President Daddy is super fierce

Chapter 591 The Surprise Comes

Nie Yiquan's casual words made Huang Yao's heart beat like a drum. You know, having a child means getting married. Does he really want to marry her?

Huang Yao was half surprised and half worried.

She has always labeled herself as a selfish woman, because only selfish people are happier, but now she realizes that if she is really selfish, she will now lie to Nie Yiquan to get the certificate.

It turned out that she had always positioned herself wrongly. She still had a conscience, morality, and a bottom line. When she met Nie Yiquan, she felt that she was not selfish.

"Okay, we'll talk about it later." Huang Yao looked back at him and replied with a smile.

Nie Yiquan seemed to have received some kind of affirmation, and his thin lips evoked a satisfied smile.

"Let's go, look at this garden, there is no one, everyone is hiding in the room to keep warm." Nie Yiquan looked at her cold red face, and decided to take her back to the room.

"Yes." Huang Yao had had enough.

Nie Yiquan bent down, picked up the trash can on the ground, and threw it into the trash can next to it.Huang Yao looked at this man's subtle actions, and was taken aback for a moment. In fact, if he didn't clean up, she would bend down to pick it up, but he did it one step ahead of her.

Huang Yao's eyes were slightly hot, she took off her gloves subconsciously, and grabbed his hand with her hand.When she pushed the snowman just now, she was wearing gloves, but he didn't.

At this moment, his hand was a little cold, but her fingers were warm. When the cold and hot met, both of them trembled.

Nie Yiquan looked down at her, and held her hand tightly.

That night!

The wind and snow didn't seem to have any intention of stopping, and it continued to fall down.

Nie Yiquan asked Li Qingqing to ask for a separate room for Huang Yao. At this moment, Huang Yao was sitting in the room, preparing to take a bath.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Huang Yao immediately walked over to open the door.

Nie Yiquan stood outside, holding a small cake in his hand.

Seeing Huang Yao open the door, his handsome face flashed with unease, and he quickly explained: "This is prepared by Li Qingqing, saying that you girls like sweets, do you want to eat them?"

Huang Yao looked at the delicate little cake, dotted with a circle of fruit, it was delicious at first sight.

"Think about it." How could Huang Yao have the heart to refuse his kindness?

Nie Yiquan came in with the cake. The next second, Nie Yiquan suddenly took out a small instrument from behind him. He found a camera at the back, looked at the screen of the instrument in his hand, and found another one under the cabinet. Finally, he went straight to the bathroom.

Huang Yao was stunned.

Nie Yiquan quickly removed another one from the bathroom and put them all in his pocket, his handsome face darkened. "This group of people is too bad." Huang Yao was about to explode, but luckily she didn't go into the bathroom to take a shower, otherwise...

Nie Yiquan snorted coldly: "When I turn back, I will have people seal up this hotel. The more remote the place, the more I think the sky is high and the earth is far away, so I can't control it."

Nie Yiquan was also very annoyed, he couldn't imagine that if Huang Yao went to the shower and was photographed, he would have the intention to kill someone.

Huang Yao looked around nervously, and asked him in a low voice, "Is there a video camera in my room?"

Nie Yiquan scanned around with his device: "No more, you can rest assured to sleep."

Huang Yao was furious again: "I don't know how many people have been fooled. This is a tourist town, and many young couples will come here for vacation. Will their videos be captured?"

Nie Yiquan said noncommittally: "Afterwards, I will ask me to check. If there are any found, I will have them all destroyed."

Huang Yao nodded, naturally believing in his ability.

"This cake looks delicious, do you want to pay for it?" Huang Yao asked him with a smile.

Nie Yiquan sat on the chair, and Huang Yao handed him a small spoon.

Nie Yiquan took a sip and nodded: "It's okay."

Huang Yao also took a bite. The cream is very fresh, it should be freshly made. Li Qingqing really put her heart into it.

When Nie Yiquan watched her eating the cake, he accidentally got some cream on the corner of her mouth, his handsome eyes were slightly startled, and then, as if uncontrollably, he wanted to reach out and wipe it off for her.

When Huang Yao wanted to eat more, he saw the man's finger gently rubbing the corner of her mouth.

Huang Yao was stunned, and quickly reached out and wiped it twice.

Nie Yiquan watched her plump, rosy lips pout slightly, his heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help stretching out his hand to pull her over.

Huang Yao fell directly on her lap, his entire pretty face flushed with embarrassment.

Nie Yiquan first pinched her face, Huang Yao hid twice, Nie Yiquan's heart seemed to be scratched a little more itchy, he directly pinched her chin, and kissed her thin lips.

Huang Yao had expected him to take this step a long time ago, and she was full of anticipation. When the real touch came, her mind went blank, and her body felt numb and crisp as if she had been struck by an electric current.

Nie Yiquan let go of her after just a taste, and then stood up: "Eat slowly, I'm going back to my room."

Huang Yao nodded: "OK."

Huang Yao didn't dare to keep him anymore, the hotel here was too dangerous, if someone really took pictures of him, it would be very troublesome.

The night passed, and in the morning, the snow covered everything.

Huang Yao made a phone call to Xia Momo.

"Xiao Yao, where are you?" Xia Momo's gentle voice always brought Huang Yao a different kind of warmth, just like a family member.

"I just got off the plane. I originally went back to Bafang City last night, but the road was blocked due to heavy snow. Now I live in a nearby town." Huang Yao said with a smile.

"Oh? You're coming back? That's great. The weather is not so good, it's very cold. You need to wear more clothes." Xia Momo is now wearing a down jacket, watching her son play in the snow in the small courtyard outside the door, The little guy was very excited.

"I will, sister-in-law, let's do this first, see if we can go back today." Huang Yao nodded, and then hung up the phone.

Xia Momo looked at his son playing and rolling in the snow, thinking that he would have to change another set of clothes in a while.

"Mum, can you see me? This is my Bao Lei." Xia Xiaobao's voice came not far away.

Xia Momo was a little speechless, but his son's physique was not bad, letting him play wild for a while could also release his vitality.

"I can't see, where are you? Xiaobao." Xia Momo cooperated with his acting very well.

"Hey..." Xia Xiaobao's triumphant voice drifted over.

Xia Momo smiled helplessly: "You play slowly, I went in to warm up, it's really cold."

Xia Xiaobao played by himself.

At this moment, someone brought breakfast, and Xia Momo was very grateful.

"Miss Xia, the kitchen made beef noodles today, and also fried some pancakes and poached eggs. There are soy milk and milk here."

"Thank you... vomit." Xia Momo greeted him, but suddenly smelled a smell of oily smoke, her whole stomach turned up in an instant, she stretched out her hand to cover her mouth a little out of composure, and looked at the other party with an apologetic expression: "I'm sorry , I feel a little sick to my stomach, but I'm still very grateful for your breakfast."

"Xia Xiaobao is being polite, it's too cold now, please keep warm." The other party left after a few words of concern.

Xia Momo let go of her covered hand, and smelled the smell of deep fried pancakes again. The smell that she felt very fragrant before became strange now, making trouble in her stomach.

Xia Momo frowned, and covered her chest with her hand, did she really have a cold?

Xia Momo decided to send her son to kindergarten soon, so she went to the doctor to get some medicine.

Calling Xia Xiaobao back, he changed into a suit of clothes and dressed him into a bun, and Xia Momo let him eat breakfast by himself.

"Mommy, why don't you eat?" Xia Xiaobao asked her while sucking on the noodles.

Xia Momo immediately said: "I don't really want to eat it yet, you should eat it first."

Xia Xiaobao was full in a while, and put on a knitted hat, revealing a naturally cute little face, big black shiny eyes, and she was even prettier than a girl.

"Xiaobao, you can no longer accept gifts from girls, do you hear me?" Momo Xia told her son on the way.

Xia Xiaobao nodded immediately: "No, but they will secretly put my schoolbag."

Xia Momo smiled helplessly. Maybe it was because his son had a sweet mouth and could coax others. Little girls liked him. At such a young age, his charm value was almost surpassing that of his father.

After putting her son in the kindergarten, Xia Momo walked quickly to the gate of the military hospital.

She first went to the gastroenterology department. The doctor knew that she was a friend of Nie Yiquan, so he was very polite.

"Miss Xia, why don't you go to the gynecology department first." The doctor reminded her with a smile.

Xia Momo was stunned for a moment, and then she was transferred to the gynecology department. The doctor first asked her some routine questions.

"The menstrual event... seems to have been postponed for more than 20 days." Xia Momo answered truthfully, but in the next second, she froze.

The doctor gave her a list with a smile: "Miss Xia, go and have a blood test first, and we'll see the situation."

Xia Momo asked incredulously, "Am I pregnant?"

The doctor nodded: "Delayed menstruation, sensitivity to smells, and wanting to vomit are all manifestations of early pregnancy."

Xia Momo's brain quickly turned. A month ago, Mu Xiuhan came here to see her. They were a little delusional for a while, and they ran out of measures, but the two of them became interested again in the morning. Xia Momo boldly said, One time won't win the lottery.

Not winning the lottery once?

Xia Momo is a bit confused now, isn't this...won the lottery?

Momo Xia hurriedly went for a blood test. While waiting for the result, she was very nervous.

It was so sudden, so unexpected, when she was not prepared, another little life was in her stomach.

When I saw the blood test list, all my guesses and uncertainties were confirmed.

Early pregnancy!

Standing in the corridor, Xia Momo didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a moment. She was pregnant while running for her life.

Xia Momo returned to the doctor's office. After seeing the result, the doctor immediately asked her: "Miss Xia, do you want this child?"

Xia Momo didn't even think about it, she nodded immediately: "Yes."

"Okay, then you can come over in half a month and have an ultrasound to see how the child is developing." The doctor suggested to her.

Xia Momo walked out of the hospital with a blank mind, because she gave birth to a baby, so she didn't feel anything new about having a baby.

Xia Momo was a little annoyed, so she endured it, maybe she wouldn't have a child so suddenly.

But, in this world, there is no medicine for regret. When it came, she had to face it squarely.

Xia Momo took a picture of the order with her mobile phone, and after hesitating for a few seconds, she still sent it directly to Mu Xiuhan.

Mu Xiuhan was in a meeting when he suddenly saw a text message coming from his phone, because he had set a separate reminder sound for Xia Momo, so when the sound rang, he knew it was her.

The man reached out to take out the phone, saw a photo, and then his eyes widened suddenly.

"Go ahead." Mu Xiuhan hurriedly stood up and walked out.

In the corridor outside the meeting room, Mu Xiuhan anxiously called Momo Xia.

"Momo, is this true?" The man asked her in surprise and joy.

Xia Momo nodded at the other end: "Yes, it's true, it was just tested, what should I do?"

Hearing her panicked voice, Mu Xiuhan immediately comforted her: "The child's arrival is due to fate. As parents, what can we do? Of course it's to welcome his birth."

Xia Momo smiled wryly: "I never considered having a second child before, because I thought one child would be very good."

"Why don't you want a second child? Xiaobao also wants to have a younger brother or younger sister." Mu Xiuhan chuckled lightly.

"It's true, Xiaobao really wants it. It's not that I don't want it, but I never thought about repeating the life of raising a child." Xia Momo said with a sigh.

"Momo, I will take care of Gu Boyuan as soon as possible. When our child is born, I will come to pick you up. At that time, I will accompany you to bring up the little one. I can also experience the feeling of taking care of a baby. " Mu Xiuhan knew that she must be at a loss, so he could only use the gentlest voice to comfort her and give her encouragement.

"Yeah, this time, you have to help me take it with you." Xia Momo thought of when she took care of Xia Xiaobao by herself back then. At that time, she was still injured. There are a lot of things I don't understand. Xia Xiaobao was born before full term. He was very difficult to take care of when he was a child, and he often fell ill. It took half a month for him to recover. Xia Momo was scared, but he was fine when he was tired. The biggest problem It is all kinds of worries. Once a child is born, it becomes the concern of the parents, and it is also the weakness of the parents. They are always looking forward to their safety and health.

"Of course, this time, I will do what a father should do." Mu Xiuhan was ecstatic, he had another child coming.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore. I'm a little tired. I want to go back and lie down. You're busy." Xia Momo knew that he must be working at this time, so she didn't disturb him if she was sensible.

"I'll give you a video tonight." After Mu Xiuhan finished speaking, he waited for her to hang up.

Xia Momo also waited for two seconds, and finally, she cut it off.

Mu Xiuhan squeezed his phone, leaned against the wall, packed up his stomach full of happiness, then calmed down again, opened the door and entered the meeting room.

He has pushed Gu Boyuan's property to the extreme now, and Gu Boyuan's future income will only decrease day by day. Without funds, he will not be able to dance anymore.

Mu Xiuhan dealt Gu Boyuan the deadliest blow, cutting off his source of income. He was abroad and scolded his mother angrily. Mu Xiuhan was really too cruel and cunning, but if the good fortune didn't come, he would go It's a waste of money. At this moment, he has already set off to find Shang He, and wants to get the source of goods through his channel.

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