"Mr. Lu, it's great that you're back." When Mr. Dong saw him, the gloom on his face dispelled immediately.

These days, they have been stuck here and dare not go out of this yard at all.

They don't know what's going on outside. Has the arrested comrade turned traitor?Whether any other comrades have been arrested.

"I also just came back from Nanjing. The situation in Shanghai is severe. How are you doing?" Lu Ming asked with concern.

"We're alright, thanks to your arrangement, it's too uncomfortable to live here every day and not be able to move." An Yi said honestly.

"I guess so. I was also under house arrest in Nanjing for such a long time. I feel sorry for each other." Lu Ming joked.

"Mr. Lu, we are the ones who made you suffer and made you suffer." Mr. Dong apologized.

"Don't talk about being involved or not. Since I did it, I was fully prepared in advance. It doesn't look too bad now." Lu Ming smiled frankly.

Lu Ming knew that it was impossible for him to be involved in such a big matter without some suspicion, and it was impossible not to take any risks.

Without Sheng Youde as the backer and Zhang Wenbai as the support, he would never be able to escape.

"After I came back, I took a look at the situation of the arrested comrade. He survived the torture and didn't confess, but he was almost tortured to death. He is now being rescued in the Shanghai Army General Hospital." Lu Ming knew that they are now The most important concern is the life and death of this person.

"Comrade Hou Liang is a good guy." Mr. Dong said with red eyes.

"These damned bastards should all go to hell!" An Yi cursed angrily.

Lu Ming couldn't help being a little embarrassed, the person who tortured Hou Liang was his colleague, and he was among them, An Yi called them animals, a bit like pointing at the monk and scolding the bald donkey.

"Lu Ming, don't worry, you are a good person, you are different from them." An Yi noticed the change in Lu Ming's face, and quickly added.

"I'm sorry, I can only watch this kind of thing, I can't stop it, my ability is really limited." Lu Ming smiled wryly.

"Lu Ming, don't say that, you have done enough for us. During the most difficult period of our party, you sent food and ammunition, which saved the revolution to a certain extent. Every one of our comrades will never forget Your merit."

"It's better to forget it. If everyone knows that I did it, then there will be big trouble." Lu Ming smiled wryly.

"I'm just making an analogy. Only the head of the headquarters knows about your situation, and there is no written record. After the revolution is successful, I will write an article specifically for it." Mr. Dong said sincerely.

"I believe that you can overcome difficulties, and I also believe that you have a tenacious will, but your basic conditions are too poor, and the road is still long. You will have to face the provocation of the Japanese in the future..." Lu Ming couldn't help but think of it. About Ning Xiner.

"As long as we can awaken the consciousness of [-] million compatriots, we will be able to eliminate and bury all imperialism and its lackeys!" Mr. Dong stayed at home during this period, read a lot of revolutionary books, and his theoretical level soared.

"That's good, have the insiders of the Fuxing Agency hidden in your base area been found out?" Lu Ming is very concerned about the progress of this matter.

"It hasn't been found yet, but please rest assured, we will definitely find out this inner ghost and bring him to justice." An Yi said firmly.

Lu Ming nodded, he also knew that this kind of thing can't be rushed, and it's even possible that it can't be resolved in the end, but this string can't be relaxed at all times.

Dai Li is now also investigating Old A within the Fuxing Society. In fact, he is investigating him. He believes that he will not be exposed. Even if a traitor really comes out to testify against him one day, he will have a way to clear himself.

"Until that insider is found out, I can't continue to risk providing you with information." Lu Ming said frankly.

"The headquarters understands your actions and issued the same order to us. Now our radio station has entered a state of silence, which is also to protect you." Mr. Dong said.

"Lu Ming, can I ask you to do us one last favor?" An Yi said.

"Let me guess, is it to rescue your arrested comrade?" Lu Ming immediately understood.

"Yes, can you find a way to help us rescue Comrade Hou Liang? Isn't he in the hospital now? Then there is a chance to do it." An Yi said.

"I'll first understand the situation, and then try to create conditions for you. I can't do it myself, I can only rely on you to save people."

Lu Ming had already thought about how to divide and cooperate if he wanted to do this.

"We also think about it in this way. You don't need to directly participate in the rescue, as long as you can help us understand the details and create conditions for us." An Yi said.

Lu Ming understands their feelings. Every comrade is his own brother and sister. When his brothers and sisters are in trouble, they must try their best to rescue them no matter what.

No matter how difficult this kind of thing is, you have to try it, and you can't just watch your comrades go to the execution ground.

"By the way, didn't the people from your municipal working committee all withdraw? Why did you come back? Don't you know that this is a very risky behavior?" Lu Ming suddenly thought of this.

"I don't know much about this matter, and I don't know what the superior made the decision based on." An Yi smiled wryly.

"Lu Ming, the two of us are currently isolated from the underground party in Shanghai, and many news are seriously behind. Thanks to you, we can learn many things in time." Mr. Dong said helplessly.

This period of history was called "Left Adventurism" in the later party history, which had a considerable negative impact on the revolution.

In January 1931, with the support of representatives of the Communist International, the "Left" adventurists represented by Wang Ming gained the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and began to implement the principles and policies of "Left" adventurism.

Its core is: wrong decision-making and guidance on the issue of the revolutionary road and the policy of urban struggle.

Underestimated the importance of base construction and rural guerrilla warfare, exaggerated the crisis of Kuomintang rule and the development of revolutionary subjective forces, insisted on the "city center" theory, and called on the whole party to prepare for a decisive battle.

In the military, the so-called "regularization", "regular warfare", "striking across the board" and so on are emphasized.

Regardless of the danger, restarting the activities of the Shanghai Municipal Work Committee of the underground party and trying to organize large-scale urban riots was an important decision of the "Left" adventurism at that time.

Mr. Dong and this radio station are completely isolated from the Shanghai underground party. This is the best protection for this radio station and Mr. Dong, but on the other hand, it also creates a situation where news cannot be communicated in time.

"You don't have to stay here any longer. Since I'm back, you can follow me back to Wanguo Apartment." Lu Ming said.

"Great." An Yi was so happy that she almost jumped up.

Mr. Dong also smiled, and then apologized: "Master Ning treated us sincerely and meticulously, and we are at home, but we still hope to return to society as soon as possible and continue to carry out our revolutionary work."

Lu Ming smiled, understanding his feelings very well.

When he was under house arrest in Nanjing, he didn't suffer any hardships. On the contrary, he lived in the most luxurious hotel suite in Nanjing, and ate delicious food and wine, but the feeling of being under house arrest made people feel gloomy and choked.

Of course, Mr. Dong and the others are not under house arrest, but under the strictest protection, but it is similar to house arrest, at least they lose their personal freedom.

Lu Ming took Mr. Dong and An Yi to visit the old lady and thanked her face to face.

The old lady was not polite, and said directly: "I don't care what you do, I can do whatever you want, as long as you don't wrong Mingzhu."

Lu Ming bowed again and again, and smiled in agreement with the old lady.

Then, Lu Ming drove Mr. Dong and An Yi back to Wanguo Apartment.

Back at the apartment, Lu Ming didn't expect that Liu Qiwen was helping him clean the room.

"Qiwen, how did you come in?" Lu Ming asked with a smile.

"I told your concierge brother that I was your secretary to clean up for you, so he let me in. Am I smart?" Liu Qiwen said proudly.

"You don't have to worry about hygiene. There are people here who are responsible for cleaning." Lu Ming smiled wryly.

"I'm willing to do it, but you don't need to pay for it." Liu Qiwen gave him a blank look.

"Okay, okay, as long as you like it." Lu Ming quickly surrendered.

Liu Qiwen turned around and went to work again. After cleaning, she went to clean the glass. Lu Ming looked at her and couldn't help laughing. This girl is really restless. Can you go shopping when you have time?

Lu Ming thought for a while, and there was still business to do, so he called Zhang Ziyang and asked him out for a drink.

In less than half an hour, Zhang Ziyang arrived, and the two of them sat in the eight bowls below and began to drink cold beer, eat boiled edamame and peanuts, and a plate of sauced beef.

"Lu Ming, are you officially released?" Zhang Ziyang said after drinking a glass of beer and wiping the foam from his mouth.

"Nonsense, I was neither arrested nor imprisoned, so how can I release him?" Lu Ming tapped him with chopsticks.

"Just kidding, kidding, are you looking for me for a drink, or do you want to know about Miss Ning's disappearance?" Zhang Ziyang could only ask seriously.

"Yes, I also want to drink with you, and I also want to ask you about the situation." Lu Ming stepped into the role.

"The situation is not good. The people who did it were professional, and there was no trace left. I checked the scene myself, and I also searched the surrounding area carefully. I found nothing, and I asked the nearby residents to get nothing. "Zhang Ziyang sighed.

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