheartened, and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

After beating Director Zheng, everyone present seemed to be subdued, no one raised any opinions, and the time for the staff meeting was finalized.

"Sister Zhang, this job is not easy to do, you'd better deploy it further, lest someone take the rhythm on the spot."

"Don't worry, no one has a grudge against money." Zhang Dana said a classic term.

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