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Chapter 108 Are You Finding Faults?

"Hello, I'm Gu Zhengdong, the director of the factory!" Gu Zhengdong greeted him, reaching out his hand from a distance.

"We are from the power supply bureau, come here to check the safety of the line."

Those two walked in while talking, and they didn't accept Gu Zhengdong's outstretched hand.Gu Zhengdong was exposed to the sun for a while, and hurriedly chased after him.

"Comrade, the electric meter is here." He wanted to lead the way, but the two men didn't let him dictate, they ran around by themselves, writing something down in their notebooks from time to time.

Gu Zhengdong knew that trouble was coming.

The last time I pulled someone's electric pole, I'm afraid I will find it.

Zhang Fei from the Electric Power Bureau was still a smiling tiger, and he had spoken well at the time, but he stumbled behind his back.

In fact, it's understandable when you think about it. The electric poles erected by others can be pulled out as soon as they are said. Doesn't Zhang Fei want to lose face?

It's because Gu Zhengdong has a lot of things lately, he forgot to take care of the aftermath, and caused trouble to come to his door, it's because he didn't handle things well.

He has nothing to complain about, soldiers come to block him, and water comes to cover him.

"The current situation is like this. There are several kinds of wires that are aging and easy to cause fires. Your things are also piled up in a mess. Let's rectify them!"

"Okay! This must be rectified. I understand the truth." Gu Zhengdong's attitude was surprisingly good, and the two looked at each other.

It's not that Gu Zhengdong put on an attitude to curry favor with them.It's a serious matter, they don't say it, he also wants to repair the circuit, the things in this factory are much more flammable, it's true, his money is not for nothing.

Now that professionals are coming to investigate, he is very happy.

"Secondly, I checked that your conveyor uses industrial electricity. After the machinery factory stopped production, it owed too much electricity, so the industrial electricity was stopped. You connected it privately, and you will be punished!"

As soon as the punishment was mentioned, Gu Zhengdong's heart sank. The amount of money may be more or less.

If there is too much, he can be punished to death, but if there is too little, it may just mean something.

"Comrade, it's hot outside, let's go upstairs and talk!" Gu Zhengdong hurriedly let them upstairs so that they could talk more easily.

"Which building are you going to? The fines have been issued, and you can just pay the money. The rectification will be sealed for seven days."

As they spoke, they took out a roll of white paper seals and were about to stick them on.

Gu Zhengdong stepped forward to stop him in a hurry, "Comrade, let's discuss it, we can't stop working!"

"What's wrong? Continue to produce knowing that there is a problem?"

"We can produce while rectifying, and I'll send people over right away!" Gu Zhengdong almost bowed.

"No, it must be sealed!"

"What's going on?" Lao Duan suddenly squeezed out from the crowd, still smelling of alcohol.

Gu Zhengdong spoke seriously about this matter, he was not allowed to drink alcohol during work hours, and the old man was a repeat offender.

"It's none of your business, you go to work!" Gu Zhengdong knew that he was going to do something bad again, and he gave Yan San a wink for fear that he would mess up.

When Yan San came over, he grabbed Lao Duan and dragged him out of the crowd.

"What are you doing? Why don't people talk!" Lao Duan was still yelling, but he had already been dragged out.

At this time, the people from the Electric Power Bureau had already pasted up a seal.

Gu Zhengdong has a big head, and there are really ups and downs.

He looked down at the ticket again, and almost cried out, what?Five thousand fine?Kill him!

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call!" Gu Zhengdong remembered that he left Zhang Fei's contact information last time, and the two of them didn't talk to him, they talked to Zhang Fei.

Gu Zhengdong rushed upstairs in three steps and two steps, and dialed Zhang Fei's phone.

Zhang Fei seemed to be waiting by the phone, and was connected within a second.

"Brother Zhang, do you still remember me? I'm the little Gu who pulled the electric pole." Gu Zhengdong announced his family name, and he didn't have time to fool around.

"Remember, Xiao Gu, right?" Zhang Fei said unhurriedly.

"Brother, this is the case. Some comrades from the Electric Power Bureau came over and said that my line is unqualified. I want to ask my brother to help me find a professional team to deal with it. I will pay for it myself."

"I can't help you with this. We are in the peak season and we need to build new lines. How can we have time to take care of your trivial matters?"

"Brother, I beg you, there is something to discuss, everyone in our factory is waiting to eat, it can't be sealed!" Gu Zhengdong can bow his head as much as he wants, as long as he can remove the seal, he will kowtow .

This is not his business alone. You must know that the workers in the factory are the main labor force in the family. If they lose their income, the family will be in crisis, and Gu Zhengdong has a heavy burden on him.

"You don't need to tell me these things. The matter of checking your line has nothing to do with me. Don't try to cheat anymore, just accept the punishment." Zhang Fei said bluntly.

"Brother, please! I will agree to whatever conditions you ask!"

Gu Zhengdong still didn't give up, and continued to beg.

"Don't worry about it, you're a big man, you can't handle such a thing? I saw you were very courageous that day, so go ahead and do it boldly. I'm optimistic about you. You can do it!" Zhang Fei said with sarcasm, This made Gu Zhengdong even more convinced that the person was found by him, and he came to fix Gu Zhengdong.

He still wanted to continue talking, but he didn't want Zhang Fei to hang up the phone directly.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of gongs and drums, and the sound was getting closer and closer. It came from the street.

There may be some kind of event. This kind of noisy way is still very popular in this era. If there is any celebration, you have to come to the gong and drum team.

But the sound was getting closer and closer. He went to the window to see that the gong and drum team had already entered the factory, and even the spectators crowded in.

Gu Zhengdong can't ignore it.

He ran downstairs quickly, and before he could speak, a young man walked out from the crowd, holding a pennant in his hand, which read: Heroes Save the Beauty.

Gu Zhengdong recognized the person as Han Bing, and when he saw those four words, he almost lost his temper.


"Hahaha, let's be considerate to each other. I can't help it. My mother insisted on letting me come! I was also asked to send a pennant. I thought for a long time before I came up with these four words. You have to accept it."

Gu Zhengdong heard that his mother asked him to give it to him, so he had no choice but to take it and turn around and hand it to Aunt Zhou.

Aunt Zhou was so happy that her face was covered with wrinkles, she smiled and rubbed it with her hands, took a look at the pennant, and smiled again.

"I'm sorry, don't blow it up, I have something to do, it's urgent!" Gu Zhengdong didn't want to make him mess up any more, he put his hands together and begged for mercy.

"That's okay, you are busy first, and I will play music later. The person I hired cost money, and I bought it for two hours." Han Bing didn't intend to leave.

"Brother, please, the factory is closed, let's stop making trouble!" Gu Zhengdong was about to cry.

"What? The factory was closed? Why?" Han Bing became serious when he heard this.

"Some circuits in our factory are unqualified. To rectify them, I have to find a professional to come over and re-inspect them, alas!"

Gu Zhengdong sighed.

"What? It's not easy." Han Bing laughed again.

"Brother, it's not that simple. Take them away quickly, okay? I'll be busy here for a while. There are so many mouths in the factory, I can't stop."

"Then stop!"

Han Bing spoke in a really loud tone.

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