at the same time

far east sea

A small underwater shuttle slowly docked into a hidden narrow bend.

Two figures in diving suits slipped out of the shuttle and swam deeper into the fjord.

There's an undercurrent under the water, and that doesn't stop them.

Using a small underwater propeller to advance from the edge of the undercurrent, after swimming a few hundred meters forward, the two stopped, and a metal drainage pipe with a diameter of several meters was in front of them.

One person uses a cutting machine to cut off the filter lock on the drainage pipe.

In less than a minute, the filter was opened, and the two of them swam inside along the metal drainpipe.

The inside of the drainpipe was pitch black, and only the headlights could be used to detect a distance of tens of meters ahead.

After swimming for an unknown amount of time, one of them suddenly stopped and pointed to the top of his head.

There is a fork above the head, which should be a maintenance pipeline or something.

The two climbed up the escalator and entered a dark underground space.

The headlights scanned the surroundings, and here was a complex and huge underground drainage system.

The two finally took off their diving suits, revealing their original appearance.

"It's really far enough to run this time, I hope I can gain something!"

Mark threw the oxygen tank on the ground, yes, it was Mark who came here.

Just yesterday, he was still in the Tower of Heaven, and today he came to a distant sea.

The man next to him took off his mask, revealing a head of wet hair.

Not Tang Shao, who else?

"Are you sure you can go up here?" Mark looked around, it was like a maze.

Tang Shao next to him took out a tablet computer, and the red dots of the two of them were displayed on the map.

"I have the latest map of Ghost Island here. This is the corner of the underground drainage system in the east of Ghost Island. It should be no problem to follow the map!"

They actually came to the ghost island thousands of miles away from the Dragon Kingdom.

It is located in the center of the Pacific Ocean. It used to be just a small reef island. Later, after discovering the special features of this place, it gathered the power of the whole world to build a huge island here.

That's right, the mysterious ghost island used to suppress and imprison the nine ghost kings is actually man-made.

The reason why we rushed to Guidao urgently was because we had received some news and we wanted to come over and check it out.

The reason why the two of them were sent was one to prevent surprises, and the other was for the sake of concealment.

The strength of both of them is very average, and it is not easy to be exposed on this island.

If they cooperate with Chen He's hidden talisman, the two of them can become transparent people.

The two hurriedly sorted out the equipment on their bodies, for fear of missing something.Fun Court

Mark stared at Tang Shao for a long time: "You better not make any mistakes in your information, otherwise going back this time will not be as simple as being boarded."

While tidying up his equipment, Tang Shao replied: "The elders of the Demon Hunt Bureau have come here, and even Gu Mo, the world's strongest demon hunter, is here. There must be something big happening on Ghost Island."

Although some couldn't understand why the master had to come in person, Mark didn't have any complaints.

Travel tens of thousands of miles to reach the destination.

The two walked through the underground drainage system at a very slow speed. They didn't even dare to turn on the lights, so they could only navigate with the map.

At this moment, the sound of clattering sounded

Puddles of green liquid flowed from the drain next to them.

"What the hell are these things? Is there anyone on Ghost Island doing experiments?"

Mark stared at the pool of green liquid, exuding a disgusting breath.

"Ghost Island has been very mysterious since its establishment. It is not just a prison. Later, as the World Government moved to Ghost Island, it began to prosper."

"There is a small city above our heads, and major research institutions have set up branches here, and some unknown secret research can be carried out here!"

"Are these supported by the World Alliance government?" Mark couldn't help asking.

Tang Shao replied:

"The World Government, the Church of the Inverse Moon, the Demon Hunt Bureau, and even many powerful and powerful institutions, Ghost Island is a place outside the law."

"Of course, there is a rule here. All research must be reported to the federal government, and all research results must also be reported. Otherwise, you will be asked to leave Ghost Island directly."

"So harsh? Isn't that working for the federal government for free?"

As Mark walked, he used the instrument to scan the pool of green liquid, which contained complex ingredients and contained strong radiation.

"How can it be considered a free job? These research institutions can only find such an excellent research environment here. You should know where this is, the nine ghost kings suppressed under the ghost island, and countless various ghosts, so With a unique environment, how can those research institutions be willing to give up?"

"So even if the conditions are harsher, they are willing to stay here."

"Not only that, there are countless research institutions that want to squeeze into Ghost Island every year, but the number of places is limited, and not everyone is eligible to enter."

Mark touched his chin and was about to speak when Tang Shao pulled him aside.

"Shut up, someone!"

The two quickly used the concealment symbol.

Then they saw a group of patrols in white protective suits walking past them.

These people kept scanning the drainage system with the instrument, and then they seemed to find something, and the instrument suddenly flashed red.

I saw the green water surging in the water channel ahead, and suddenly a mysterious monster rushed out.

This monster looks very weird, half human and half demon, the upper body is human, and the lower body is demon.

It's like a combined monster.

"What's that?" Mark couldn't help but backed away, trying to hide his figure as much as possible.

Just now he didn't even detect that this monster was hiding around.

Tang Shao on the side looked solemn and did not take any action.

I saw those patrolling personnel start to move, some people took out the arresting nets, some people took out their weapons.

This half-human, half-demon monster looks terrifying, but its strength is very average, only at the level of an ordinary little demon.

Among the patrolling personnel was a master-level demon hunter, who immediately suppressed the monster and pressed it hard against the wall.

The monster struggled frantically but couldn't break free. Finally, it was caught by the net and stuffed into the cage.

It wasn't until the patrol team left that the two poked their heads out: "I'll be good, that thing came from the research institute, right?"

Tang Shao nodded: "Research on Ghost Island is usually unscrupulous. Although there were protests, the voices of such protests were quickly suppressed without a trace."

I saw Mark punching the wall with a fist: "These research institutes should be banned, it is simply a crime!"

Tang Shao glanced at Mark: "You can't say that. Over the years, in order to fight against more and more ghosts and monsters, the special research of these institutes has also played a big role."

"Everything has two sides. When you do something extraordinary, who can tell what is right or wrong?"

Mark's eyes were burning directly: "So we came out to change this bad world and work hard for it."

He glanced at Tang Shao: "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, after all, you are not the same as us."

Tang Shao hesitated to speak, and swallowed deeply the words that came to his lips.

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