"Lu Ming, don't be foolish. The Japanese have extraterritorial rights in Shanghai, and the Japanese Concession is equivalent to their own territory. You can't rely on your own guesswork on this matter. There is no real evidence. There is nothing you can do about them, even if there is evidence. , it is best to go through official channels." Zhang Ziyang warned.

"I understand the law and know international law by heart. Don't worry, I won't let them take advantage of it. If there is evidence, I would have gone through official channels, but the Japanese hide very deep, go deep into the tiger's den, and pull out the teeth of the tiger's mouth to solve the case. One of the ways." Lu Ming said.

"Don't be foolish. There are tens of thousands of cases in Shanghai every year, and less than one-tenth of them are solved. There are so many unsolved cases. People's abilities are limited." Zhang Ziyang sighed.

Zhang Ziyang handles cases every day, and he knows what is needed to solve the case, not only evidence and witnesses, luck is the most important thing.

"I'm not fooling around. My intuition tells me that Ning Xiner is still safe, but she is already in danger. If she can't be rescued as soon as possible, she may really lose her. Now is the last chance." Lu Ming expressed exaggeratedly said.

Zhang Ziyang shook his head with a wry smile, he couldn't agree with Lu Ming's idea of ​​challenging the Japanese based on his intuition, it was too risky.

What's more, Zhang Ziyang didn't believe in the so-called intuition at all.

In other words, in the process of handling a case, intuition may play a key role, but intuition is also the most unreliable in handling a case, which is not contradictory.

"The Japanese Concession is like this. The Japanese military and police are very strict. It is difficult to enter and withdraw, but as long as you enter safely, your activities will not be affected." An Gonggen said.

"Is it strictly checked when entering the Japanese Concession?" Lu Ming asked.

"When it's okay, the inspection is not very strict. There is always a way to sneak in, but if they are doing something inside, once they notice it, it will be very difficult to get out." An Gonggen said.

Many of An Gonggen's people have been active in the Japanese Concession for a long time, but they all acted as informants honestly.If they want to attack the Japanese, they would rather choose a place outside the Japanese Concession.

"I need an accurate map of the Japanese Concession." Lu Ming said.

"How accurate is it?" An Gonggen asked.

"The more accurate the better, every street, every alley and alley must have a name, and the buildings on both sides of the street must be marked whether they are houses or shops, bungalows or buildings, etc. Anyway, try to be as accurate as possible according to your ability, And be quick." Lu Ming said.

An Gonggen was startled, but then said happily, "Master Lu, is he planning to start a war with the Japanese in the Japanese Concession?"

Lu Ming sighed: "I don't want to, but if I don't do this, I won't be able to save Ning Xin'er."

"Okay, I'll go find a way to draw an accurate map as soon as possible." An Gonggen finished speaking and left immediately.

He had been waiting for Lu Ming's order for a long time. The Koreans in Shanghai were full of hatred for the Japanese. If it weren't for the repression of the Republic of China government, the Koreans and Japanese would have been killed by copycats long ago.

The final result is either you die or I die, or the Koreans are left, or the Japanese are left. People of the two ethnic groups are irreconcilable in Shanghai.

After An Gonggen left, Zi Zhangyang shook his head and said, "Lu Ming, don't let the pressure make you lose your mind, the case belongs to the case, and the emotion belongs to the emotion, didn't you also say that the most taboo is to put too much emotion into it. "

When Lu Ming was working as a detective two years ago, he did work based on this idea. This is also the experience he summed up after dealing with many unimaginable cases.

Only by being calm and calm, and putting aside personal feelings and even personal value standards, can the truth of the case be found out and the desired result obtained.

"Boy, you still don't understand that I'm not handling cases, but saving people." Lu Ming said with a gloomy face.

"If you save people like this, it's very likely that people won't be able to save them, and it's not worth it even to set yourself up." Zhang Ziyang persuaded calmly.

Zhang Ziyang had never seen Lu Ming lose his mind. Even when Sheng Muyi and Yuan Ziyuan disappeared, Lu Ming could always keep his head clear, but today he seemed to be a different person, obviously losing his mind.

Of course, the pressure from Mingzhu was too great. Zhang Ziyang could understand it, but understanding was his understanding. He firmly disagreed with Lu Ming doing this.

"Don't try to persuade me, or if we rescue Ning Xiner, or the Japanese will kill several important figures, I want them to understand who is the master of Shanghai," Lu Ming said, his face distorted.

"It's like fighting a war. We are obviously at a disadvantage. Have you seriously considered what strength they have and what strength we have?"

Then, from the standpoint of a bystander, Zhang Ziyang further analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of both sides.

"Zi Yang, you have to understand a truth. Miss Ning was kidnapped because of me. I have to save her. It has nothing to do with my ability. It's my conscience. If I don't rescue her, my conscience will be gone. , I will live in regret for the rest of my life." Lu Ming couldn't listen to Zhang Ziyang's analysis.

"Because we don't have reliable evidence in hand, even if we succeed in this matter, can you avoid it? How will you explain it to the Japanese side afterwards?" Zhang Ziyang asked.

"As long as Miss Ning is rescued in the Japanese Concession, it will be confirmed that the Japanese are the masterminds of the kidnapping case. Let's see who has a good face." Lu Ming sneered.

"Are you really sure that this case was done by the Japanese? This is not a joke." Zhang Ziyang was still very cautious.

"The arms theft was planned by me. The Japanese may have guessed it. I shouldn't have hired the boats of the Cao Gang to transport the arms. The Japanese didn't dare to come directly at me, so they wanted to find a breakthrough in the Cao Gang. Maybe they I thought that Ning Xiner was a girl and she could tell the truth as long as she was frightened, so I kidnapped her. I want to get evidence of my participation in this case." Lu Ming said.

Zhang Ziyang thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "That's not right, if the Japanese just want a confession, they have arrested Ning Xiner for so many days, they should have gotten a confession, but now they have neither taken any action nor released Ning Xiner, It doesn't make sense."

Lu Ming was also wondering, if the Japanese had captured Ning Xiner, no matter what their purpose was, they should have already achieved it, so why didn't they let Ning Xiner come back?

Could it be that they have already killed Ning Xin'er?

Thinking of this, Lu Ming became more restless.

"Lu Ming, you are my brother, listen to me, no matter what you want to do or how you do it, I will support you, but you need to calm down now." Zhang Ziyang said, pouring Lu Ming a glass of whiskey.

"I also want to calm down, but I can't calm down, Ziyang, do you understand what Miss Ning means to Mingzhu? If she can't come back safely, Mingzhu will live in pain for the rest of her life. From then on, Mingzhu will not be able to face me, I can't face her either." Lu Ming drank a glass of wine in one gulp, then clenched his fist and slammed it on the table.

Of course Zhang Ziyang understood that to Mingzhu, although Ning Xiner was not a real sister, she was better than a real sister.

Mingzhu and Ning Xiner grew up together, and their personalities and temperaments are also very compatible. The key is that Ning Xiner has protected Mingzhu since she was a child, and she will give her all good things. If Mingzhu has any unhappy things, Ning Xiner will help her.

Zhang Ziyang couldn't help sighing that there were too many sufferings in this world, and it might happen to someone at any time, and rich families or powerful people couldn't completely avoid it.

The reason Zhang Ziyang was able to calm down was because he had no immediate pain. If Lu Ming was kidnapped, or something happened to Cailian, he would not be able to calm down either, and he would probably seek revenge desperately.

"Brother, let's go back to the case and analyze the case carefully, maybe there will be unexpected gains." Zhang Ziyang said.

"What else can we analyze? The person has been missing for a week, and there is no clue at all. You also know that there is a golden time for rescue in a kidnapping case. Now it is counting down." Lu Ming said angrily.

Of course Zhang Ziyang understood what Lu Ming meant, but Zhang Ziyang looked at this matter from another angle. He thought that mistakes would be made in the middle of a busy schedule, and the more critical the moment, the more calm and impulsive he should be.

Impulse is the devil, calm down and do amazing tricks.

Zhang Ziyang didn't believe that there was a perfect case in the world, but there was no trace of this case, which showed that the case was very abnormal, so he couldn't be impulsive.

Lu Ming has also been looking for it. He always believed that he could find some clues and follow the clues to find out the truth of the case. Unfortunately, until now, he still found nothing.

Rabbits will bite when they are in a hurry, this is Lu Ming's mentality at the moment.

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