sea ​​situation

Chapter 584 Compassionate Heart

Guo Songtao didn't object immediately, he held back, because he knew that even raising objections was useless.

"We still continue to discuss specific issues. I suggest that comrades who have had direct or indirect contact with the arrested comrades leave Shanghai temporarily, and come back to continue working after this matter has a result." Guo Songtao said.

"Among the comrades arrested by the municipal working committee, there are three comrades who have work contacts with me, but I object to Lao Guo's opinion. It's okay to hide it, but I can't leave Shanghai. Once I leave Shanghai, our social work will be closed. Stop, who will bear this responsibility?" The leader of the Ministry of Social Affairs insisted on his point of view.

"I also disagree with Lao Guo's point of view. I believe that our comrades will fight the enemy indomitably even in prison, and will never succumb to the enemy's despotic power." The comrade from the organization department followed up.

"That is, Hou Liang, a weakling, will be threatened by the enemy with the lives of his family members to betray the revolution."

All the people present objected one after another. If Guo Songtao's proposal was passed, most of them would have to leave Shanghai.

"Hou Liang is indeed a traitor, but everyone should know that he has also passed various tests during the April [-] massacre. The enemy is already using unscrupulous methods against us now, and any trick can be used. We cannot guarantee that among those arrested Will there still be traitors?" Guo Songtao said.

"Old Guo, as the acting head of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, what do you mean by that? Don't you trust our own comrades?" the leader of the social department asked bluntly.

"That is, our Communist Party members are made of special materials, and we are not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice at all. It is impossible for the enemy to use torture to make our comrades submit."

Everyone present was opposed to evacuation, Guo Songtao had no choice but to give up, but his heart was uneasy.

The next morning, Lu Ming went to visit Hou Liang who was about to transfer to the hotel after work.

He doesn't despise Hou Liang, and feels that Hou Liang has really done everything he can, and his betrayal is just to protect his family. Although this is regrettable, he can only sigh.

Lu Ming didn't fully agree with Mr. Dong and An Yi's point of view, thinking that for some big goal, the lives of his family members could be sacrificed.

His point of view is that a country is made up of small families. Without these small families, there would be no country.

If anyone can sacrifice a small family at will, how can we ensure that the interests of the country are not sacrificed?In Lu Ming's view, this is indeed a paradox.

He thought about the problem that Mr. Dong and An Yi posed to him, but he couldn't find the answer for half the night.

If he is caught by the Japanese, and the Japanese threaten him with the lives of his wife and children, and make him hand over secrets, this secret may be related to the lives of thousands of people, and may even be of great importance. national interests, would he rather sacrifice the lives of his wife and children, or hand over the secrets?

In other words, when the lives of his wife and children conflict with the lives of thousands of people, which side should he stand on?

Especially facing the invasion of foreign enemies, this is really too difficult.

Lu Ming felt that this was purely a hypothesis.

Take Hou Liang for example.

Hou Liang has persisted for such a long time, leaving enough time for the aftermath work, but those people still did not evacuate, hoping that Hou Liang would not confess, isn't this almost stupid behavior?

He firmly believes in one thing: for most people, human nature has weaknesses, either here or there.

So he felt that Hou Liang was not wrong, but those who were arrested.

Of course Lu Ming knew that Mr. Dong and An Yi would never agree with his point of view. Maybe this is the difference between him and a real Communist.

Lu Ming expressed doubts about An Yi's impassioned statements. He knew that the Communists were firm-willed and not afraid of sacrifice, but everyone had their own weaknesses, and they might not even be aware of them in normal times.

Hou Liang has been transferred from the basement to a room on the first floor. Many parts of his body are still wrapped in bandages. The attending doctor and nurses are taking care of him. He still needs treatment for a period of time to recover.

Another bed was placed inside the hospital bed, and there lived a mother and child, which should be Hou Liang's woman and child.

Seeing Lu Ming coming in, the attending doctor nodded and accompanied him to Hou Liang's bedside.

Although we only met once last time, the attending doctor still has an impression of Major General Lu Ming. He feels that this major general official has no airs and respects doctors very much, which is different from other officials of the Fuxing Society.

Hou Liang saw him coming in, just looked at him, but didn't speak.

"Mr. Hou, this is Mr. Lu, the Chief Financial Officer of our headquarters." Zhao Yuanliang, who accompanied Lu Ming in, said.

Hou Liang just nodded, his woman looked at Lu Ming nervously, and tightly guarded the child behind her.

"Don't be afraid, I just came to see you, and if you have any requests, just ask, I will try my best to meet your needs." Lu Ming said kindly.

Hou Liang shook his head without saying a word.

To be honest, he didn't expect the Fuxing Society to keep its promise at all. He only hoped that these ferocious agents of the Fuxing Society would let his women and children go. As for living compensation, a big house, etc., he didn't even think about it.

"Mr. Hou, since you have cooperated with us, you will be your own people in the future. We will never treat your own people badly. If there is anything we need to do in life, just say it. Mr. Lu is our God of Wealth. Don't you now If you say it, you will miss the opportunity to make a fortune." Zhao Yuanliang said with a smile.

Hou Liang still shook his head, his heart was already dead, and only when he saw his beloved woman and child would there be a faint light in his eyes flickering.

"It doesn't matter if you can't remember it for a while, let's talk about it when you think of it in the future." Lu Ming said.

Lu Ming felt the tension and discomfort of the mother and child. He would make them suffer if he stayed there, so he came out after saying a few words.

The attending doctor also came out with him.

"Doctor, if we try our best to treat him, to what extent can he recover?" Lu Ming asked.

"Let's try to live for a few more years. To be honest, your people have attacked too hard. The internal organs have been severely damaged and it is difficult to fully recover." The attending doctor smiled wryly.

"This kind of situation should be avoided in the future, and the criminal law that causes irreversible injuries to people should not be used as much as possible." Lu Ming said to Zhao Yuanliang.

"Mr. Lu, this is very difficult to do. Once our instruments of torture are used, they will basically cause incurable wounds." Zhao Yuanliang smiled wryly.

"Then try not to use torture, instead use psychological attack, and use this time to deal with Hou Liang. Isn't it useless to use all the tortures? In the end, we used psychological attack tactics to get a confession. This method is worth studying." Lu Ming walked out , said casually.

"This kind of situation is also very rare. Most members of the underground party are lonely and have no family members to threaten." Zhao Yuanliang said.

At this moment, Lu Ming heard a scream. He knew that the torture room in the basement was abusing torture again, so he couldn't help sighing, but there was nothing he could do.

"How many people have been recruited so far?" Lu Ming stopped and asked.

"Five people have already been recruited, three were not tortured, and two were recruited immediately after being tortured. But they are all low-level personnel, and the main characters are still strong." Zhao Yuanlianghui reported.

"Well, you go down with me to have a look." Lu Ming said.

"Sir, if you want me to tell you, you'd better stop reading it. Really, you will have nightmares at night. I have nightmares every night these days. I can't close my eyes unless I get drunk." Zhao Yuanliang shook his head again and again.

While talking, he suddenly heard Hou Liang's uncontrollable crying in the ward. The attending doctor waved to Lu Ming and hurried back.

Zhao Yuanliang also wanted to go back with the attending doctor, but was stopped by Lu Ming.

Lu Ming said: "Let's not go, let him cry, I can understand his mood at this time."

Zhao Yuanliang stood there in a daze, pondering the meaning of Lu Ming's words.

Lu Ming left without looking back, Zhao Yuanliang had no choice but to follow him out of the cell, but he was muttering in his heart, Lu Ming had no wife or children, but he had a fiancée... Could it be that he is different when he has a woman by his side? ?

However, Lu Ming's heart is too compassionate.Zhao Yuanliang thought so.

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