Everyone was very curious about Chen He's methods.

There is such a magical secret in this world.

"Is this the miraculous way they said?" Bai Meng asked curiously.

"That's right, this is the application of Taoism, which can keep our souls out of the body for at least five hours, but after five hours, we have to return here."

"As far as we humans are concerned, the soul should not leave the body for too long, otherwise it will not come back."

Everyone nodded, indicating that they remembered.

"Which one of you will come first?"

"I'll come first, I'll come first!"

Bai Meng happily waved her little hand, and shouted expectantly.

I saw Chen He took a step forward, quickly formed seals with both hands, and then kept pointing out.

"Call the soul, lead!"

Pointing with two fingers on Baimeng's forehead and pulling back, a translucent shadow was pulled out.

The shadow is no different from the white dream, this is her soul.

After the soul leaves the body, the body remains motionless like a stake.

The soul that has lost the restraint of the body flies around at will.

Bai Meng had a great time playing, and felt that he was very interesting.

"Don't fly too far and get used to it first. Although there is the protection of the soul-inducing incense, if the soul leaves the body for the first time, if you can't adapt well, it will have an impact on the soul and body."

hear this

Bai Meng hurried back obediently, not daring to fly too far.

She flew around the soul-inducing incense a few times, and her soul gradually became solidified.

Even the facial features can be seen clearly.

Then the body became heavy, as if he could feel the weight, and it was not so easy to fly again.

"Why can't I fly?" Bai Meng looked distressed.

Chen He chuckled: "That's because the soul-inducing incense increases the weight of the soul, otherwise, it would just be like a rootless weed that can only float around in the wind, and it won't be long before it will be blown away by the wind of nature."

"After all, the soul needs the protection of the body, and the soul-inducing incense plays the role of the body."

during speaking

Chen He also guided the souls of Lao Wang and Zhong Hao out.

The two got used to the out-of-body state, and the ghosts that symbiotically merged with them were also guided out.

Ghosts live on their souls like parasites.

Then under the effect of the soul-inducing incense, the souls of several people became solidified.

In the end, the soul can walk on the ground like a normal person. Of course, the feeling itself is not as real as the body, and it cannot feel the gravity from the earth.

Their bodies were kept in the formation.

As for Chen He, he can easily get his soul out of his body.

The moment his soul came out of his body, the other three seemed to see the dazzling sunlight.

Chen He's soul is really too dazzling, like a little sun.

Moreover, his soul is faintly connected with the surrounding world, merging between heaven and earth.

The ghost parasitic in Lao Wang's body trembled, terrified.

Chen He rarely had out-of-body experiences, this time out of his body gave him a deeper understanding of his own practice.

Especially in the tower of the sky, he seemed to feel a special rule faintly.

This is a fixed program that guides the operation of the entire Sky Tower.

Of course, it is not as good as the law of heaven in the big world outside. This place is more like a large-scale artificially built program.Fun Court

If he can comprehend the operating rules in the Tianze Pagoda, Chen He feels that it will be of great benefit to him in comprehending the Dao of Heaven.

He could only see cross-legged floating in the sky, with innumerable runes and golden lights flickering around his body.

About 10 minutes later, he suddenly opened his eyes, and dense runes flickered in his eyes.

As soon as he grabbed it with his right hand, a hill next to it was kneaded into a long strip.

With a swipe of the left hand, the hill on the left was cut, revealing a gurgling stream.

This scene shocked the others, and they were very curious about Chen He's methods.

Chen He landed slowly with a face of enlightenment: "As expected, when the soul is strong enough, it can control this world. This place is more like a kingdom of gods without an owner!"

That's right, Chen He used the word "Divine Kingdom" to describe the ninety floors.

This proves that the stronger the ghosts or souls living here, the more resources they can master.

He had just penetrated into the rules of this world and successfully obtained part of the authority.

Let him understand a lot of rules that this world runs.

These rules seem to be made by man, not God.

Chen He was very curious, what were the gods building these pagodas for?

Build yourself a kingdom of God?

Do they really want to become gods or do they have other ideas?

Chen He doesn't know all this, and now he is even more curious about the world above the ninetieth floor.

Chen He taught them the skills to control the energy of this world.

Keeping them in the soul state can also display their due combat effectiveness.

A few people are smart, and in just a few minutes, they have mastered the skills Chen He said, communicating with this world with their souls, and they can exert a strong fighting power.


These combat powers are more like an illusory existence, and they are not sure whether these attacks can harm the entity.

If you ask what the world of the ghost clan is like, Chen He feels that the world of the ninetieth floor is very close.

He even suspected that this was the world of ghosts.

After completing the preparations, everyone began to move towards the Jianye City.

This Jianye City should be the center within a few hundred miles, where all spirit bodies and ghost races gather.

Even the monster races here exist with souls, without any physical creatures.

But soon

They did see a physical creature. A group of ghosts caught a monster. The corpse of the monster was bound in a cage and transported to Jianye City like a trophy.

Seeing the monster, the surrounding spirits all showed longing looks.

I don't know whether it is based on the body's desire for a physical body or the desire for a fresh soul that made this monster the focus.

When Chen He and the others walked onto the road, they immediately attracted the attention of many spiritual beings.

But soon they bowed their heads quickly again, because they felt the powerful soul power from Chen He and the others, such an existence was not something they could provoke.

Walking among these spirits gives people a feeling of coming to the world of the afterlife.

Bai Meng looked around curiously.

The spirit body can touch the spirit body, and she even touched the spirit body that passed him by.

Every time this happens, the spirit body on the opposite side feels like being electrocuted, and quickly retreats dozens of steps, looking at Baimeng in horror, trying to hide as far away as possible.

"Don't touch people indiscriminately. A powerful spirit body is very dangerous to a weak spirit body. If you don't pay attention, you will be swallowed!" Chen He reminded.

Compared with the frizzy Baimeng, Lao Wang looked extraordinarily stable today.

He looked around, wondering what he was thinking.

at last

They came to the gate of the city, where three flying and phoenix plaques hung high above the gate of Jianye City.

The guards under the city walls are heavily guarded. These guards are skeletons with entities, wearing black armor, and the sharp blades in their hands are shining with soul light.

Any spirit body that wants to break in by force will become their dead soul under the knife.

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