sea ​​situation

Chapter 52 What Is Love?

Just when Lu Ming was at a loss, there was news from Cailian. Someone secretly stuffed a note in Cailian's bag, with Zhang Ziyang's handwriting on it, telling Cailian that he is fine now and has not been harmed. I'll be home in a few days, don't worry about him.

After receiving the news, Lu Ming and Yuan Mingzhu rushed to Cailian's residence and carefully checked the note.

Judging from Zhang Ziyang's handwriting, he wrote it very calmly, not as if he was forced to write it down.

However, Lu Ming was still not at ease. The kidnappers would sometimes deceive the kidnapped in order to make the kidnapped cooperate with him.

The most important thing is that he is still wondering: two days have passed, and the kidnapper should have made a request.

However, what was waiting was not the kidnapper's request, but such a letter to appease the family members, which seemed unreasonable.

"Do you think this is Zi Yang's handwriting?" Cai Lian asked.

After the last time her handwriting was imitated, she no longer believed in handwriting.

"It was indeed written by Zi Yang. The imitated handwriting can be seen no matter what. I am too familiar with Zi Yang's handwriting. It must be written by him. And when I write, I feel at ease and relaxed." Lu Ming Said.

"He's tied up, can he still relax?" Yuan Mingzhu didn't believe it, and was very surprised.

"Maybe the kidnapper promised something, so Ziyang is not anxious at all." Lu Ming analyzed.

"Then why did the kidnappers want to tie him up? He's just a policeman, with neither money nor power?" Cailian asked urgently.

"I don't know, sometimes the reasoning of kidnappers is very evil." Lu Ming has done research on criminal psychology, and many cases puzzled him.

He originally thought that the kidnappers were after him, and they might want to force him to put down the case of the Sheng family, but now it looks a little different.

He felt that his thinking was still narrow, and maybe the opponent was playing a big game of chess.

However, there was one thing that reassured him. Zhang Ziyang's experience in society was much deeper than his, and he had his own yardstick for judging people, so he would not be easily fooled.

Well, since Zi Yang can feel at ease, it means that the kidnappers did not have too much malice, at least there is no risk of life.

But having said that, are there any kidnappers in this world who are not malicious?

Lu Ming was confused, because this matter was full of weirdness and it didn't make sense at all.

"Sister Cailian, don't be too anxious. Since the kidnappers can send someone to deliver this letter to you, it means that they still need Ziyang, and Ziyang's safety will not be a problem for the time being." Yuan Mingzhu also persuaded.

"But if I don't see him, how can I feel at ease." Cai Lian didn't sleep much for two days and one night, and when she closed her eyes, it was the nightmare of Zi Yang being tied up and calling her for help, or Zi Yang had a bad news, which disturbed her at all. Can't close my eyes.

"Sister Cailian, you should ask the doctor to prescribe some tranquilizing medicine, but don't wait for Ziyang to come back, your body will also collapse." Lu Ming worried.

"Don't worry, I'm not that weak, I can hold on." Cailian said.

Although she said that she could persevere, no problem, Yuan Mingzhu was still worried, and went out to the old Chinese doctor to prescribe some calming pills, and watched Cailian eat them.

Cailian put this letter in her bag when she was leaving a meeting. There were a lot of people in the meeting at that time, and she couldn't guess who sent her the letter.

Lu Ming took the letter and looked it over carefully, trying to find some clues. He always felt that Zhang Ziyang should take this rare opportunity to convey some news to him, but he couldn't see it.

What method will Zhang Ziyang use, if he wants to convey some useful news to himself?

The letter paper is very ordinary, with orchids printed on it, which is a very common bamboo paper in the south of the Yangtze River. Most people like to use this kind of paper to write letters or keep diaries. This shows that Zi Yang is under house arrest in a house.

Of course, it is impossible for the kidnappers to hide Zhang Ziyang in an inn or a small hotel. There are so many people in these places that it is impossible to hide.

This also shows that the kidnappers are locals, at least there are locals to meet them.

But these conditions mean nothing, because too many people meet these conditions.

What puzzled him most was the purpose of the kidnappers. He dared to kidnap a senior detective of the Shanghai Police Department at the risk of the world. After all, there must be a very important reason, right?

Normally, kidnapping is nothing more than money, but Zhang Ziyang has no money, and it is impossible for the police station to pay the ransom for him.Since the kidnapper knew Cailian so well, he must know him very well, and he might want Cailian to pay the ransom for him, but the kidnapper didn't ask for the ransom at all.

In addition, the purpose of kidnapping is sometimes to seek revenge, but Zhang Ziyang is still well-known in society, and has some contacts with all kinds of religions, and has no enemies.

Could this have something to do with the previous cases they solved together?

The more he thought about it, the more confused he became, Yuan Mingzhu came over to persuade him, "Don't think about it, it's just such a piece of paper, it's useless no matter how you look at it, my elder brother has thrown people out, and Ziyang's whereabouts will definitely be found."

"Help me later, thank you big brother." Lu Ming laughed.

"Your elder brother's is a family, so why not be polite." Yuan Mingzhu said carelessly.

Lu Ming was speechless. He didn't want to recognize the big brother of the Cao Gang, but Yuan Mingzhu forced him to press him down. It didn't work.

Seeing that Cailian became more emotionally stable after taking the medicine, Lu Ming and Yuan Mingzhu bid farewell and left.

"What's wrong? Zhang Ziyang will definitely use this rare opportunity to convey some information to me. Why can't I see it?"

In the car, Lu Ming was still checking the letter over and over again. He didn't believe that Zhang Ziyang could really feel at ease in the situation of being kidnapped, and he wasn't going to Las Vegas for vacation.

He must have somehow persuaded the kidnapper to send this letter for him. This letter must contain important clues to his kidnapping.

"You are stupid. If Zhang Ziyang conveys something to you, the kidnapper will not be able to see it. If the kidnapper sees it, can you deliver this letter for him?" Yuan Mingzhu laughed.

"It's common sense for you to say that, but Zi Yang is such a smart person, you can't use common sense to guess him, he will definitely have his own way." Lu Ming was still not reconciled.

"Zhang Ziyang is smart? This statement sounds quite new, I think it's better to forget it." Yuan Mingzhu said contemptuously.

"Then you don't know Zi Yang, what this kid knows best is to play dumb." Lu Ming shook his head.

The only person in the world who knows Zhang Ziyang best is Lu Ming, probably better than his mother.

He seemed to see Zhang Ziyang looking at him with sly eyes, and said to him: "How about it, boy, can't you see it, are you stupid? Just kidding!"

When you know a person deeply enough, you can completely see his heart through his handwriting, whether it is joy or sorrow.It's like when you have a deep enough understanding of a writer's work, you can feel the emotional changes when he writes through the words you read.

This is the reason why great works can resonate with readers. The author can infect readers through his own emotional changes, and then achieve empathy and resonance.

However, considering Zhang Ziyang's environment, he just wanted to imply something, and it must be very cryptic. This letter must have been checked by the kidnappers countless times, and he was allowed to send it out after confirming that there was no problem.

These kidnappers should not be underestimated. They are all talents. They set up traps and quietly kidnapped a detective whose mission is to arrest people. Is it an easy task?

Zhang Ziyang had a gun in his body and was extremely vigilant, but he was still taken down.

Gradually, Lu Ming suddenly felt that he had guessed wrong. The person who kidnapped Zhang Ziyang might not be the same person who dealt with him in Tongren Hospital that day.

Judging by the group of people who dealt with him in Tongren Hospital, they are definitely not so easy to talk about, and it is unlikely that he will send a letter.

Although the mastermind of Tongren Hospital is smart enough and has a strong ability to control the overall situation, he is very cold and inhumane, and will not give others any chance to escape.

The fact that they did not kill the staff and patients of those hospitals where they were locked up does not mean that they are soft-hearted or humane, but that they show precise control over harm and violence.

They do it just because they don't want things to expand beyond their control, which is the professional way of professional kidnappers.

After talking about the matter, Yuan Mingzhu sent Lu Ming home, saying that she would pick him up in the morning. In Yuan Mingzhu's words, she is now an employee who works as a driver for the boss, but does not get paid.

This said, the two thousand oceans that Lu Ming paid her in advance, the money had already flown to Java.

Lu Ming smiled wryly. Yuan Mingzhu just bought a new car and is just addicted to driving. When she gets annoyed one day, she will find countless excuses to refuse to be his driver.

Walking into the revolving door of the apartment, Lu Ming saw a beautiful woman standing in front of the counter, and turned around when she heard the sound of the door. After seeing Lu Ming, her colorless eyes suddenly had sunshine and rain, and there was Flower-like colors.

"Du Juan? Why are you here?" Lu Ming was stunned.

"Master Lu is back. This young lady has been waiting for you for a long time. I asked her to go up and wait for you, but she was unwilling and insisted on waiting here." The apartment manager said courteously.

"Thank you." Lu Ming nodded and smiled.

"What? You don't welcome me? Am I the last person you don't want to see now?" Du Juan said bitterly.

"What are you talking about? I just didn't expect it. Welcome, welcome."

Lu Ming stepped forward and suddenly stretched out his arms. He didn't expect this to happen. Like a bird summoned by the forest, Du Juan rushed over and threw himself into his embrace.

The apartment manager was very envious, this young master Lu's sex fortune is too deep, he is surrounded by beauties every day.

The administrator could guess Du Juan's occupation, but he didn't mean to be contemptuous. This kind of girl has a very high social status in Shanghai, second only to those famous ladies.

They are inferior to the famous ladies only because of their family background, but their looks are much more beautiful than ordinary famous ladies.

There is no special term for this kind of girl or woman in China. In fact, there was a special term for this kind of girl in France after the 18th century, which is a courtesan.

In Balzac's novels, such characters are never lacking.Dumas fils' "La Traviata" moved readers all over the world with the tortuous and sad love story between a young man and a Parisian socialite, creating a precedent for the series of "Lady in Distress" in France.

Shanghai was known as the Paris of the East at that time, and Du Juan was actually the "La Traviata" of Shanghai Beach.

Seeing Du Juan's scrawny appearance, Lu Ming couldn't help but feel compassion and guilt. He knew that Du Juan became like this because of him.

"You are so stupid, you don't know how to cherish yourself." Lu Ming gently stroked her bony back.

"I'm a silly girl, I know, but I can't help it." Du Juan said with tears streaming down her face.

She really didn't expect that Lu Ming would be able to hug her one day, and Lu Ming has always treated her at a respectful distance.What she felt at this moment was warmth and satisfaction, and she felt that even if she was going to die the next moment, this life was worth it.

There will always be a stage of being stupid in one's life. Whether it is a boy or a girl, one will always do some stupid things in one's life. No matter how smart people are, they cannot escape this curse.

Because people have feelings, and the most precious thing in a person's life is feelings.

Du Juan is like this, so why not him.

It cannot be said that Lu Ming's behavior at this moment has nothing to do with Yuan Mingzhu's reminder to him, but fundamentally, Lu Ming also has an inexplicable love for Du Juan, but it is more similar to family affection.

Holding Du Juan in his arms, he thought of Sheng Muyi. In his mind, the two girls were not much different, and both deserved to be protected.

Originally, he didn't need to intervene in the Sheng family's affairs, and he didn't need to investigate Sheng Muyi's mysterious case, but he let himself bear a huge risk, but he threw himself in without hesitation, and he didn't look back when he encountered the south wall.

Just like now, he clearly knew that hugging Du Juan would make him angry, but he still did it. He felt that if he didn't do this, he would be really sorry for Du Juan, and for his heart that was burning with emotion.

Yes, what is love?Thousands and tens of thousands of years have passed, who can answer this question?

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