"Help your mother to lie down first."

The Hei Patriarch finally spoke.

The father and daughter helped Mrs. Hei, who couldn't stand the blow and fainted, to lie down on the sofa.

"It was Lan Er who sent me a message, telling me that Mingyu is dead."

The news of his son's death made Patriarch Hei's heart ache.

But after all, he is a person who has gone through big storms, and his hatred for the Lan family supported him. After he was in pain, he cheered up.

"Your brother was injured and jumped into the mountain pond. It was freezing cold. He jumped into the water and was injured again, which prevented him from escaping from the water, so...he was picked up and sent to the hospital, and left halfway. "

Patriarch Hei wept again as he spoke.

"Where's Lan Rui?"

Hei Ruyue asked about Lan Rui's situation.

The information they obtained was not detailed enough.

Now that Second Master Lan has been to the hospital, he naturally knows Lan Rui's situation better.

At this moment, Hei Ruyue didn't have a love-hate relationship with Lan Rui any more, but gritted her teeth with hatred.

She felt that it was because of Lan Rui that she and her family ended up in today's situation. It was Lan Rui who was insidious and cunning and deceived them.

Brother lost his life, if Lan Rui could be killed, it would be worth it.

Without Lan Rui, the Lan family is like a mess. Her father and daughter will fight back, not to mention winning, at least they can die together.

Now the father and daughter don't want to live, they just want to get more people to back them up before they die, especially the Lan family.

Second Master Lan took the initiative to contact them, and wanted to use their hands to get rid of Lan Rui's family of four, and it just hit it off.

They also didn't expect that the person who hid the most in the Lan family turned out to be the second master Lan.

Patriarch Hei said resentfully: "He is very fateful, he didn't die."

Hei Ruyue also said bitterly: "Dad, we can't escape Wangcheng anyway, and brother died again, why don't we go back and fight them to the death together."

After thinking about it for a while, Master Hei said: "Ruyue, Dad arranges that you and your mother put on makeup and change identities. When Dad goes to distract them, you take your mother away from Wangcheng and fly far away. With the green hills here, we are not afraid of running out of firewood, as long as there are people in our family alive, we will be able to make a comeback one day."

"Avenge your brother, there is dad."

Hei Ruyue cried suddenly: "Dad, how can I let you face the danger alone."

Patriarch Hei touched his wife's face, and said painfully: "Your mother and I will only have you as brother and sister in this life, and now your brother is... Dad can't let you have any more accidents, listen to Dad's arrangement, find a chance to leave."


Hei Ruyue is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

She couldn't bear to let her old father avenge her elder brother alone.

"Listen to Dad, as long as you are still alive, our family still has hope."

Black as the moon and tears like rain.


She looked at her mother and cried, "I'm afraid my mother won't leave."

The Hei Patriarch stopped talking.

After a long time, he said, "Or, you can leave by yourself."

As long as his daughter was alive, he felt there was hope.

Mainly, one of his two children must survive.

The son is gone, and the daughter cannot also fold in.

Otherwise, he would truly be extinct. I'm sorry for the ancestors of his Hei family.

At this moment, Patriarch Hei also has regrets.

In the words of his wife scolding him, it took his ancestors decades to cleanse the black family and become a legitimate businessman, but he brought his two children back to the black and made a big mistake...

If his grandparents found out, even the coffin boards would not be able to suppress their anger, and they would get up in the middle of the night and strangle him to death.

Regret is useless.

Now, he was wrong all wrong.

Accepting legal punishment based on the mistakes they committed would be a dead end.

It's all Lan Rui's fault!

If Lan Rui had no evidence of his breaking the law, even the place where he hid his goods had been found out, and their black house would not have become the focus of the police.

How did Lan Rui find out?

Although the Lan family also has a very powerful information network, they are on par with his Hei family. Even if Lan Rui has doubts, hasn't there been no evidence?

Who helped Lan Rui?

The Jun family in City A?

Although the Jun family is also powerful, it is thousands of miles away from Wangcheng, so it should not have such great power. There must be someone behind the back to help Lan Rui and the Lan family, but they don't know where those powers come from.

"Dad, I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave even if I don't see that Lan Rui's family is dead!"

"Like the moon!"

"Dad, stop trying to persuade me, I want to end Lan Rui with my own hands! He ruined me and our family!"

How much Hei Ruyue loved Lan Rui before, now he hates Lan Rui so much.

Knowing his daughter's temper well, Patriarch Hei didn't try to persuade him any further. After thinking for a while, he said to his daughter: "Gather all we can use and act tonight."

"Go to the hospital?"

"No, get rid of Lan Zheng first! Lan Rui caused your brother to lose his life, and we will retaliate, killing Lan Zheng, so that Lan Rui can also experience the pain of losing his son!"

Hei Ruyue asked: "Dad, what should we do? Go straight to the Lan Family Manor?"

Unless they poured gasoline on the outside of the Lan Family Manor and set it on fire, burning everyone in the Lan Family Manor to death, it would be difficult for them to enter the Lan Family Manor.

However, dousing gasoline and setting it on fire will not work.

The Lan Family Manor is heavily guarded.

"Lan Zhiping has been missing for a while, where do you think Lan Zhiping will be now? Who hit him?"

Hei Ruyue almost forgot Lan Zhiping.

Hearing her father's question, she thought about it, and asked tentatively, "Could it be Lan Rui who attacked her younger brother?"

"Apart from him, who else can control Lan Zhiping?"

"He killed Lan Zhiping?"

"No, at most it's under house arrest."

Hei Ruyue thought in his heart, no wonder Lan Zhiping disappeared all of a sudden.

The Lan family even came to trouble her, suspecting that she had hidden Lan Zhiping.

She was too lazy to hide an old man.

The hot fight with Lan Zhiping before was on purpose.

"Lan Rui will fight against Lan Zhiping. I guess he is prepared for Lan Er, and maybe he wants to do the same to Lan Er. Lan Zheng was trained by Lan Rui. Lan Rui is in the hospital now, and it is inconvenient to move. It must be Lan Zheng makes a move."

"I called Lan Er, called him out, and gave Lan Zheng a chance to do it, and it was also our chance to do it."

The head of the Hei family has been fighting with Lan Rui for so many years, and he is still familiar with the way the Lan family and his son behave.

Hei Ruyue was right when he thought about it, so he said, "Dad, I'll go and gather all the people we can use now, and make arrangements in advance."

Patriarch Hei hummed, and signaled his daughter to gather the people they could use now.

After Hei Ruyue left, Patriarch Hei called Second Master Lan.

Second Master Lan sent a message to Patriarch Hei just now, but he was still awake, when he suddenly received a call from Patriarch Hei, he was still a little panicked, afraid that people would know that he was in contact with Patriarch Hei, so he dared not answer the call, so he cut off the call After that, he sent a message to Master Hei instead.

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