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Chapter 104

Gu Zhengdong lost his grip for a moment, fell off the box, and fell flat.

"You want to steal something, don't you? I'm going to call the police!" The man who spoke was tall and big. He saw the red band on his sleeve with the words "Security Section" written on it. It should be left behind.

"I don't steal anything, I just come to see if this factory can be bought." Gu Zhengdong told the truth.

"Buy? Factory? Just you?" The man sneered.

Gu Zhengdong had never been insulted so directly before, so he couldn't hold back.

"What's wrong with my purchase? You can't ask!"

"You find a good excuse, maybe I still believe you." The man sneered, "Let's go, follow me to the police station."

"Brother, stop making trouble, I can't go, I have become a regular customer, I am causing trouble to others!" Gu Zhengdong begged for mercy.

"You don't even dare to go to the police station, and you still don't admit that you are a thief!" The man refused to let go, and came to arrest Gu Zhengdong.

"I really want to buy this factory. Who is your person in charge? What is the name of the factory manager?"

"Our factory manager is dead."

"Pfft." Gu Zhengdong couldn't help laughing.

The man was also brought to laugh by him, and the atmosphere was harmonious at that time.

"People like him should die, how many people have been cheated!" The man sighed.

"Brother, what's your last name?"

"Miangui's surname is Niu, everyone calls me Daniu."

"What did your factory manager do? It made you hate him so much. Does he know that you hate him so much?"

"He really knows, and he also knows that the whole factory hates him!"

It turned out that the embroidery factory was pretty good before, at least the monthly salary was paid out.90.00% of the workers are women. Although there are many things to do, they don't have enough vision and can't see the long-term. As long as there is an extra bonus of five or ten yuan per month, there will be no troubles and everyone will live in peace.

The most frustrating day was last October.The factory manager who went out to investigate had a car accident and revealed a shocking secret.

The factory manager went out this time and took his mistress with him. The two spent a total of more than 3 yuan on a trip. There was still a little left, but after the car accident, he paid all the medical expenses directly.

Although the factory manager took his life, he was also blind in one eye.What made him uncomfortable was that the cheating was just a rumor, but now it was confirmed.

Every stop they walked through, they slept in double suites when they stayed, and they didn't ask themselves.

The factory manager's wife quarreled with him a few times, took the child away, and took away his house and deposits, so he left the house completely.

"It deserves it!" Gu Zhengdong looked down on this kind of man the most.

"He deserves it. Who did these workers provoke? The Second Light Industry Bureau sent us a factory manager, but when he took office, he said that the capital chain was broken and the salary could not be paid. After two months, the raw materials were used up. Just let the whole factory go on vacation." The big man sighed again, "My wife also works in this factory, and her child only goes to school. Now it's all over, she's unemployed, but I have a shift, but I don't get paid."

"You also have to think of a way, people move work, don't pay wages for your wife to support?" Gu Zhengdong enlightened him.

"You said, I come here every day to stay here, which is considered to be work. I always think that if I get paid someday, will I be able to make up for it?" Daniel said pitifully.

"Oh, with your thoughts, you will never want to turn over in your life."

It's not that Gu Zhengdong's mouth is bad, it's that this big cow has committed a common problem of many people. In the predicament, he has no ability to go out and can only be trapped.

As long as he has a bit of courage, if he takes one step forward, not to mention making a fortune, he can also be well-off.

"Then show me the way, what do you think I can do!" Daniel also saw it, the man in front of him didn't seem like a braggart, he spoke with reason and restraint.

"Well, I'll give you a part-time job first!"


"I'll give you 30 yuan a month."

"What do you want me to do?" Daniel asked excitedly, 30 yuan is better than no cent, he is content.

"You stay here and watch, and notify me as soon as there is any trouble."

"Okay!" Daniel nodded immediately.

Gu Zhengdong was also unambiguous, and handed over 30 yuan.

"I have received a few letters here, they are for the factory, and no one cares about them, why don't you take a look?"

Daniu took the money and did things for him, very attentive.

"Let me see." Gu Zhengdong followed him into the small concierge.

Although the concierge was small, it was built neatly, and the inside was tidy. There was a bed, a table, and a small chair. It was pretty decent.

The letter was on the table, and it seemed that the time was not short.

Gu Zhengdong saw a stove at the door, so he said to Daniel, "You burn some hot water."

Daniu didn't know what he was going to do, but he was hired, so he had to be obedient and immediately put the stove on to boil water.

The water boiled quite quickly, Gu Zhengdong brought the kettle over, put it on the ground, opened the lid, and it was steaming.

He took the envelopes one by one and toasted them on the steam for a while.

Back then, glue was used to stick letters, especially official letters.He baked all four letters open, and then took out the letter paper inside to read the contents.

There is a letter urging tax payment, and the tax is owed.There is also a power outage notice for arrears of electricity bills.

There is another bank calling for loan payment.

The last letter was a bit interesting, it was written to the director of the factory, and he wanted to buy land.

Gu Zhengdong couldn't help but chuckled, could this be another traverser, and he had to act first?

Now he has some ideas in his mind, if this continues, the factory will be liquidated.If he gets enough funds before that, he can find a way to buy it, and then carry out restructuring, shareholding system, after some operations, the factory will be privatized.

A lot of people did that back then, and it wasn't a crime.

What's more, he has the confidence to arrange the workers well.

"This is my bb number. You should remember it well. If you get a letter, please notify me. Don't keep it. If there is a letter, you will be notified."

Gu Zhengdong packed all the letters again, restored them, put them back on the table, and then came out of the room after giving some instructions.

"What door did you go through?" Gu Zhengdong saw that the door was still locked, so he asked, he must not jump out of the wall again.

"There's a corner gate here, I'll take you out." Daniel sent Gu Zhengdong out from the east, just making a big circle.

Gu Zhengdong pedaled his bicycle, thinking about his mind all the way, and went back the same way.

When passing by the resettlement community, he found that he seemed to turn his back a little bit. Everyone smiled when they saw him, so he had to say hello all the way.

Gu Zhengdong rode his bicycle all the way home, but he didn't want to see Huo Xiaojiao head-on.

The two rode against each other, and when Huo Xiaojiao saw him, her face was full of surprise.

Gu Zhengdong was a little strange, should she have this expression?

The expression on Huo Xiaojiao's face was very complicated, showing patience, restraint, and discomfort.

She turned around, didn't know the direction, got on the bicycle and ran.

Gu Zhengdong looked at her from a distance and shrugged her shoulders. Could it be that she was crying?

He couldn't tell what was in his heart.

When I entered the door, I saw Aunt Xian set up a table, making ginger milk in the yard, and the four children were chatting around.

"They're all little greedy cats." Gu Zhengdong put the bicycle away as he said, he didn't want to bring his emotions home, so he tried his best to put a smile on his face.

"You...hahaha!" Everyone looked at Gu Zhengdong and laughed loudly.

Gu Zhengdong didn't realize that he was so humorous?The effect of a single sentence is somewhat surprising.

This time he couldn't fix him, scratching his head.

"Look at you, where did you go?" Aunt Xian dragged him to the mirror.

Gu Zhengdong immediately understood what Huo Xiaojiao saw.


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