Dad: I was reborn after my daughter died

Chapter 243 How about sending this wolfberry to Sichuan City?

Chapter 243 How about sending this wolfberry to Sichuan City?

Hearing this, Ji Chu smiled happily.

Sure enough, children are still innocent, and they don't think expensive is good like adults.

In their eyes, only parents are the best!

"Okay, if you don't go back, the meal will really be cold." Uncle Guang said with a smile.

It is really a kind of torture to hold delicious food in your hand, but you can't eat it anyway.

After Uncle Guang said this, the four of them continued walking towards the hospital.

At this moment, Ji Guangsheng had already woken up, and was sitting in front of the window drinking tea and chatting with Wu Shuhui. The sunlight came in through the window, making him look very comfortable.

Seeing the four of them push the door in, Wu Shuhui smiled happily and hurriedly stood up.

"Oh, thanks to Gu Chen, Dad can now sit in front of the window and drink tea in just a few days!"

This may not be a big deal to normal people, but for Ji Guangsheng, who has problems waking up every day, being able to sit by the window and drink a cup of tea is really exciting enough for this change.

Even Ji Guangsheng, who rarely praised others, couldn't help but speak.

"Gu Chen is really good at cooking. He eats a lot, and even his spirit has improved a lot. It's just so hard. He has to take care of me, a bad old man, and he has to take care of his own affairs."

I heard from my daughter that Gu Chen is really busy, and it is indeed a bit hard to think about cooking for himself when he is so busy.

Gu Chen smiled at Ji Guangsheng, "You are Pianran's father, and you are my father. You should take care of you, so don't be polite to me."

Although Ji Guangsheng has no blood relationship with him, he is the father of his daughter-in-law. If he loves her, he must treat his family as well as his own.

Wu Shuhui was happy at the moment, and the smile on her face never stopped.

She walked over and took the bento from Uncle Guang, opened it and put it on the table.

Seeing all kinds of dishes inside, I couldn't help looking at Gu Chen in surprise.

"Ah, I heard from my father that you only cooked dinner an hour ago. It's really hard work to cook so many dishes in such a short time."

Stir-fried lettuce, ginseng black chicken soup, ribs, and king crab.

All of them look delicious and delicious.

Just smelling it will whet your appetite.

Moreover, this ginseng black chicken soup is estimated to be stewed for a long time.

Gu Chen really took care of his wife.

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head and looked at the little cabbage. There were still white petal-like things inside. She looked curious, "What is this?"

Gu Chen walked over, looked at the plate, and introduced while helping.

"This, this is raw, fresh pinellia, pinellia is a good thing to reduce swelling, and it tastes good, but this is specially for dad."

Ji Guangsheng had too little time for activities, and he had to infuse every day, so he looked a little swollen.

When this person becomes swollen, it is not only unsightly, but most importantly, it is not good for the body. Eating more pinellia can diuretic and reduce swelling.

It is also good for Ji Guangsheng's illness.

Diet therapy must put some medicinal materials that are beneficial to the patient's body without affecting the taste.

Only in this way can it be better and faster.

Otherwise, what is the difference between him and the cook?

Hearing this, Wu Shuhui nodded repeatedly. After these few days of contact, she was indescribably satisfied with this son-in-law.

It is said that it is hard to find a woman who can go up to the living room and down to the kitchen.

The man who goes from the living room to the kitchen is the real treasure!

It is really a blessing for my daughter to marry Gu Chen!

Gu Chen opened all the vegetable boxes, then went to the window to push Ji Guangsheng's wheelchair, and told him softly.

"After eating, you have to go out to hide and bask in the sun. Sunbathing can not only replenish calcium, but breathing more fresh air can also make people feel happy."

When Gu Chen talked, it was as if he was coaxing Tangtang.

It is said that old children are old children. In Gu Chen's eyes, Ji Guangsheng is a typical old child.

Although this old kid always doesn't speak, he looks very deep.

At the beginning, Gu Chen was really afraid of Ji Guangsheng.

But through these two days of contact, he really found that Ji Guangsheng is not that scary.

Although he still looks very aura, he is not angry and pretentious.

But Gu Chen discovered that when Ji Guangsheng encountered something he liked, he would always stare at that dish, and then steal a few bites quietly.

I am afraid that others will think that I am not in good health, so I try to keep my body as straight as possible no matter how weak I am.

Although this may be his way of thinking deeply, it is these small details that make him feel that Ji Guangsheng is not that scary, he is also a real person.

Ji Guangsheng frowned slightly, he didn't expect Gu Chen to speak to himself in such a tone.

Surprised and a little funny.

He tilted his head to look at Gu Chen, and said slowly, "You sound like you're coaxing Tangtang, why, coax me like a child."

Gu Chen pushed him to the dining table, and then he laughed, "Because sometimes Tangtang and you are actually quite similar, so maybe unconsciously..."

Hearing this, Ji Guangsheng's dark eyes suddenly lit up for a moment.

Then, he laughed too.

This brat, it means that he is as childish as Tangtang!

He lived half his life, and Gu Chen was the first one who dared to joke with himself!

But it's strange, as soon as this sentence came out, the relationship between the two people was inexplicably drawn a lot closer.

"You boy." Ji Guangsheng was a little dumbfounded.

Gu Chen took the gift box that was brought up just now, and put it in Ji Guangsheng's hand.

"Dad, this is the goji berry I sold before. Now it's made into a high-end tonic, so I took it along the way. You can try it and see how it works."

To be honest, if it was given to him by others, Ji Guangsheng might not even look at it and let Uncle Guang take it back, but if it was given by his son-in-law, especially if he sold it, then he should take a good look at it.

Checking is also good.

Ji Guangsheng slowly opened the package and took a closer look.

"The material of this ebony is very good, and the packaging is thoughtful."

After speaking, he opened the wooden box in his hand, and there was a box of dried goji berries neatly placed inside. The goji berries were carefully selected and then air-dried. The pure red color really looked very high-end .

He nodded, "Yes, this fruit is air-dried, not sun-dried."

Goji berries contain a lot of vitamins. If they are dried in the sun and placed under high temperature every day, over time, goji berries will naturally lose part of their nutrients and turn black in color.

But dry, it's different.

All are pure Chinese red, the color is very beautiful.

Ji Guangsheng was very satisfied with the wolfberry.

He pinched one and put it in his mouth, and tasted it carefully. It tasted very good, sweet but not greasy, not dry at all, and the degree of dryness was just right, and the most important thing was that it still had a lingering fragrance.

A fruity aroma pervades the mouth, and the taste is really good.

I have been making medicines by myself for so many years, I don’t know how many goji berries I picked up by myself, it is nothing more than a health product.

Not even high-end health care products.

But Gu Chen is still the first one who can make goji berries into this size.

(End of this chapter)

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