sea ​​situation

Chapter 745 Preparing for a visit to the United States

"Of course what you said is also possible, but the committee has the ability to control the overall situation, so it won't make it come true." Deng Wenyi laughed.

Just as he was talking, an attendant came over and said to Deng Wenyi: "The committee member is awake, and I need to see Director Lu immediately."

"Well, let's go up." Deng Wenyi said.

The two of them followed the attendants back to the top floor. Now the entire Chinachem Hotel has been fully guarded, and the top floor is full of guards and attendants.

Fortunately, led by Deng Wenyi, Lu Ming was not questioned and checked, and went directly to the presidential suite.

Deng Wenyi went in first, and came out after a while and said with a smile: "The committee member and madam invite you in."

Lu Ming stepped in and saw Mr. Jiang sitting on the sofa drinking water, and beside him was a beautiful woman in a purple cheongsam.

"The report committee is seated, and Lu Ming is here to report." Lu Ming stood at attention and saluted.

"You are Xiaolu, it's the first time we've met, but I've known you for a long time."

Before Mr. Jiang could speak, the woman next to him stood up and smiled.

"I've seen Madam." Lu Ming bowed and saluted.

"You're welcome, come, sit here." Mrs. Jiang pointed to the single sofa on the side.

"Thank you ma'am, I can just stand up." Lu Ming straightened his back and said.

"You can just sit down, this is not an office, you should be at home." Mr. Jiang, who was always strict, said kindly at this time.

Lu Ming had no choice but to sit on the sofa next to Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang, then opened the leather bag in his hand, and took out the telegram from Mr. Frank.

"My lord, here is the original telegram from Mr. Frank."

Mr. Jiang took it, read it carefully twice, and then handed it to Mrs. Jiang.

The original text of Mr. Frank's telegram was in English, but Lu Ming personally translated it into Chinese below.

After reading it once, Mrs. Jiang smiled and said, "Da Ling, this is timely. It's a pity that this telegram cannot be published in the newspaper."

Mr. Jiang also had a smile on his face: "What Ma'am said is true. I said that Xiaolu is our lucky star. It seems that he is really likely to knock on the door to the White House for us."

Lu Ming didn't dare to make a sound, and he couldn't say anything, just waiting for Mr. Jiang to ask questions.

"Xiaolu, tell me what you think. Do you think the US government will really help us?" Mr. Jiang asked.

"I think Mr. Roosevelt really wants to support China, and really wants to help China become stronger again." Lu Ming said.

"Then why are they still selling strategic materials such as oil, steel, rubber, and rice to Japan? If they don't sell these strategic materials to Japan, the Japanese would not dare to treat us like this." Mr. Jiang said dissatisfied.

"Commissioner, the United States and our country have different types of political systems. They are a commercial country with interests first. We are a political country, and we must pay attention to politics in everything." Lu Ming explained.

"Don't the Americans know about Japan's ambitions? To provide them with strategic materials is to condone their external expansion." Mr. Jiang was very concerned about this, and his tone became severe again.

"The sale of these strategic materials by the United States to Japan is also a commercial act. Unless the U.S. government really wants to sanction Japan, otherwise, the U.S. government will not force those capitalists not to sell these materials for profit." Lu Ming continued to explain.

"Da Ling, didn't I explain it to you, the American system is different from ours, you just don't understand, now that Xiaolu said that, you should understand it?" Mrs. Jiang laughed.

"I still can't understand. As president, Roosevelt can't control those capitalists. Does this still look like a country?" Mr. Jiang said.

"Committee, the United States is different from our country and Japan. In the United States, the power of the president is subject to many restrictions. Of course, despite this, he is still the most powerful head of state in the world." Lu Ming couldn't help laughing. .

Because the whole world thinks so, the president of the United States is the most powerful person on earth.

"Da Ling, you are still the head of the government of the Republic of China. How many things do you have the final say on in China?" Mrs. Jiang sneered.

Mr. Jiang didn't answer, and his expression was a little ugly.

"Xiaolu, the United States has always fully supported Japan in the past. Will Roosevelt really change his policy and turn to support us in China?" Mr. Jiang asked.

"Committee, you don't have to doubt this aspect. It also has something to do with President Roosevelt personally. According to Mr. Frank, President Roosevelt hates the Japanese nation very much, and he prefers the Chinese. Now in the polls in the United States, most The American people also have a good impression of China and a dislike of Japan, which of course has something to do with news and propaganda.” Lu Ming said.

"Roosevelt hates the Japanese nation? This is the first time I've heard of this point of view. Is it true?" Mr. Jiang was somewhat disbelieving.

Madam Jiang also looked at Lu Ming with questioning eyes, wanting to hear his explanation.

"This problem is actually multi-faceted. On the one hand, Japan is becoming more and more like the United Kingdom. They also want to create the miracle of an empire on which the sun never sets in Asia, that is, to take the whole of Asia into their pockets. Japan has already made no secret of this concept It has been revealed that their advocacy of the so-called Wangdao Paradise has already explained everything." Lu Ming said.

"Japan does have great ambitions. They think they are the best nation in the world. They are stronger, but if they want to annex our country, they may have too much appetite..." Mr. Jiang snorted.

"They want to establish a large sphere of influence with Japan as the mainstay and other countries and nations as dependencies. Some of them are like our country in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. That is to say, Japan is the main body and other countries are vassal states. The United States absolutely cannot tolerate this. Japan dominates Asia." Lu Ming explained following Mr. Jiang's words.

"Is the United States disgusted with Japan's power policy? I think they don't want to lose their interests in Asia."

Mr. Jiang also has his own views on the United States. It should be said that he has not been very satisfied with the US Asian policy, and even thinks that the United States is conniving with Japan.

"This is only one aspect. On the other hand, as far as President Roosevelt is concerned, he personally hates a constitutional monarchy and he likes a republic, so he is not as good to Britain as he is to France. Japan is a country with a constitutional monarchy, and it is President Roosevelt who hates Japan a very important reason.”

Lu Ming further expressed his point of view, and Mrs. Jiang nodded after hearing this, motioning him to continue.

"So I think that although the relationship between countries is just a game of interests, the personal feelings and ideas of the head of state also account for a large proportion. President Roosevelt had a good impression of China in his early years. He often said to Mr. Frank that China He just missed the first industrial revolution, otherwise China would become an industrial country one step ahead of Japan and become the number one power in Asia. He believes that as long as China is given enough support, China can still overwhelm Japan.”

After Lu Ming made this point, he laughed himself first, looked at Mr. Jiang, and waited for Mr. Jiang's correction.

Mr. Jiang took a sip of water and said with a smile: "China is much more advanced than Japan in history. It has fallen behind in the past 100 years, but we will surpass them one day. We have our own strategy, which is completely different from Japan. no the same."

"Committee, I agree with you. China is not as ambitious as Japan. We don't have the kind of fanatical aggressiveness. As early as the Ming Dynasty, we were able to occupy the whole of Asia, but our ancestors didn't do that. Because China's Confucian tradition makes every Chinese understand that being kind to others is the real strength and the real kingly way."

Lu Ming talked more and more vigorously. Mr. Jiang listened very carefully, and looked at his wife from time to time. The expression on his wife's face was also very happy.

"Xiaolu, if a war breaks out between China and Japan, which side do you think the United States will stand on?" Mrs. Jiang asked suddenly.

"If a world war breaks out, the United States needs to choose an ally between China and Japan. Of course, it will choose China instead of Japan. Because even if we become stronger, we will only further tap our domestic potential, rather than take the route of external expansion , which is more in line with the interests of the United States in Asia." Lu Ming explained.

"This point of view is very interesting, and I want to pass your point of view on to all my American friends." Madam Jiang said happily.

"Very good, very good, Xiaolu, I don't think you should worry about other things. From now on, you will devote all your energy to preparing for the visit to the United States. It is best to get the American government to agree to the exchange of visits between the two heads of state." Mr. Jiang also said Following excitedly.

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