sea ​​situation

Chapter 545 Assassination Object

Guo Songtao carefully analyzed the information provided by Sheng Muyi and believed that it was a trap laid by the enemy. He expressed concern about rescuing Hou Liang at the meeting.

Guo Songtao thinks so. Hou Liang is determined under torture and refuses to surrender. To the enemy, this person has almost no value in existence.

Why did the enemy rescue Hou Liang at all costs? Will he be used as a bait by the enemy now to trap and rescue the Shanghai underground party organization?Could Army General Hospital be a trap?

Guo Songtao raised such a question to everyone.

"Old Guo, you think too much. Comrade Hou Liang was sent to the hospital by the enemy. Of course, it was because he was severely injured and his life was dying. The enemy spared no expense to rescue him. It may also be because he still had illusions about persuading him to surrender. The enemy you mentioned is setting traps and waiting for us, we are fully prepared, so we are not afraid of him.”

"Yes, we have almost figured out the number and location of the enemy. If we dispatch more comrades with good marksmanship to suppress the enemy's firepower, the mission of rescuing Hou Liang can be completed. This is also a good time to deal a major blow to the enemy."

Guo Songtao was silent, and the other leading comrades were very enthusiastic, but as long as he didn't nod, the action couldn't be started.

"Old Guo, this operation will be carried out by the comrades of the Central Special Operations Team. There is no doubt about their ability to act." An older comrade persuaded.

"Comrades, judging from the information we have obtained so far, the enemy has prepared an ambush in a planned way. If we forcibly break in to save people, we may have to pay a lot of sacrifices. This is one. The second is that Comrade Hou Liang has not yet What should we do after being rescued from the life-threatening period? We can't do it recklessly, we must think maturely before taking action." Guo Songtao still refused to let go.

Several people argued for most of the night, but in the end Guo Songtao still insisted that Comrade Hou Liang's injury must be found out. If Comrade Hou Liang's injury has been relieved and can be transferred, rescue operations should be launched as soon as possible.

When Guo Songtao returned to the bookstore, it was already dawn, and the sky gradually faded like ink.He couldn't sleep, so he took a bottle of Laobaigan and drank it with the edamame and broad beans that he cooked at night.

Knowing that Guo Songtao was going to hold an emergency meeting, Song Zhenyang kept thinking about it and didn't go to sleep. He just finished sorting out the books on the shelves of the bookstore, and saw Guo Songtao was drinking after he came back, so he came over and poured himself a glass.

"What's the matter, the opinions are still not unified?" Song Zhenyang asked.

"They don't believe the information I provided." Guo Songtao said sadly.

"The information we provide has always been accurate, why don't they believe it?" Song Zhenyang is much more mature now, and he speaks without haste.

"They suspect that this information is deliberately released by the enemy to intimidate us." Guo Songtao said with a wry smile.

"It's simply absurd. Although the information provided by Sheng Muyi's line is not particularly valuable, it is extremely accurate. They have no reason to doubt it." Song Zhenyang said.

Guo Songtao sighed; "Comrade Hou Liang had already sacrificed once in the April [-] massacre, so this time we all tried our best to rescue him. I can understand this, but we can't do it recklessly. If Hou Liang Comrade is really like what the intelligence said, he is in a critical condition and cannot leave the hospital at all, isn't it equivalent to killing him if we rescue him?"

Song Zhenyang frowned and said: "They are all old comrades. They should be clear that in rescue activities, force rescue can only be the last option. We should adopt other and more ways to rescue. Old Guo, have you noticed that many comrades have been killed recently? The mood is more impetuous, and they all like to fight openly with the enemy, which is not a good sign."

"I've noticed this kind of sign a long time ago, and I've been trying my best to persuade everyone that the revolutionary struggle is not something that happens overnight, and you must have foresight. But my words have little effect. This tendency is related to the attitude of some leading comrades." Guo Songtao said.

"You mean Comrade Wang Ming sent from the Soviet Union, isn't he back in Moscow now?" Song Zhenyang also heard about it.

"He went to Moscow, but his line remained. Not only was the development of the revolutionary base areas affected, but the party organizations in the Kuomintang-controlled areas were also repeatedly destroyed." Guo Songtao said sadly.

"Thousands of our comrades fell in a pool of blood after repeated riots by workers in big cities. Of course, it was because of the cruelty and inhumanity of the enemy, but we also have a tendency to be reckless and aggressive. Why can't we learn from experience and lessons?" Song Zhenyang He can be considered an old comrade in the party, and has his own thinking on these issues.

"The Soviet Union seized the national power through urban riots and established a socialist system. Of course, this is the gospel of the working people all over the world, but this road may not be suitable for China. The Chinese revolution should have its own way. I often think about this issue now. I can't find the answer, I can't find the direction." Guo Songtao sighed.

"The situation in Shanghai is even more complicated. There are not only the Kuomintang, but also foreign forces, as well as capital consortium forces and gang forces. We are in a weak position. Lao Guo, do you think my judgment is correct?" Song Zhenyang said sincerely.

"So, I think that as underground workers, we should honestly do intelligence work for the party. Many comrades feel that this is not enjoyable, and it is better to fight the enemy with open swords and guns. They always ignore the importance of intelligence work. If you are eager for success, it will only backfire in the end." Guo Songtao drank a glass of wine and shook his head.

"Old Guo, you don't have to worry too much. Anyway, they need your consent to take action. As long as you don't nod, they won't act without authorization." Song Zhenyang persuaded.

"It's hard to say, it's not that simple." Guo Songtao held an empty wine glass and smiled wryly.

"Do you think they will throw you off and act recklessly?" Song Zhenyang asked in surprise.

"It's not impossible. As long as they think the time is right and the conditions are met, my opinion may not be able to stop their actions, especially this action is dominated by the Central Special Operations Team. They are directly commanded by the headquarters. You have the right to carry out tasks directly without my consent." Guo Songtao said helplessly.

"Then let them give it a try. Maybe they will understand the importance of the information we provide after hitting a wall." Song Zhenyang also smiled helplessly.

"Nonsense, you will die if you touch this nail. Are there not enough lessons like this?" Guo Songtao said angrily.

Song Zhenyang made a grimace, and said with a smile: "Old Guo, it's useless for you to get angry with me. Let's find a way to rescue Comrade Hou Liang. If Comrade Hou Liang can be rescued in other ways, there is no need for others to take risks." .”

"It's not easy, we have mobilized a lot of social relations, and the leaders of the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, and the Organization Department are also trying their best to find a way, but Comrade Hou Liang has been completely exposed, and the way to rescue him in a peaceful way is blocked. died."

Prior to this, Guo Songtao did make some efforts, hoping to use social forces to release Hou Liang, but Hou Liang's Communist Party status has been confirmed, and he refused to repent after being arrested. Naturally, these efforts will not be effective.

"It would be easier for him to be caught by other agencies. Over the years, we have planted a lot of insiders inside the enemy, and even converted some people, but the Fuxingshe Shanghai station is still blank." Song Zhenyang said distressedly.

"That is, there is no internal response, and we don't understand the situation at all. In this case, we must be cautious and careful, and we must not act blindly." Guo Songtao said firmly.

"Since Sheng Muyi can help us find out the internal situation of Shanghai Station, it means that she has access to important people in Shanghai Station. Can Sheng Muyi help us persuade that person to be our internal correspondent?" Song Zhenyang said tentatively.

"It's useless. She was able to inquire about all kinds of information because of her brother Lu Ming, but it would be absolutely impossible for her brother to be our internal correspondent. The founder of the society, do you think such a person will be our internal response?"

After speaking, Guo Songtao filled Song Zhenyang's and his own glasses with wine, and the two of them just drank one by one, watching the sky gradually getting brighter before they knew it.

Guo Songtao also had the idea of ​​transforming Lu Ming before, but was told by Sheng Muyi that it was absolutely impossible, so he dismissed the idea.

With the consolidation and rise of Lu Ming's position in the Fuxing Society, Lu Ming has become one of the primary enemies of the Shanghai underground party.

Although Lu Ming never personally caught the CCP's underground party and never had the blood of revolutionary comrades on his hands, it doesn't mean that he is not dangerous.

Guo Songtao knew that the Central Special Section Action Team once had an assassination list for important targets of the enemy.

Lu Ming's name was listed among them, and he was among the top assassinated targets in Shanghai.

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