"Lu Ming, let's quit, okay? You quit your job and go home. Don't you like America? After we get married, I will accompany you to America. If you like teaching, you can teach. If you like being a detective, open a detective agency." Yuan Mingzhu, who was beside Lu Ming, put his arm around Lu Ming's arm and said.

What Yuan Mingzhu said was the truth. Lu Ming's job is too worrying. It's fine if he doesn't see anyone all day, and he will be arrested at any time. What kind of job is this?

She would rather let Lu Ming be like before, working as a detective and playing tickets, and hang out in the romantic circle for nothing. Anyway, Lu Ming neither gambles nor whores, and never makes people worry.

Yuan Mingzhu remembered that when Lu Ming opened the detective agency, he could see him whenever he wanted to, but now it took a lot of effort to see him once a week.

Besides, arresting the Communist Party is a very dangerous job. I heard that the Communist Party members are very vicious.

Yuan Mingzhu had seen reports on this in the newspapers. Many policemen were killed when they were arresting the Communist Party. It was scary.

"Mingzhu, this is not something I can decide." Lu Ming stroked Mingzhu's arm and smiled wryly.

"Why is it not something you can decide? If you are determined not to do it, can someone force you to do it?" Mingzhu pouted.

Lu Ming knew that he couldn't explain this to Mingzhu clearly, so he could only shake his head and smile wryly.

If he had the opportunity to make his own decision before joining the Fuxing Society, he no longer has it now.

In a place like Fuxingshe, once you join, you are on a single-plank bridge, you can only move forward but not backward, and there is no such thing as quitting.

Of course, as long as he survives until next year, Lu Ming will be able to form a secret agency by himself, and the situation should be much better by then.

This is just his optimistic thinking. In fact, no one in his current Fuxingshe Shanghai station can control him. He has the final say on everything.

Without the help of local forces in Shanghai, it would be difficult for an outsider, even a high-ranking government official, to make a difference.

Even the official affairs of the Shanghai Municipal Government and the Shanghai Police Department must cooperate with the local forces in Shanghai to handle them smoothly. Even the Songhu Police Command is no exception.

As the saying goes, the iron-clad officials in the Yamen, the three giants of the Shanghai government (the mayor, the police chief, and the commander of the police headquarters), if you rely on him today, he will be transferred tomorrow, and you will fall into the pit.

However, the local forces in Shanghai are sitting tigers, operating in Shanghai all their lives. Although the power of the big bosses is invisible, it is more stable and deep.

In contrast, the power of the Big Three is superficial, and the glory is also temporary.

Sheng Muyi could understand the meaning of Lu Ming's words, and knew that he couldn't help himself, and the most important factor in this was for the Sheng's property.

When Lu Ming joined the Blue Shirts Club, it was indeed Sheng Youde's intention.

Mr. Jiang had to use Sheng's reputation in the international financial world to borrow funds, and Lu Ming joined the Blue Shirts Club as a plenipotentiary representative of Sheng's industry, so he had what happened today.

Under Lu Ming's deliberate downplay, others didn't know very well, and no one cared, why he joined the Blue Shirts Club. Of course, this was also related to his meeting Mr. Dong later.

Sheng Muyi felt sorry for Lu Ming, but couldn't express her feelings, so she could only look at him silently.

Although Lu Ming doesn't work in Sheng's, everyone knows that he is Sheng Youde's authorized agent, Sheng's chief legal adviser, and the second in line heir, so Lu Ming represents Sheng's image outside.

Lu Ming was taken away by the Military Law Office, which soon became a major news in Shanghai's political and business circles, and some people in the stock exchange began to wantonly short Sheng's stock.

Perhaps the short-selling of the Sheng family has been premeditated, and even his arrest may be part of the premeditated plan.

The consequences of this matter were beyond everyone's expectations, and no one except Sheng Youde could understand the complexity of it.

First, Mr. Jiang's order to take Lu Ming away had two meanings: to find out whether he was suspected of collaborating with the Communist Party, and to put him in Nanjing for protection, lest the Japanese jump over the wall in a hurry.

Second, Sheng's financial opponents misjudged Mr. Jiang's intentions, thinking that Lu Ming's death was imminent, and Sheng's would be in great trouble.

Third, Mr. Jiang used this to beat Sheng Youde. Although Sheng's industry has contributed to the government, it should not act on its own, and Mr. Jiang must follow the lead.

Lu Ming roughly understood the reason, but he was a little confused, and didn't know how to understand the current situation.

"Don't they always say that the grievances of the previous generation do not involve our generation?" Lu Ming said with some grief and indignation.

"This is not just a grievance from the previous generation. I told you, there are too many things involved, and I can't explain it clearly for a while." Sheng Muyi struggled.

"Then why take our family Lu Ming as the first bird?" Yuan Mingzhu quit after hearing this.

"He happened to be in that position, what do you think we should do? Just like at that time, he was on one side, Sheng Di was on the other side, the two of them tug of war, without Lu Ming, the Sheng family would collapse." Mu Yi smiled wryly.

As Sheng Youde's daughter, she still knows much more than Lu Ming.

"Forget it, it's better to get me out than any of you." Lu Ming looked at Sheng Muyi and Yuan Ziyuan and said.

"Yes, you have a thicker skin." Zhang Ziyang rebuked him.

"Lu Ming, quit, okay? Sister Muyi, tell the old man that Lu Ming quit, and he wants to take me back to the United States."

Yuan Mingzhu let go of Lu Ming and went up to hug Sheng Muyi, looking like a little bird clinging to her.

"It's fine for Lu Ming to quit if he really wants to, but he won't be able to quit immediately, and he has to persist for a while." Sheng Muyi smiled wryly.

Du Juan and Cailian couldn't understand what they were talking about. They felt that the circle of rich people was a bit chaotic and frightening, and they wanted to return to the countryside as soon as possible.

Lu Ming thought for a while, and felt that this was really not the case. Of course he didn't know what was going on, but he felt that he was arrested because of the arms case, and other reasons were only secondary.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and he said, "Now that they are shorting our Sheng family, does it have something to do with the reform of the currency system next year?"

"You really guessed it, and that's a big reason." Sheng Muyi nodded in relief.

"What is the reform of the currency system?" Yuan Mingzhu asked, widening her pretty doe-like eyes.

"Actually, it's not a new thing. It's the introduction of banknotes instead of silver dollars." Sheng Muyi briefly explained.

"Who can do this? Isn't banknote just paper? Is that money? Isn't it just printed by the government?" Zhang Ziyang said disdainfully.

In the history of China, the reform of the currency system was carried out in successive dynasties, and paper money was used to replace gold, silver, copper and other real objects. Without exception, they all failed. The most vigorous one was the Daming Banknote during the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty.

Daming banknotes were mortgaged by national credit and enforced with state power as a tool, but the result was a complete failure in the market.

The tenacious people of Ming Dynasty only recognized silver and copper coins, and they would rather barter than paper money.

During the Tang and Song Dynasties, due to the shortage of silver and copper coins, silk was also a common currency. Because the output of silk was large enough, it made up for the shortage of currency to a large extent.

"If the government sticks to its credit, banknotes are not impossible. Foreign currencies are now banknotes, such as US dollars, British pounds, francs, etc. Aren't the bank notes we usually use also a kind of banknotes?" Speaking of these, Sheng Muyi is an expert up.

"The silver bills can be exchanged for equivalent silver dollars immediately after receiving the banknotes. Can the government's banknotes do that?" Zhang Ziyang asked.

He feels that this matter is a bit unreliable, not because he doesn't believe in banknotes, but because he doesn't believe in the government's credit.

"Since the government wants to do this, of course it has to guarantee credit, otherwise the banknotes will become waste paper just like Daming banknotes." Sheng Muyi said.

Just as he was talking, Liao Zhengwen called and asked if he should eat in the restaurant below or in Lu Ming's room.

"There are many people today, let's go down and eat." Lu Ming replied.

Everyone took the elevator down to the restaurant on the second floor to eat. It was also the first time for Lu Ming to come. He used to eat in his room.

It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon, and there were no customers in the restaurant, only their table.

"What? Lao Sheng sent his daughter and some nieces here? He is really hurt."

The news that Sheng Muyi and his sisters arrived in Nanjing quickly reached Mr. Jiang, and he also had a headache when he heard it.

Mr. Jiang misunderstood, thinking that Sheng Youde didn't ask him for someone directly, so he sent a few daughters to quarrel with him.

In Mr. Jiang's view, not only Sheng Muyi is Sheng Youde's daughter, but also the Yuan sisters. The three Yuan families in Shenglu are one big family, regardless of each other.

"Commissioner, they didn't come here to make trouble, they came to see Lu Ming, and one of them was his fiancée." Mr. Wen Bai hurriedly explained.

"Do you believe this? I think Lao Sheng is protesting against someone like me, Jiang." Mr. Jiang rolled his eyes in a rare way.

Mr. Wen Bai smiled, but did not answer.

Although this prudent leader pays special attention to his image, he usually wants to engrave the word "sage" on his face, but sometimes he will be extremely naughty, and it is only at this time that he will reveal his true temperament.

Mr. Wen Bai had already received a call from Sheng Youde in the morning. A group of girl dolls would soon arrive in Nanjing, led by his daughter Sheng Muyi.

"I'm getting old and I can't control them anymore. Please forgive me for disturbing you." Lao Sheng finally said this.

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