Therefore, the Japanese military believes that they must help the government of the Republic of China to completely suppress the Chinese Communist Party.

This does not mean that the Japanese military has hallucinations. In fact, if the United States had not occupied Japan after the war and forcibly disbanded the Japanese Communist Party, the probability of Japan becoming a communist red country is very high.

From this point of view, the important officials of the Japanese military department are really forward-looking.

Powers such as Europe, America and Japan are still regretting what happened in the Soviet Union. They regret that when the communist revolution broke out in the Soviet Union, they did not intervene in time. Failed.

After the big powers realized their failure, the Soviet regime had stabilized, and they had no choice but to use Poland, Romania and other countries to form a isolation belt to block the Soviet Union in eastern Europe, just like treating an infectious virus.

The reason why Western countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States have an ambiguous attitude is that they know that Japan has strategic ambitions, and they still support Japan to a certain extent, and they also regard Japan as a part of the blockade against the Soviet Union in Asia.

Dai Li looked at these people. He was only familiar with the military attache of the consulate, but not with the others, especially Yoshiko Kawashima. This was the first time they met.

Dai Li knew that Yoshiko Kawashima was a member of the Qing royal family. He had heard that this woman had transvestism, and she might even be gay, but he did not dare to underestimate this woman.

Yoshiko Kawashima is already well-known in the Chinese and Japanese intelligence circles. The forces behind her are high-level Japanese military officials, and the Japanese government also intends to reuse her.

As for Seigoro Ozawa and Yu Ying'er, Dai Li didn't pay much attention to them at all. Just because they launched the kidnapping of Lu Ming privately, he knew that these two people would not be able to make a big impact.

The most important thing for an agent is to pass the test of psychological quality. If the psychological quality is flawed, he is destined not to be an excellent agent.

"How is that Ning Xin'er, is she ready for interrogation?" Dai Li asked.

"The body has basically recovered, and she can be interrogated at any time." The military attache of the consulate said.

"I don't have time these two days. You can't interrogate her in private. You must have me or my representative present to interrogate her." Dai Li said forcefully.

"Yes, our purpose is the same, which is to find out the truth of the arms case, and to unearth the Communist Party hidden within us." The military attache of the consulate nodded.

The others had no objection either, they knew that Dai Li was busy with the intensive interrogation after the raid, and was busy all day long, so he really didn't have time.

The cooperation between them can only be carried out in secret. Every meeting needs to be arranged in detail in advance, and there are specific steps. There is no rush or slowness.

Dai Li left. After he went out, he got into his car and drove out of the gate.

After about half an hour, other people came out one after another and left by car.

On the eve of the storm, it seemed as if nothing had happened.

"Master Lu, finally caught his tail." An Gonggen came to Lu Ming's apartment excitedly, holding a camera and said.

"What did you capture?" Lu Ming asked.

"We took photos of Dai Yunong's secret contact with the Japanese." An Gonggen said.

Lu Ming and An Gonggen went into the dark room, developed the film, and saw a photo of Dai Li walking out of a gate, and another photo of the military officer of the Japanese Consulate, Yoshiko Kawashima, Seigoro Ozawa and Yu Yinger Also come out from this door.

There are many others, all of which were taken continuously by these people from the time they went out to when they got in the car. The photos are very clear, and there is absolutely no mistake.

"Dai Yunong, you really colluded with the Japanese, I will remember this debt for you, and you will have to pay it back one day." Lu Ming gritted his teeth and said.

"They talked in secret for more than an hour, but unfortunately they couldn't take photos of their meeting." An Gonggen said with some regret.

"That's not bad. There must be agents all over the place where they meet, and you can't get close at all." Lu Ming said.

Although these photos alone cannot fully prove that Dai Li and the Japanese colluded with each other, they can already explain some problems.

At least it provides a basis for solving some practical problems, such as finding a fulcrum for Ning Xiner's disappearance. With this fulcrum, approaching step by step can leverage the whole incident.

Lu Ming knew that these negatives could not incriminate Dai Li as a traitor, and Dai Li could have argued that it was because of the arms case that he was negotiating with the Japanese side, but it is human nature to be a thief with a guilty conscience.

Is it necessary to use such a secretive method to conduct official contacts and negotiations with Japan because of the arms case?Is there any quid pro quo in it?

"Have you found out where Yoshiko Kawashima is?" Lu Ming asked.

"No, our people always follow and lose. Our tracking technology seems to be a bit weak. We can't beat this cunning woman." An Gonggen said with some embarrassment.

"Take your time, you can always find out. As long as she doesn't leave Shanghai for a short time, I don't believe she has wings and can fly." Lu Ming looked very confident.

"She knows how to disguise herself, and sometimes she may change her appearance. The people we are following were deceived by her." An Gonggen analyzed the situation of losing several times and came to this result.

"Leave her alone. The people in the photo should continue to follow, and don't force it. The most important thing is not to expose yourself. Follow if you can. If you are in danger of being discovered, stop immediately." Lu Ming added One sentence.

"Understood." An Gonggen put away the photo.

Lu Ming took 1000 yuan in silver notes to An Gonggen as allowances and summer expenses for the operatives.

An Gonggen was also polite, took the money and left.

The heavy rain stopped, and the scorching heat came again. Even after dinner, the temperature remained high.

The ceiling fan was rumbling, but the room was still cool. Lu Ming was thinking about something while drinking whiskey with ice cubes.

There are too many people who come to him these days and call him. It is nothing more than their family members, relatives, and friends who have been arrested by the police or military police and begged him to help find them.

Most of these people Lu Ming is not very familiar with, many of them are just acquaintances, probably because they really can't find a way out, so they had to ask him to try their luck.

Lu Ming also promised to help find a solution, but he didn't make any guarantees.

There are really too many people arrested this time. It would be good if there is one activist of the Communist Party among the 100 people arrested. As for whether there is a real underground party, he doesn't know.

Lu Ming asked An Yi and Mr. Dong, and they also said that they had not received any news and wondered if any of their comrades had been arrested.

Lu Ming showed the arrest list to the two of them. The two looked at it for a long time and discussed it for a while, but they couldn't tell if there were any comrades in it.

Lu Ming felt that it was time to have a good talk with Dai Li. After some interrogation, a group of unimportant people could be released.

The brothers of the Fuxing Society poured out a lot of bitterness to him in private. Who can bear such a continuous interrogation without even having time to go home.

However, doing so would offend many people, especially the people in the police station and the garrison headquarters. They rely on this to make money. If he releases too many people here, it will undoubtedly cut off their money.

Lu Ming knew that the resistance to achieve the goal was not small.

Although the Fuxing Society led the joint operation this time, with the assistance of the police station and the Garrison Headquarters, in fact, the main arrests were carried out by the police and military police, and the Fuxing Society had relatively few people.

However, when it comes to interrogation, all members of the Fuxing Society must be mobilized. Dai Li's requirements are very strict. People from the Fuxing Society must be present for every interrogation, and the Fuxing Society must keep a copy of the interrogation records.

In the past two days, Sheng Muyi and Du Juan have also been looking for him, asking him to help release some people.

Lu Ming saw the lists written by the two of them. They were basically activists of labor movement and student movement, as well as some grassroots leaders of trade unions. These people were suspected to some extent, and it was not easy to release them.

Lu Ming promised Sheng Muyi and Du Juan that they would find a way to get these people out, and they would not be formally arrested or sentenced.

He called Zhao Yuanliang and urged him to make all the lists he wanted quickly.

In the past two days, Zhao Yuanliang has been leading his subordinates to follow Lu Ming's request day and night, carefully distinguishing the conditions of the arrested persons according to the previous tips.

Only by separating the eyebrows and beard first can you see what the face looks like.

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