Dressed as a petite jerk

Chapter 779 Rapunzel living in a tall building?

That night, Lord Blood King happily experienced the happiness of "Little Dengke". Under the double stimulation of his wife begging for mercy both in his mouth and in his heart, he felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life!

But I want to give her the heartbeat value of that point, no, wait...

This time, I waited for seven or eight years...

Until the daughter-in-law guessed that he could hear her heart, she stopped giving him such rich and interesting inner dramas.

Until he cultivated himself very stably, even if he returned to his original body, he would be able to awaken this part of his memory at any time.

Knowing that he accidentally heard Xiao Qitongzi and his daughter-in-law's worrying talk, if they don't go to the next small world, that moody courtier will destroy that small world...

He just picked a good day, relived a candlelight dinner with his wife, and then slowly gave out that heartbeat value, and watched his wife go to the next small world, and he himself finally returned to his body... …


At the candlelight dinner last night, I drank the wine brewed by myself and Lord Blood King, and the man added his own blood into it ingeniously... The wine was fragrant in the mouth, but it had a strong aftertaste. Drank too much.

After waking up from a hangover, I realized that Lord Blood King's heart rate has been maxed out, and she has now entered the world of that sycophant!

When she got up, she realized that the place she was in was a tall building, the windows on all sides were open, and the light gauze curtains were blowing across the room...

She was lying on the floor mat wearing only a light dress, so cold that she even had goosebumps...

Fortunately, there were still long black hairs covering his body, which barely kept his body warm.

She rubbed her aching temples, first gave herself a body-warming spell, and then called out Xiao Qitongzi without haste: "Xiao Qi, there is no one here, show up!"

"Master!" Xiao Qi took shape, automatically positioned herself as Luo Qingci's personal servant girl, and changed into a dress suitable for this small world.

Luo Qingci pushed back the blue hair that covered half of his face: "Tell me, what's going on now!"

Xiao Qitong replied respectfully: "Okay, master."

"We have officially entered the small world of subjugated princesses and courtiers."

"Princess Subjugated is undoubtedly your current identity. This small world is called Tianqiong Continent. There are three powerful kingdoms, Xuanyuan Dynasty, Dongyuan Dynasty, and Beichen Dynasty. There are also seventeen small countries and some barbarian tribes."

"However, the Xuanyuan Dynasty is a newly established country after replacing the former Tianluo Dynasty. You are the last princess of the Tianluo Dynasty. On the night of the change of dynasty, you happened to be born. You were ordered to be a lucky star who can protect the court. Chang'an and the people survived."

"At that time, during the reign of the last king of the Tianluo Dynasty, there were floods in the south and drought in the north, and the people were in dire straits. But when you were just born, the clouds were dense. After you were properly disposed of, it rained continuously for three days and nights in the north. The clouds scattered and the sky opened..."

"That's right, the new prince personally named you Princess Fushun of the new dynasty, and has treated you the same as other princesses for so many years!"

Luo Qingci heard this, pondered for a moment, and said: "Then this princess should have a good life, how come she doesn't even have a maid when she sleeps, and she wears such thin clothes in such a cold day... Did you freeze to death when I came here?"

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