"Speaking of which, Americans have a stronger sense of equality than us. If people are arrested casually like this, the common people will not agree." After a while, Lu Ming continued the topic just now.

"Right, just because someone is bad, we shouldn't follow suit. We should compare ourselves to the good, not the bad," Liu Qiwen said.

Lu Ming couldn't help admiring in his heart, this hot girl still maintained her simplicity and conscience, and was not polluted by the big dye vat of Shanghai.

Many people come to Greater Shanghai, including some highly educated people. In the society of luxury and money, they will be polluted without knowing it.

Some people abandon their conscience and simplicity, and blindly pursue wealth, status, and vanity, becoming more and more impersonal, and even become inhuman in the end.

If a person can't speak the human language, stops doing human things, and completely turns into a beast, how terrible it is.

Lu Ming was deeply touched by this. The upper class in Shanghai has an ethos of exaggeration, impetuosity, and vanity, comparing luxury and power. Rong.

People at the bottom of the society are struggling to survive, and their suffering is endless. This is the case in Shanghai and New York.

Although there is a huge difference in the level of wealth between China and the United States, all the problems of international metropolises, these two cities are not bad.

On the one hand, there is the upper class who smell of wine and meat, and on the other hand, the lower class is full of prostitutes and beggars, not to mention that Shanghai has a phenomenon that New York does not have, that is, opium and morphine addicts are everywhere.

Many people from the Fuxing Society changed after they came to Shanghai, but there are still some people who can still maintain their original hearts and consciences. This is really not easy.

Of course, all this is not the fault of Shanghai. This bustling metropolis has brought hope to many young people who seek to make progress, and it has also created a godsend opportunity for businessmen with ideals.

"Sir, there are so many people looking for you every day, you can't really let them go, if you offend Shangfeng, you'd better be careful. Don't you want to do big things next year, Qian Don't delay." Liu Qiwen said with some worry.

"Release, why not let him go? Don't listen to Yunong saying that he would rather be wrongly arrested than misplaced. That's just a slogan. Since he was caught wrongly, he should be released. Otherwise, why would the Republic of China promulgate laws? " Lu Ming said angrily.

"But what Shangfeng means is that this is a special operation. The stricter the better, the more it can deter the Communist Party." Liu Qiwen looked out the window and said in a low voice.

"Deterrence requires the support of a sound legal system and the cooperation of all the police and military police, rather than relying on the means of arresting people casually. The more you abide by the restrictions of the law, the more deterrent it will be. Do it with the Communist Party In the struggle, we must also pay attention to methods and methods, and we must win the support of all citizens, such a large-scale search without purpose will only make us lose our prestige in the hearts of the citizens." Lu Ming said.

"That's right, without the support of the general public, can the Communist Party be arrested by the police, military police and us alone? I don't think it can be done." Liu Qiwen agreed.

"In fact, the Communist Party welcomes this kind of action the most. The more we go too far, the happier they will be. Even if we may catch some Communists, it is not worth the loss. The most fundamental struggle between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party is to win the hearts of the people. Whoever gets the support of the people will win the world." Lu Ming said impassionedly.

The so-called world is actually the will of the people. At this moment, Lu Ming is really thinking about the KMT.

In any case, he is still a senior official of the Republic of China government, and he does not want the Republic of China government to fall, but hopes that the Republic of China government can become better.

In the revolution that overthrew the feudal dynasty and suffered many disasters, countless people with lofty ideals were sacrificed before the establishment of the government of the Republic of China was declared.

As the only legal government in China, the government of the Republic of China was still the core of the entire nation in the subsequent struggle against Japan.

Although Lu Ming was very disappointed with many aspects of the government of the Republic of China, he still hoped that the government would go through some improvements and become better and better, and the country would become stronger and stronger.

When it comes to the darkness of the society, the villains are in power. In fact, many countries have made a mistake. Lu Ming stayed in the United States for four and a half years.

The world has not yet seen a perfect government.

The government of the Republic of China also has many good people, capable people, and even many pillars. It's just that for various reasons, these people can't play a big role, but there is still some hope.

For example, during this big raid, the people from the Fuxingshe were more upright, and they didn't openly gang up with the police from the police station and people from the security headquarters to extort money, which is already very good.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that most of the members of the Fuxing Society are from Huangpu and have received a good education. It is also related to the strict internal discipline and severe punishment. No one dares to violate the rules of the society.

Another reason is that the salaries of Fuxingshe staff are high. As long as they keep their jobs, they can maintain a decent life in Shanghai. Unlike the low-level police and military police, they must rely on other sources of income to survive.

Lu Ming thought of Zhang Ziyang. He is a senior inspector of the Police Headquarters, but he still has to rely on helping gangs to earn extra money to make ends meet. Of course, Zhang Ziyang has a bottom line, that is, he will never engage in extortion or extortion, and he will not do law enforcement or breaking the law. .

But for some reason, Lu Ming still felt restless, with a feeling of depression.

During the whole search, An Yi felt like she was sitting on pins and needles. She was eager to know the situation of comrades in Shanghai, whether any comrades were captured by the enemy, how many comrades were arrested, whether timely rescue measures were taken, etc. .

But Mr. Dong still resolutely stopped her, and the two quarreled secretly a few times. Of course, An Yi knew that Mr. Dong had worked hard.

In terms of danger, An Yi is still very dangerous. Lu Ming repeatedly reminded them that Weng Bailing of the Fuxing Society had already set his sights on An Yi, and even planted eyes and ears in the apartment, asking them to be careful and not be careless.

After the raid, An Yi couldn't stand it any longer, and she didn't want to stay in the apartment no matter what.

Her original words were, "I can no longer just sit around and wait for death." She insisted on getting in touch with comrades in Shanghai and getting into work.

In fact, Mr. Dong felt the same as her, but because he wanted to protect the radio station, he could not act without the radio station.

Under An Yi's repeated requests, Mr. Dong agreed to An Yi's initial action, to secretly contact the Shanghai underground party organization to learn more about the situation.

The headquarters already knew the general situation of the Shanghai raid, but the specific situation was not clear, so they did not issue any instructions to them.

An Yi asked Mr. Dong to send a signal for the connection through a secret channel, and found a response agreeing to the connection in the advertisement column of "Ta Kung Pao" the next day.

An Yi came to a teahouse according to the agreed time and place.

She didn't go to that bookstore, because this teahouse was the designated location for the meeting.

She came to the teahouse by herself first, chose a table by the window to sit down, and then ordered a pot of Biluochun.

She waited for about 10 minutes, and when the appointed time came, Guo Songtao showed up on time.

In fact, Guo Songtao had already arrived.

He has been fixing bicycles in the alley opposite the building, watched An Yi go upstairs, and waited for a while to see if there were any spies following him. If someone was following here, he would send a signal to An Yi, and then quickly evacuated.

Guo Songtao wandered around for about half an hour, making sure that there were no enemy agents or police nearby, and then entered the teahouse and went upstairs.

Instead of going to sit at An Yi's table, he chose a back-to-back table to sit down, and also ordered a pot of Biluochun.

In Shanghai, people like to drink Longjing and Biluochun teas most. Drinking this kind of tea will naturally not attract others' attention.

Neither of them spoke, but drank tea quietly.

An Yi suppressed the excitement in her heart and didn't look at Guo Songtao, but looked out of the window, while Guo Songtao stared at the place outside the door.

After a while, I saw that the guys in the teahouse were all playing poker at the counter, and there were no other customers on this floor.

Many people were frightened by this big raid, and they didn't dare to go out to drink tea casually.

"How's the situation now?" An Yi asked in a low voice.

"The situation is not good. More than a dozen of our people have been arrested, and some probationary party members have also been arrested, not to mention some activists. The enemy's action has caused us great losses." Guo Songtao said .

"Are they in danger? Has the rescue operation started?" An Yi asked.

"We are using all our strength to rescue them. Now we can only hope that they have not revealed their identities, and that these people can withstand the enemy's intimidation, and there will be no traitors." Guo Songtao said sadly.

He also didn't expect that the last time the hospital's rescue operation would cause the enemy to have such a large-scale retaliation. As a result, Comrade Hou Liang could not be rescued. The enemy, but the loss outweighs the gain.

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