sea ​​situation

Chapter 442: Operation Spring Rain

The next morning, as soon as Lu Ming arrived at the Fuxingshe building, he was called by Weng Bailing's adjutant, saying that he was invited to a meeting.

Lu Ming came to the conference room and saw that everyone was already seated, so he was the only one left.

He looked at the two rows of people on the left and right, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, there is no shortage of one. I thought you were so drunk yesterday, and there must be a few people who can't get out of bed today."

Everyone burst into laughter, completely destroying the solemn atmosphere of the conference room.

"Silence, silence." Weng Bailing was furious and patted the table one after another.

"The meeting is now." He solemnly announced with a straight face, and everyone quieted down.

Lu Ming also sat down, but saw Liu Qiwen coming over gracefully and gracefully, offering Lu Ming a cup of tea.

Everyone refrained from laughing, and Weng Bailing was so angry that one Buddha was born and the other ascended to heaven.

This is a blatant contempt for him, and it is true in fact. There is no harm without comparison.

Needless to say, Liu Qiwen wanted to eat Weng Bailing's flesh and sleep on his skin.

Lu Ming has a different attitude. He doesn't look down on Weng Bailing at all. When he was the director, he saw Lu Ming respectful and respectful. Now he is arrogant every day, and he looks like a villain. It is unbearable.

Lu Ming's principle has always been that people respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot. If anyone thinks about bullying me, he can only stay on the basis of thinking and never give him a chance to succeed.

It is Lu Ming's character to strike first. Of course, no matter what angle you look at, he also has such an inherent advantage.

"Ahem, everyone knows that when Chief Kang was in office, he planned a Chunyu action plan, which was to infiltrate Shanghai's underground party organizations in an all-round way. It has been delayed and not implemented, and now is the time to implement this action plan." Weng Bailing said solemnly.

Everyone present was very quiet, and no one made a sound. Everyone knew the name of this action plan, but no one knew the specific situation.

Some people thought to themselves: This action plan was jointly planned by Chief Kang and Chief Lu. Why didn't Chief Lu be mentioned?Isn't this stealing the achievements of Chief Lu?

Lu Ming didn't say anything. After the Spring Rain Project was first planned, he dragged it with various excuses. After the "[-] Songhu Anti-Japanese War" signed a peace agreement between China and Japan, the plan was suspended.

Now that Weng Bailing is bringing up this plan again, it is obvious that he wants to make a new contribution. If it is done well, he may be able to earn a major general.

Weng Bailing stood up, walked to the podium, and began to talk about the Chunyu action plan he understood. Except for a few directors of the intelligence department who knew a little bit, everyone else was basically at a loss.

The content of the action plan is very large, and it is quite simple to say. It is nothing more than selecting relatively good people to infiltrate universities, middle schools, factories, the army, and various law enforcement agencies, infiltrating in all directions without dead ends, and then using these people to infiltrate all walks of life. The situation of the Communist Party's underground party organization is fully grasped, and finally they are all caught up.

This is an ambitious plan, but if it is really implemented, it will be the most severe test for the underground party organization of the Communist Party.

After Weng Bailing finished speaking, he glanced at Lu Ming, but Lu Ming ignored him.

Speaking of this plan, he was much clearer than Weng Bailing. Kang Ze had fully confessed to him at the beginning, and had a long talk with him more than ten times.

Weng Bailing walked down, sat on his seat, then turned to Lu Ming and said, "Mr. Lu, there should be no problem with financial support, right?"

A huge action plan naturally requires a huge amount of activity funds to support it. If there is no money, then everything will stop.

Lu Ming smiled wryly: "It used to be fine, but now it's a big problem."

Weng Bailing almost jumped up: "Uh, how do you say that, Chief Lu? You can't be joking."

Lu Ming said with a bitter face: "Stationmaster Weng doesn't know something. The headquarters must have taken some big action in the past few months. The scale of expenditure is surprisingly large. As a result, the cost has increased by more than five times compared to before. Next year's cost will be [-]%. It was overdrawn. Shanghai Station...then you have to support the headquarters."

"What? It has increased by more than five times, how is this possible?" Weng Bailing felt unbelievable, why did President He Zhonghan never mention this situation to him.

"That's the way it is. I couldn't believe it at first, but when I looked back at the financial statements, I found out that our expenses were basically transferred by the headquarters. The only thing I can guarantee now is the salary expenditure of all the personnel in this building. For this Chunyu The action plan can no longer provide financial support." Lu Ming shook his head.

"Officer Lu, do you not want to start the Spring Rain Action Plan at all, and don't want to complete this task? What exactly do you mean?" Weng Bailing stood up and said angrily.

Everyone looked awe-inspiring, fixed their eyes on the two officers in front of them, and the curtain of the palace battle officially opened.

Weng Bailing's hat is not small. Since this plan is aimed at the underground party organization of the Communist Party, if Lu Ming prevents the implementation of this plan, what does it mean?

The answer is simple, Lu Ming Tong Gong.

Lu Ming smiled lightly and said, "I don't want the Spring Rain Action Plan to be successfully implemented? If the station master Weng still has a little memory, he should know that I was the initiator of this plan, and it was also planned by me and Chief Kang. At that time, you were still six The chief of the department?"

Weng Bailing's aura suddenly faded, and he also understood where he was wrong. He wanted to take the lead in this operation, and then credited himself with the credit. As a result, Lu Ming gave him a drudgery and stopped providing financial support.

"Mr. Lu, I made a slip of the tongue, but you have to provide financial support." Weng Bailing immediately changed to a soft one when he saw that the tough one would not work.

"I really want to, I really want to, but I have no money? Go to Nanjing and ask Chief He what's going on!" Lu Ming said with a grin.

"Of course we should support the money spent by the headquarters. How can I ask Mr. He for the humble job? We still have to think of a way for Mr. Lu."

Weng Bailing said in a dazed way that he never expected that Lu Ming would do such a trick to him.

Although the financial power is in the hands of Lu Ming, there is no sufficient reason, and Lu Ming has to provide money to support the actions of the Fuxing Society, so he never thought that there would be problems with money.

Lu Ming explained: "When planning the Spring Rain Action Plan, we were relatively well-off financially. Now that the money has been taken away by the headquarters, I don't dare to ask why the headquarters needs such a huge amount of funds, but our current capital chain It’s really going to be broken, if the headquarters continues to smoke like this, maybe all our colleagues in Shanghai Station will have a hard time in the future.”

"Then we won't be in danger of not being able to pay our salary?" The Director of General Affairs panicked a little.

Others are also talking about it. What everyone fears most is that their salaries will not be paid. They are not in the army, but in Shanghai. If they have no money, they will have to eat dirt and grass.

Cold sweat broke out on Weng Bailing's forehead. He knew that this was Lu Ming's revenge. If he dared to push him any further, Lu Ming would most likely forfeit his confession to Shanghai Station.

"Mr. Lu, are our funds really so tight?" Weng Bailing still didn't give up.

"How about this, I will report to everyone the financial situation every month. Secretary Liu, you go to the finance department to get the financial bills for the past six months."

Liu Qiwen went out, and after a while, she brought five bills and handed them to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming passed the financial bill to everyone to read, and everyone saw that the total cost of the Fuxing Society on the first bill was 40 silver dollars, the second bill increased to 60 silver dollars, and the third bill directly increased to 100. 200 yuan, the fourth and fifth ones are all [-] million yuan.

When the bill returned to Lu Ming's hands, he was not polite, and changed the subject: "Everyone has seen the bill, so how about it, since the station master Weng must promote the Chunyu action plan, I will be the villain, I will Go to Nanjing and have a showdown with the headquarters, saying that our Shanghai station is going to take action, and we can no longer support the headquarters for the time being."

After finishing speaking, Lu Ming sneered and looked at Weng Bailing.

Weng Bailing suddenly felt chills in his limbs, this Lu Ming is too damn cruel, as soon as he came to Nanjing and said that, the station master of Shanghai Station probably had to be replaced immediately.

"No way, Mr. Lu, we are all people trained by the party-state, we must consider the overall interests of the party-state, not just ourselves."

Weng Bailing wished he could go up and silence Lu Ming, not wanting him to continue talking.

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