Dressed as a petite jerk

Chapter 494 The deity is here to have a baby with Qingqing

In the distance, the actor in white robe turned into a white robe for some unknown reason, and even the wig that just reached his waist became longer and smoother.

If the deity played by the actor is noble and cold, then there is more of a divinity in this man that makes people want to surrender, worship, and look up to him involuntarily!

He was clearly standing on the secular land, but everything around him suddenly became ethereal.

The tree next to him used to decorate is also fake, only the red silk fluttering in the wind was used to decorate it, but at this moment, because he came alive, big flowers as white as clouds bloomed. Against the backdrop of red silk, it is beautiful...

But no matter how beautiful it is, it is not as stunning as a person like him.

It was as if everything in the world was so small and eclipsed in front of him...

Then, the person who was supposed to walk over the bamboo bridge suddenly flew up lightly.

It flew over the pool of clear water, landed on the grass not far away, and approached her step by step.

"Who... are you?" Luo Qingci could only look at him stupidly, forgetting that he was acting in a script at this time.

I forgot where I am, what I should do, and everything around me.

Only him in eyes.

Every time he took a step, green lotuses bloomed under his feet, and his feet would not touch the soil, otherwise there would be no dust in the world.

Every step she took was like stepping on her heart, making her flustered, but full of uncontrollable anticipation...

He's not the actor, is he?Even though the film king is so good that he is the only one in the world, he is not as capable as him.

The scent of flowers in the air is getting stronger and stronger, and a certain answer about the identity of a man is ready to come out.

The man finally stood in front of her, only one step away from her...

He stretched out his hand, but she didn't dare to look at his face or his eyes, so she shifted her gaze to his hand.

Under the sun, that hand was flawless white jade, exuding a touch of youthfulness, with slender fingers, like the most perfect work of art.

The head landed on the top of her head, and she patted it lightly twice, and the little finger picked up a strand of messy hair on her forehead to straighten it out.

"Little idiot, why did you get yourself so dirty again? Huh?"

His voice is beautiful, like a gentle wind blowing a pool of spring water, with the magic power to calm some troubles in the world.

Then the warm fingertips landed on her eyebrows, eyes, nose, and finally traced on her lips: "I have seen Qingqing in Shihua Mirror for so many years, and this is the first time I have met Qingqing."

"Qingqing is so pretty."

Just hearing what he said, Luo Qingci felt her heart beating uncontrollably fast.

So, he...he is the creator god body?

Why did he suddenly... descend?

Yes, for a god like him, only the word "advent" is worthy of his identity...

"Did the deity come suddenly, scaring Qingqing?"

The lord god seemed to know Luo Qingci's thoughts completely, and said, "It was Qingqing who summoned the deity."

I?When will I...

Luo Qingci was a little confused.

"Qingqing wants to have a baby," the voice of the Lord Lord God was still soft and moving, as if there was no emotion at all: "This deity is here to have a baby with Qingqing."

"Ah! This..."

Luo Qingci finally couldn't help looking at him, her small figure was reflected in those black eyes that didn't even see anything in the world...


About dreaming at night, I dreamed that a group of wolves and tigers were chasing after me, and I was threatened by the fastest runner to chop off my hands, and then I woke up in fright. I kept my eyes open in the middle of the night thinking about the plot... …

Don't chase, don't fight, don't chop your hands... Lord God sends you~~

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