Dressed as a petite jerk

Chapter 497 Damn it, the power of God...

At the beginning, Luo Qingci could still listen to what he had to say, but gradually, she was not in the mood to listen to him.

After holding back and forth, I finally couldn't help but say: "Lord God...can you... hurry up..."

She's so slow, dawdling and teasing her in every way, she's a normal woman!

A mortal with seven emotions and six desires.

Who thought he could be so restrained?

Then, she keenly noticed that the lotus fragrance in the room suddenly became stronger by at least several times!

The intoxicating feeling made her mind a little dizzy.

It seemed that the wind had blown, and the veils around him were whistling.

It seemed that the lotus flowers that were blooming around began to drop their petals, were blown up, and fell on her and Lord Lord God layer by layer.

Then, she regretted urging him! !

Because, as if the main god who was quietly telling the story was a different person, he bit her lips like a storm, the bend of her neck, her...

She is like a small boat strayed into the endless turbulent sea, without the slightest possibility of autonomy...

Her body was covered with soft petals at some point, but she was already begging for mercy repeatedly amidst the turbulent waves brought to her by the Lord God.

However, that unscrupulous man could no longer hear such begging for mercy.

He wanted to take it slow, fearing that she would not be able to bear it, because she urged her...

If you rush, you have to pay the price, right?

...Luo Qingci doesn't remember how she got to this point, it seems that it started when she changed the script.

She gave the main god such a good opening reason.

Then bury yourself in the big pit!

He is the Creator God, even if he has only collected a few soul fragments, he can still use his endless divine power. If she is not fainted by him, all he needs to do is kiss her, or run his hot fingers across her back, It will make her clear-headed again, alive and well...

And he continued with satisfaction...

She couldn't remember how long it had been, maybe an hour, maybe a day, maybe ten days.

Finally, when he was a little softer, she asked him: "How much time do you have?"

"There is still a little." He pressed her ear: "After all, this deity has only fused a few fragments of the soul, and it won't last long, but Qingqing can rest assured that this deity will try to satisfy Qingqing and conceive our child." ..."

"No! I don't want you to satisfy me, Lord God! Please tell me, as long as you are satisfied."

"I... can't do it anymore!!"

Luo Qingci's voice was hoarse from crying.

"The deity still needs a little time... I am satisfied."

"Qingqing, don't cry, the deity just hurry up..."

He stuck a finger into her mouth.

Her hoarse voice returned...

Angrily, she shouted: "Then take the cloth off my eyes!"

After probing several times, she was sure that this was something he didn't want to do. Every time she mentioned this, his movements would pause and ease up a little...

Who knows this time, he said: "Okay, take it down!"

The red cloth in front of her was lifted, and she quickly opened her eyes, only to find that the whole world was plunged into darkness...

And in such darkness, the beast transformed by a certain god is even more "ruthless" towards its prey...

Ahhhh, Luo Qingci's soul trembled, she will die, will she die by this crazy man?

If there is a next life after death, she will definitely remember this damned terrifying power of God...

Of course, in the end, Luo Qingci still didn't die, and the lord god couldn't bear her to die.

She woke up on a sunny afternoon and found herself lying on the bamboo bed in neat clothes.

The bed is covered with lotus petals of five colors, white, cyan, red, black and golden.

But there was no spiritual mist and green lotuses everywhere in the room, and the Lord Lord God was not by her side.

After finally getting rid of this "torture", she felt a sense of emptiness in her heart, jumped out of the bed and ran out barefoot...


Do you think Lord God is gone?hey-hey……

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