sea ​​situation

Chapter 530 Information Sources

"What, one of our comrades was arrested?" Mr. Dong asked in surprise.

"It's a comrade named Hou Liang. He is a traffic officer of the Municipal Working Committee, and he is responsible for delivering orders from superiors and reports from several intelligence points." An Yi said.

"The comrades from the Municipal Working Committee returned to Shanghai, and they should have made the most careful arrangements. How could there be such a big mistake?" Mr. Dong was puzzled.

Mr. Dong and An Yi really didn't know why the intelligence points were exposed and why Hou Liang's actions were grasped by the Fuxingshe.

They are currently in isolation from the Shanghai underground party, and they will only get in touch after waiting for the secret advertisement published in Shenbao.

This is of course to protect them. Even if important figures from the Shanghai underground party fall into the hands of the enemy, Mr. Dong and the radio station will not be endangered.

But in this way, their news was blocked, and they were unable to receive notification from the underground party. Instead, they learned about this situation from Lu Ming.

"It should be the dog spy lurking inside us who sent information to the enemy." An Yi said bitterly.

For espionage and anti-espionage work, An Yi is much better than Mr. Dong. She is a cadre of the Security Department at the headquarters. The Security Department of the headquarters is an organization modeled on the Soviet Cheka. The purpose is to use iron and blood to fight the enemy indomitably.

The Shanghai Special Branch of the underground party organization and the action team under the Special Branch are also an extension of this system. Most of the leaders of the Shanghai Special Branch have also received Cheka training in the Soviet Union.

The Cheka was the predecessor of the Soviet State Security Service, the headquarters of the Soviet Secret Service.

This organization was established by Dzerzhinsky in accordance with Lenin's instructions during the most brutal civil war in the Soviet Union to oppose special agents, espionage, and all counter-revolutionary elements. It has made important contributions to the construction of the Soviet system.

This organization went too far in the later stage, and became an accomplice of Stalin's counter-policy, almost killing all the middle and high-level generals of the Soviet Red Army.

An Yi did not go to the Soviet Union to study abroad, nor did she receive strict Cheka training, but she also received similar training at the headquarters.

The superior sent An Yi to Shanghai to guide the work of the Shanghai Municipal Working Committee, in order to let her train the working class in Shanghai into a team of iron-blooded fighters and win the revolutionary struggle in the heart of the enemy.

It's a pity that the station of the Shanghai Municipal Working Committee was exposed because of a car accident sent by a traffic officer, and all the staff of the Municipal Working Committee had to evacuate from Shanghai, and her mission was put on hold indefinitely.

Now the Shanghai Municipal Working Committee has received an order from the headquarters to select key personnel to return to Shanghai to start work. They also know the risks of doing so, so they made the most careful arrangements in advance. Unfortunately, some of the confidential information was still exposed to the enemy's insiders.

The fact that the traffic officer was caught by the enemy shows that the operation of the Shanghai Municipal Working Committee has been firmly controlled by the Kuomintang intelligence agency.

Mr. Dong really wanted to use the radio to report to his superiors immediately, but unfortunately he had already received an order to put the radio into a state of silence and could not send reports.

The radio station enters a silent state, just like a passive sonar state, it cannot send reports, but it can receive instructions from superiors.

Mr. Dong didn't turn on the radio. He estimated that the headquarters hadn't received the report from the leaders of Shanghai, and it was impossible to issue any orders.

Fortunately, they still have the setter Yuan Mingzhu, who can call Lu Ming every day to keep abreast of the situation in this regard.

Lu Ming went to work in the headquarters building of the Fuxing Society the next morning. He first called Dai Li's office, and Dai Li's secretary answered the call, saying that the chief was on a business trip to Shanghai.

Lu Ming knew that Dai Li would not be coming back for the time being, and might have to personally supervise the case in Shanghai until the secret operation of the Shanghai Municipal Working Committee was uncovered.

This was a big move. The reason why Lu Ming was kept in Nanjing was because he didn't want him to make matters worse in Shanghai.

Lu Ming immediately went to He Zhonghan's office and chatted with him about this matter.

He Zhonghan got Dai Li's report right away, knowing that Shanghai had captured a communist traffic officer, he didn't take it seriously. The capture of a traffic officer was a painless harvest.

Whether it is the headquarters in Nanjing or the sub-stations in various places, there are often reports of the arrest of members of the CCP's underground party. As long as they are not important figures, he has no intention of asking.

He Zhonghan's focus is not here. He believes that in order to defeat the Communist Party and win the final victory, it is necessary to eliminate the Communist Party's armed forces, instead of doing this kind of cat and mouse with the Communist Party underground every day. game.

When he and Deng Wenyi advocated the establishment of the Blue Shirts, they also wanted to build an armed force that was completely loyal to the leader, similar to Mussolini's black shirts and Hitler's brown shirts. Develop the original Blue Shirts Club into a large intelligence organization.

"I said brother, you still pay attention to this kind of thing, it's all trivial, it's not worth mentioning." He Zhonghan said casually.

"I'm just a little emotional. Brother Kang Ze and I were in Shanghai for more than two years, but we didn't catch a living underground party. As a result, I was only in Nanjing for a few days. When Yunong arrived in Shanghai, he immediately caught one. You said Are you angry or not?" Lu Ming laughed.

"You don't blame Yu Nong for taking your credit, do you? Don't worry, the credit is recorded on the Shanghai station, so it's your credit." He Zhonghan said insincerely.

"You look down on me too much, am I the kind of person who likes to take credit?" Lu Ming said.

"It's true, you even got the Blue Sky and White Sun Medal, how can such a small contribution be taken seriously. In fact, we are about to quit, and this will be Yu Nong's world in the future, so let him do whatever he wants." He Zhonghan was disheartened and lazy road.

Lu Ming chatted with He Zhonghan for a long time, but he didn't get much new things. He also knew that it wasn't He Zhonghan who kept it a secret from him, but that he really didn't care about this matter and was too lazy to find out, so he had to go back to his office to deal with the finances.

"Sir, I called Song Hanyu, and she said that this case was brought by Chief Dai. Weng Bailing and the others didn't find any clues at all." Liu Qiwen said mysteriously in Lu Ming's ear.

"Oh, I understand." Lu Ming looked at Liu Qiwen with gratitude in his eyes.

This must be the information sent by the insider of the Communist Party managed by Dai Li, but he was also a little puzzled. Normally, this insider should be of high rank. How could he find a grassroots contact point like a grocery store?

Is this a coincidence, or is there another new source of intelligence?

"Has that Communist confessed?" Lu Ming asked.

"No, I heard that the Communist Party member is stubborn. Weng Bailing and the others probably wouldn't be able to get him to speak even with torture," Liu Qiwen said.

She didn't know why Lu Ming was so concerned about this matter. She thought that Lu Ming wanted to know the situation in Shanghai Station because of his job, so she tried her best to help.

Song Hanyu was Weng Bailing's secretary, so of course he knew more about this matter than others. When the two were together at night, Weng Bailing showed a kind of anxiety again, which showed that the matter was not making much progress.

"You contact Secretary Song every day to understand the progress of this matter. Pay attention to the method, don't be too direct, try to be as tactful as possible." Lu Ming ordered.

"No problem, but Sister Song will take advantage of you." Liu Qiwen laughed.

"Of course it's no problem. She'll tell you what she likes, and we'll bring it back to her when we return to Shanghai." When Lu Ming talked about spending money, he was full of confidence.

"Then I'll talk to Sister Song a lot. Don't worry, I promise to tell you everything you want to know. The most important thing is that Sister Song likes you very much." Liu Qiwen went on to gossip.

"Oh, Qiwen, you can't talk nonsense about this. Song Hanyu is Weng Bailing's person, so there are still boundaries." Lu Ming read his Playboy Classic again, about the so-called beauty of a gentleman.

Liu Qiwen pursed her lips and said: "Okay, okay, who doesn't know that you are a playboy who can sit still, bridge to bridge, bridge to bridge, road to road, I work for the officer, and I am also responsible for spending money for the officer, I don't care about the rest. "

Lu Ming nodded with a smile, and then buried himself in sorting out the expense reports from various places. He wanted to study these reports carefully and discover the information hidden in them.

Although it was decided not to provide any information to the Communist Party for the time being, it is always good to have information in hand, not to mention that Sheng Youde also needs this information.

Lu Ming still can't figure it out, Sheng Youde is in business, so what's the use of Fuxingshe's information?

Can it be used to speculate in stocks or do futures business?

However, what he has is basically military information from various places, and some are the activities of spies in various places.

What does this information have to do with business?

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