sea ​​situation

Chapter 505 Meeting the Principal

At six o'clock the next morning, Sheng Muyi and Yuan Ziyuan got up early, they didn't wake up Lu Ming and Yuan Mingzhu, and drove on the road after breakfast.

After eight o'clock in the morning, Lu Ming and Yuan Mingzhu woke up. They were brushing their teeth and washing their faces when the phone rang.

Mr. Song's secretary was waiting to meet him in the lobby. Lu Ming guessed that it was another banquet.

Lu Ming hurried downstairs and met Mr. Song's secretary. As expected, the other party sent an invitation card, inviting Sheng Muyi, Yuan Ziyuan, and Yuan Mingzhu to have a banquet at Qinhuai Restaurant at night, but this time he did not have his name.

He could only tell the secretary that the ladies had something important to do and had rushed back to Shanghai early in the morning.

Hearing what he said, Mr. Song's secretary had no choice but to return.

Yuan Mingzhu hid in the room and did not dare to come out. After hearing what Lu Ming said, she stuck out her tongue in fright.

It's not that she doesn't want to eat banquets, it's just that the banquets of these big shots are really not satisfying, and they are purely to suffer.

After a while, invitations from the Kong family and the Chen family also arrived one after another. On the invitations, only three ladies were invited, and Lu Ming was not invited to the banquet. They probably knew that he was under house arrest and it was inconvenient for him to travel.

Lu Mingyi connected seven or eight invitations, all of which said that the three ladies had already returned to Shanghai and could not attend the banquet.

After a busy morning, at noon, he finally calmed down. He guessed that no one would come to invite him later, and everyone could get the news that the guests they invited had gone back.

It's really not used to being deserted all of a sudden after the excitement. Fortunately, he usually walks alone, and his mentality has been cultivated very strong. Now he is accompanied by Mingzhu, so he is not lonely.

During lunch, he knocked on the door of Liu Qiwen's room, thinking that she hadn't gotten up yet, but no one answered the door no matter how hard he knocked.

He asked the waiter below, but the waiter said that Ms. Liu had gone out in the morning and did not see her come back.

Lu Ming didn't care either, thinking that she was looking for Liu Cuicui to go out for tea again.

Liu Qiwen did go to drink tea, but she was not with Liu Cuicui, but was called by Mr. Jiang.

She did go to look for Liu Cuicui in the morning, but as soon as she entered the building of the Fuxing Society's head office, she was stopped by two people in Chinese tunic suits.

"Are you Secretary Liu Qiwen from Shanghai Railway Station?" two strangers asked.

"I am, who are you?" Liu Qiwen asked alertly.

"We are from the Military Law Department. Someone wants to see you."

A man took out his ID and showed it to her, it was indeed a ID from the Military Law Office.

"What crime have I committed? Are you going to arrest me? There must be a crime. I will go with you after I make it clear." Although Liu Qiwen was afraid in her heart, she was not easy to provoke.

"You haven't committed any crime, and we don't want to arrest you, but someone wants to see you." The man said impatiently.

"Who wants to see me?" Liu Qiwen was still resisting in her heart.

"You will know when you arrive, don't worry, we will not harm you."

Liu Qiwen had no choice but to go out with the two of them, got into a car, and drove away.

After a while, the car stopped outside the building of the Military Commission, and two people took her upstairs to a room on the fourth floor, opened the door and let her in, telling her that someone would come to see her in a while.

Liu Qiwen looked around, this is an office, there is only a desk and two chairs in it, nothing else, it's not too bad to describe it as a bare house.

There is a sign hanging behind the desk: The direction of ambition is opened by gold and stone, who can resist it.

The simple furnishings and the words created a strange aura here, making people afraid to make a sound.

"Is this a torture room? It doesn't look like it." Liu Qiwen thought to herself.

There are also several torture rooms in the basement of Fuxingshe Shanghai Station. Although they are rarely used, she has been there before, but they don't look like this.

But it's not like an office.

She stood there anxiously, thinking whether Lu Ming had also been brought here.

She didn't know until after she arrived in Nanjing that Lu Ming was brought to Nanjing by the Military Law Department mainly because of the Japanese arms hijacking case. This unresolved case has not been investigated yet. Liu Cuicui told her these details.

She didn't know why she was brought here. The ammunition case had nothing to do with her, so why brought her here for questioning?

Not long after, the door opened, and a person walked in, followed by He Zhonghan.

When Liu Qiwen saw this person, she was terrified, how could it be Principal Jiang, she immediately stood at attention and saluted like a conditioned reflex.

In her mind, she clearly remembered that on the day of graduation, she watched Principal Jiang give lectures to all the graduates from a distance.

"Seat, she is Liu Qiwen, Lu Ming's secretary."

He Zhonghan said to Mr. Jiang, and gave Liu Qiwen a wink, indicating that she should not be afraid or nervous.

In the past few days, Liu Qiwen and He Zhonghan have gotten to know each other quite well, knowing that this person has no official airs and is easy to get along with.

"Your name is Liu Qiwen?"

"Yes, report to the principal, Liu Qiwen, a student of the seventh batch of Whampoa, is reporting to you." Liu Qiwen stood at attention and said.

She stood upright with her eyes looking forward, which was the standard posture for meeting important people.

"Oh, students in the seventh term, are you from the Guangzhou class or the Nanjing class?" Mr. Jiang walked to the table, sat on a chair, and asked in a kind tone.

"Report to the principal, I'm from the Nanjing class." Liu Qiwen was still standing upright. This was taught by the instructor at the time. When seeing the principal, she must maintain a posture of standing at attention.

"Well, the situation was turbulent that year, I went to rest for a while, and just went to meet with my classmates on the day you graduated." Mr. Jiang said slowly.

"We always keep in mind the principal's teaching," Liu Qiwen said.

Seeing that she was too tired standing like this, He Zhonghan said, "Xiao Liu, take a break, and answer truthfully whatever the committee asks you."

"Yes, sir." Liu Qiwen changed into a standard resting posture.

"How long have you been following Lu Ming?"

Mr. Jiang began to formally question, He Zhonghan quietly backed out. He knew that the leader wanted to ask Liu Qiwen something, so it was inconvenient for him to participate.

"Reporting to the principal, I joined the preparatory team of Fuxingshe Shanghai Station in the 20th year of the Republic of China. I have not been with Chief Lu for a long time. I used to follow Chief Kang." Liu Qiwen said.

"It's a coincidence. Both of your officers are in Nanjing now, and they are both involved in the same case." Mr. Jiang said with a smile.

Liu Qiwen didn't answer, and she couldn't answer either.

"Do you know anything about this unprecedented arms hijacking case?" Mr. Jiang asked.

"Report to the principal. The students don't know anything. We should learn something from Secretary Liu after we came to Nanjing." Liu Qiwen's forehead was dripping with sweat.

One is that the room is a bit stuffy, and the other is that I am too nervous.

She used to only see Mr. Jiang from a long distance away, but now she is only two feet away from Mr. Jiang, and the sound of breathing can be heard.

"Comrade Liu, the question I'm going to ask you next is very important. You must answer it truthfully without any concealment. Can you do it?" Mr. Jiang asked.

"Report to the principal, yes."

"Very well, did Lu Ming do any unusual actions before and after this arms hijacking case?" Mr. Jiang asked.

"Report to the principal, Mr. Lu has no abnormal activities." Liu Qiwen replied immediately.

"Really? You have to know that deceiving the leader is a heinous crime." Mr. Jiang said with emphasis.

"Really not, I dare not lie to the principal. Chief Lu goes to work every day to read financial statements and issue financial statements. He has no other activities." Liu Qiwen said.

What she said was also the actual situation. Lu Ming was basically in charge of finance in the unit, and Liu Qiwen didn't even know about other field activities.

"Do you know what Lu Ming does after get off work?" Mr. Jiang asked.

"Report to the principal, I don't know." Liu Qiwen said.

"Really don't know? I heard that you are his lover." Mr. Jiang snorted coldly.

"Report to the principal, I'm just Chief Lu's working secretary, we have no other relationship, those are other people's slander against Chief Lu, they are false words." Liu Qiwen replied.

Suddenly, a surge of anger arose in her heart, and she wished to punch the headmaster hard in the face.

Although many people in the Fuxingshe Shanghai station speculated that she was Lu Ming's lover, especially Weng Bailing who had been secretly instigating her, but no one dared to say this.

She also wanted to be like that, to really become Lu Ming's lover, but in fact she couldn't achieve it.Since it is not true, the reputation of Chief Lu must be maintained.

It's okay for others to think so, but as a leader, how can he listen to rumors without asking indiscriminately, let alone, is it appropriate to say that a female subordinate?

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