cheating a big guy into a husband

Chapter 682 Who will kill the deer?

The road leading to the Lan's Manor was built by the Lan's own family, and there is usually very little traffic. Unless you are going to the Lan's Manor, you will not take this road.

During the day, there are people from the Lan clan driving around.

At night, especially in the middle of the night, the road becomes very quiet.

In the section of the road that is closer to the Lan Family Manor, there are some houses on both sides of the road. They are houses built by members of the Lan Clan. Not all members of the Lan Clan can follow the manor’s direct lineage to eat and drink. Many people are still like ordinary people. .

It's just that they are looking for something to do with the direct line faction, and they are paid a dead salary. In order to facilitate work and work, they will move here to live. The house they built and the land they use are also bought with money. buy it.

For the sake of the same clan, the direct descendants will sell the land to them to build houses at a slightly cheaper price.

The road far from the manor is either a barren hill or a wild ridge. It is easy to ambush on such a road.

Although, after the completion of the Lan Family Manor, the Lan clan has long been a powerful family in Wangcheng, and they are still the leaders, just like the emperor of the land, because they have been entrenched in Wangcheng for a hundred years. Therefore, the road leading to the Lan Family Manor was very peaceful in the past. of.

Even when the Hei family sent many killers to assassinate Lan Rui and his son, they would not have been on this road, so their identities would be easily suspected.

Lan Erye went out alone and drove the car on the road that he had walked countless times. For some reason, he was always flustered. He stepped up the accelerator and drove the car very fast, as if there was a beast chasing him behind. .

Halfway along the road, he saw a few cars parked in front of him from a distance, his heart tightened immediately, the speed of the car slowed down, and he wanted to turn around and run back.

Unexpectedly, there were also several cars approaching from far behind.

Lan Erye should rest assured that the vehicle coming from behind must belong to his Lan clan.

That is, the cars coming from behind were lined up side by side, which blocked his escape route.

Lan Erye was forced to stop the car.

He held the steering wheel tightly with one hand, and took out his mobile phone with the other. He was about to call for help, but when he saw the door of the car blocking his way, the door was pushed open, and the person who got out of the car was very familiar to him.

Lan Zheng!

His great nephew.

Lan Erye didn't call, but he sent a message to his wife, telling her that he met Lan Zheng on the way.

After that, he stuffed the phone back into his trouser pocket, followed him out of the car, and walked towards Lan Zheng.

"Lan Zheng, why are you here? Aren't you and Qingqing taking care of your dad in the hospital? Has your dad woke up yet?"

Lan Zheng said coldly: "Second Uncle wants to know if my dad has woken up, so just follow me."

As he said that, as soon as he winked, his people rushed forward.

Lan Erye retreated instinctively, shouted loudly, and stopped the bodyguards, then asked Lan Zheng sharply: "Lan Zheng, what do you want to do to second uncle? I am your second uncle, kiss second uncle!"

Lan Zheng didn't speak, but waved again, and the bodyguards stepped forward again.

Realizing that Lan Zheng was going to attack him, Second Master Lan was naturally unwilling to just fall into the hands of his eldest nephew, and he resisted instinctively.

It's just that he alone is no match for Lan Zheng's bodyguard.

It was soon controlled by Lan Zheng's people.

"Confiscate his mobile phone and ID."

Lan Zheng ordered coldly.

Immediately, a bodyguard searched Lan Erye's body and found his mobile phone and wallet.

"Lan Zheng, what do you mean? I have sent your second aunt a message just now. If I don't go back, your second aunt will know that I was killed by you."

Lan Erye was full of resentment.

He didn't take anyone out, but was intercepted by his nephew. Could it be that Lan Zheng knew about his connection and transactions with Patriarch Hei?

Lan Zheng approached and looked at his second uncle coldly.

Lan Erye was a little guilty when he looked at him like this. The next moment, he felt a pain in the back of his neck, and he lost consciousness.

After Lan Zheng knocked out his second uncle, he said coldly, "Send him to be with my third uncle."


The bodyguards supported Erye Lan to get into the car.

I heard someone call out: "Young master, be careful."

Lan Zheng quickly lay down on the ground.

The silent gun hit Lan Erye's front glass, and with a bang, the front glass was shattered.

Patriarch Hei, who had been lying in ambush for a long time, came out with a group of dead soldiers.

Lan Zheng didn't expect that Patriarch Hei would bring people to ambush here. When he was cleaning up his second uncle just now, Patriarch Hei didn't move at all, which is really bad.

Master Hei and the others had guns, and Lan Zheng didn't dare to confront them head-on like this. He rolled a few times on the ground, rolled to the back of the car, and then quickly got up and got into his car.

The bodyguards got into the car in the same way.

Lan Zheng's car was bulletproof, but even so, he didn't dare to stay for long. The surname Hei was clearly here for revenge. He was skilled, but he didn't have a gun, so he had to run away.

Although they were fleeing for their lives, Lan Zheng and his party did not leave Second Master Lan alone. They dragged Second Master Lan into the car and fled the scene together.

Although the head of the Hei family led people to ambush in advance, in order to avoid suspicion, their car did not stop nearby. After Lan Zheng and others got into the car, they drove away from the scene. They chased for a while with their guns, but they couldn't catch up after all. superior.

Standing in the middle of the road, Patriarch Hei said bitterly: "Lan Zheng, tonight is your death day."

He used Lan Erye to hide behind Lan Zheng and lay his hands on him. Of course, not only ambushed people here, but also his ambush ahead.

Lan Zheng wanted to escape tonight, unless a magic soldier descended from heaven, he could only confess here.

"Lan Rui, you let me send a white-haired person to a black-haired person, and I will let you have a taste of this."

At the same time, Ye Junbo and his wife in the hospital also encountered a dead man from the black family who came to the hospital in disguise to assassinate them.

Fortunately, Ye Junbo made arrangements early, and after a life-and-death contest, all the dead members of the Hei family committed suicide.

This is the case with the dead soldiers trained by the Hei family. If they fail to succeed in performing tasks, they would rather die than fall into the hands of the enemy.

Lan Zheng stayed in the hospital to guard his father and sister. Several people were killed or injured, and the injured had already been sent to the emergency room.

Fortunately, in the middle of the night, the patients in the hospital and their accompanying family members were all in a dream. They did not wake up during the fierce battle and were not swept by the tail of the typhoon. They did not know that something serious happened until a large number of police arrived.

Patriarch Hei used all the power he had taken away when he escaped tonight, and divided his troops into two groups. The whole way came to the hospital to assassinate Lan Rui and his daughter, and also to prevent Ye Junbo from leading people to rescue Lan Zheng.

A large amount of manpower was used to ambush and kill Lan Zheng.

In the end who will win the deer, we will see tonight.

"My brother will be in danger."

After the hospital was safe, Mu Qing thought about what her elder brother had done, her face became serious, and she said to her husband: "Jun Bo, you stay here to guard my father, I will bring some people to help my elder brother."

Saying that, she's leaving.

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