Dad: I was reborn after my daughter died

Chapter 540 Contractor Truth

Chapter 540 Contractor Truth

"The rich businessman died, and the kid succeeded."

As Lao Yuan spoke, he took a puff of cigarette, and the blood vessels in his neck protruded.

"Later we found out that we were all deceived by that child."

When Lao Yuan said this, he didn't continue to talk, but Gu Chen also understood what was going on.

Gu Chen didn't know how to evaluate this matter.

Say Lao Yuan and the others are stupid?But their intentions are good.

No matter how cold-blooded a person is, it is difficult to judge his danger when facing a child.

"To be precise, we are all people with criminal records."

Old Yuan sighed, no one knew better than him how hard the daily life of Broken Eyebrow Man and the others was.

They can indeed make money in the market, but they still cannot make ends meet.

Because they need daily training, the consumption of training is the bulk of the expenditure.

With the little money the six of them earn, it can't even support their physical training.

For such a long time, Lao Yuan has helped the six of them overtly and secretly.

Today, Lao Yuan introduced the six of them to Gu Chen, and it seemed that he was doing Gu Chen a favor.

But in fact it was Gu Chen who helped him.

Gu Chen gave each of them 200 yuan a day's wages, which was not only enough for their daily training expenses, but also enough for them to live a life without worrying about food and clothing.

"Boss Gu, I should thank you very much today." Lao Yuan said to Gu Chen.

He was really grateful to Gu Chen in his heart. Gu Chen was able to offer such a high price, so why didn't he trust him, Lao Yuan?

"Look at what you said, if it weren't for you, how would I know who can trust and who can't?"

Gu Chen didn't take it seriously, and he didn't care if they had a criminal record or something.

Anyway, Lao Yuan also made it clear what was going on.

At this time, Lao Yuan continued to say, "You can rest assured on this point, I use my life to assure you that the six of them are absolutely reliable in this regard.

They are definitely not the kind of people who can buy them off with money, no matter how much money they have. "

He was very reassured and sure about the character of these six people.

It's almost time to eat, so it's time to go anyway.

Lao Yuan sent Gu Chen outside.

After Gu Chen was about to get into the car, Lao Yuan suddenly said, "Boss Gu, those developers are not easy to mess with, you have to be careful.

Wei Tianfu is very shrewd, but you are actually the most dangerous person here. "

Lao Yuan suddenly said this to Gu Chen.

When Gu Chen heard this, he froze for a moment.

When did I tell Lao Yuan that I was cooperating with Wei Tianfu?

But soon he also understood that Lao Yuan should have guessed it.

The new contractor was either a friend or Gu Chen himself.

Gu Chen nodded, got in the car and left.

Lao Yuan watched Gu Chen's car disappear into the street, he stubbed out his cigarette butt and called a car himself.

In fact, Lao Yuan guessed this matter when Gu Chen just explained the mission to the six of them.

He is not stupid, on the contrary he is very smart.

Gu Chen was so cautious when he explained it just now, and combined with what Gu Chen said before, it is of course not difficult for him to judge that this matter must have something to do with Gu Chen.

So Gu Chen must be the contractor.

In his heart, he actually didn't know what to say, anyway, it felt weird.

Gu Chen's change was really too great, and he didn't know how to accept it for a while.

He could still understand when he opened an Internet cafe and flower shop before.

Now he directly cooperates with Wei Tianfu in real estate.

This step is not usually big.

However, the risk is really not small. If something goes wrong, Gu Chen's compensation for losing his fortune is considered light.

It is even possible to go directly inside to eat steamed buns.

People make money and birds die for food. He also knows that he takes such a big risk because it is profitable.

Knowing such a big risk, in fact, there will still be people who will continue to work hard to get in and get a share.

There are plenty of people in Sichuan City who are willing to take risks.

When Gu Chen went home and waited for Ji Pianran to come back, Gu Chen also took the initiative to talk about this matter with Ji Pianran.

"I found a team. Everyone in this team has received professional training. From now on, you mother and daughter will be protected by them every day."

Ji Pianran nodded after listening, she didn't expect Gu Chen to be so fast.

Yesterday he said he was going to find someone to protect the two of them, and this person will come over tomorrow.

She knew that this trouble must be serious, otherwise Gu Chen wouldn't be so nervous.

Whenever she saw Tangtang's smile, Ji Pianran couldn't help but think that it would be nice if Gu Chen stayed at home every day without doing anything.

But she also understands that money will not fall in vain in this world.

If Gu Chen had done nothing from the beginning, there would not be such a happy family as it is now.

Tangtang's happiness requires someone to pay the price. She is willing to pay and bear everything, but she doesn't have the ability.

Although Wang Laoji's sales are very good now, the money she earns is completely different from Gu Chen's.

The real benefit, Gu Chen dumped her more than ten times.

So the family can carry it now, mainly because of Gu Chen.

After falling asleep that night, when Gu Chen woke up again, the sky outside was just getting bright.

Looking at the clock it was 04:30 in the morning.

After a while, those six people came over, and they didn't know if they had eaten or not.

But Gu Chen still had to get up and make breakfast.

When he walked into the living room, he heard voices outside.

He cheered up instantly, as if he had been offended by Ni Lin.

Who came in the house?

On alert, he picked up the feather duster from the couch.

Then follow the sound and walk over a little bit.

At last he found that the sound was coming from outside the door.

He looked outside the door through the peephole, and saw that it was Duanmei and the six of them were already waiting at the door.

He dropped his vigilance for a moment, and opened the door.

Broken eyebrows outside the door saw Gu Chen, and the six of them immediately said seriously, "Boss Gu."

Looking at their tidy appearance, it is completely different from yesterday's state.

There were even a lot of equipment on them. For example, the code-named poisonous hand, Gu Chen saw that he was wearing a black glove, judging from the material, it should be the kind of anti-separation glove.

"Why did you come so early?" Gu Chen said and let them enter the house.

It's only 04:30, and they came half an hour earlier than the agreed time yesterday.

"Let's come early and observe the surrounding environment." The man with broken eyebrows said to Gu Chen.

After hearing this, Gu Chen realized that they had come to do work ahead of time.

It can also be seen from this point that they are very professional.

Hawkeye was not idle at the back at this time, his eyes kept scanning the situation in the house.

His gaze was always circling the windows.

(End of this chapter)

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