sea ​​situation

Chapter 31 Huge Expenses

"To be honest, I'm old-fashioned. I went in once when I just returned to China. I don't know that the band in the Paramount Ballroom has changed its shotgun."

Lu Ming was thinking of the ice-cold Ning Xin'er pulling a male dancer to dance tango, not to mention, the dance style in that scene was also absolutely perfect.

Tango is said to be a secret dance between lovers. Men used to wear short knives when dancing to prevent rivals from appearing in love. The dancers looked serious and looked around to avoid being discovered.

You must smile when dancing other kinds of dances, but you must not smile when dancing tango, and your expression must be serious.

So the nerves of the tango dancers are tense all over the body, and it is necessary to show that the two dancers are taking risks at the cost of their lives.

Dance on the tip of the knife.

This kind of dance is not suitable for Chinese people. The Chinese who have been instilled with the spirit of the old master for thousands of years do not have the primitive wildness of Latin America.

Of course, this is not to say that Chinese people can’t dance tango well. On the contrary, Lu Ming has seen several Chinese dancers dance tango very interestingly, but it’s a little less wild and more fluent.

He saw a couple from Mexico dancing tango in the United States, and he was really stunned. Every line of the couple's body was shaking, and every cell was exuding wildness.

"Hey, wake up, what are you thinking?" Yuan Mingzhu bumped him with an elbow.

"I was thinking about your sister Ning's dancing demeanor, absolutely no one can match it." Lu Ming laughed.

"Don't think about it, it's useless to think about it, sister Xin'er won't like your style."


Lu Ming was almost choked to death by her, how could he be thinking about this?

Yuan Mingzhu was very happy to see him in distress.

"To be serious with you, my elder brother got me a new Pontiac from the factory. He wanted to give it to me, but I didn't accept it. I gave him two thousand oceans. My elder brother said that fifteen thousand would be enough. You said Can you do it?" In the end, Yuan Mingzhu's voice became tired.

"Go, go, go."

Lu Ming found an empty corner and gave Yuan Mingzhu [-] oceans, and asked her to keep the remaining [-] oceans to buy some clothes for herself.

"It counts as my one-year salary advance at the detective agency." Yuan Mingzhu said generously.

"Well, how do you say it?" Lu Ming nodded in agreement.

"By the way, did the Tongren Hospital do a test on the poisonous mushroom?" Yuan Mingzhu remembered the business at this moment.

"This is a bit strange. I've figured out what's going on with the poisonous mushrooms, but there's a more serious problem than the poisonous mushrooms." Lu Ming couldn't explain it to her in detail, and couldn't explain it clearly for a while.

Although the poisonous mushroom cannot be used as evidence, he already has more important information.

"Sister Muyi, isn't it very dangerous?" Yuan Mingzhu's face suddenly turned cloudy.

"I can't tell you a sentence or two. You go back first, go back to Sheng's house, and pay attention to see if there are any strangers around Sheng's house. I want to meet Zhang Ziyang and analyze the case with him." Lu Ming's expression was a little anxious

Yuan Mingzhu nodded, rented a carriage and left in a hurry.Lu Ming jumped on a tram and returned to the detective office.

Zhang Ziyang was already waiting for him outside the door.

After the two entered the room, they talked to each other about their achievements.

Zhang Ziyang confirmed that the vehicle of the American Consulate did pick up people at the pier that day, and the American Mayflower ocean ferry arrived at the port.

The driver of the American consulate picked up an American young man. It is said that the visitor was Klaus, the nephew of the consul general, who came to Shanghai for sightseeing.

Zhang Ziyang asked many people and got the same answer. Only the driver got off the car that came to pick up the American youth, and there were no other passengers.

Lu Ming was a little confused. It seemed that the line to the US Consulate was broken, or that the direction of scouting was not available.

When Lu Ming said that the collective poisoning of the Sheng family was caused by the dolphin toxin, Zhang Ziyang slapped the table angrily and cursed, "These damned little Japanese are so daring, what the hell are they trying to do?!"

Yeah, what on earth are they trying to do? !

If the Japanese did it, why did they poison the Sheng family?Poison some innocent people, is it to warn Sheng Youde?To warn him of what?

In the Sheng family, Sheng Youde, Sheng Muyi, and Sheng Di all ate alone. They all had their own small kitchens, and none of the three ate mushrooms.

This is only one aspect, on the other hand, Sheng Youde's reaction is even more suspicious.

Not only did Sheng Youde not fight back, but he also tried his best to cover up the Japanese evidence and asked Tongren Hospital to destroy the test results at a high price.

Sheng Youde was also a person who rolled over from the edge of a knife. He fought with the local Qing Gang, Cao Gang, as well as foreign banks and financial consortiums for many years, and finally established his position today.

Lu Ming did not believe that Sheng Youde would be afraid of the Japanese.

First of all, Sheng Youde has never offended the Japanese, and secondly, because of his status and status, the Japanese need to cooperate with him when they come to Shanghai to do business, and it is almost the same to win and curry favor.

Since the beginning of the government of the Republic of China, Sheng Youde has been actively participating in it. Sheng Youde was one of the biggest sponsors of military expenses for the Northern Expedition Army.For the government of the Republic of China, there were two Gods of Wealth, one was Kong Xiangxi, Minister of Finance, and the other was Sheng Youde, the Shanghai God of Wealth.

Later, Sheng Youde was unshakable in Shanghai, of course, it was related to the various protections of the government of the Republic of China.

What is Sheng Youde afraid of?How can a person who is not even afraid of Anglo-American financial consortiums swallow such bad breath towards the Japanese?

"I'll go back and file a case, and thoroughly investigate the various forces of the Japanese in Shanghai," Zhang Ziyang said.

"Wait a minute, what is your basis for filing the case? The test results have been destroyed, and there is no evidence." Lu Ming said.

"Isn't there a living witness, Master Sheng?" Zhang Ziyang said.

"If Uncle Sheng is willing to be your witness, why bother to swallow the bitter pill of destroying the test results? Besides, you think, if Uncle Sheng fights back, it should be more powerful than your police department."

"That's right, I don't understand what kind of medicine Mr. Sheng sells in this gourd." Zhang Ziyang also became puzzled.

"We have to figure out what Uncle Sheng is thinking first, so we can't make any trouble for him." Lu Ming confirmed his thoughts.

As a result, the two fell into contemplation scratching their heads and scratching their heads, unable to do anything for a while.

Lu Ming took out a bottle of Scotch whiskey and poured two glasses.

Lu Ming bought this wine from a British foreign company. It is an authentic Scotch single malt whiskey, which is expensive. Lu Ming only drinks it occasionally when he is in a low mood, to stimulate himself, or to reward him when his work progresses. Own.

The two sipped the wine shallowly and did not speak for a long time. The case was not afraid of danger, but was afraid of reaching a deadlock.

"Forget it, let's ignore this line for now, let's go back to the four bodyguards. Let's go separately to check the whereabouts of the four bodyguards. We can't stand still." Lu Ming said.

"Yes, we still have to focus on Miss Sheng's disappearance," Zhang Ziyang said.

Now the line of the case is basically clear. The poisonous mushroom incident is internally connected with Sheng Muyi's disappearance case.But without Sheng Youde's cooperation, the poisonous mushroom incident would have been difficult, and Sheng Muyi's disappearance would have been difficult to break through.

The two went out for lunch, and then went their separate ways to check the whereabouts of the four bodyguards.

At Gu Zhuxuan's birthday celebration, he did not see the two bodyguards who were supposed to be there. Lu Ming felt that the news might have leaked out. Not only did the two bodyguards not show up, they might have hidden themselves.

In the huge Shanghai, hiding alone is like a needle dropped into the sea, and there is no way to find it.

The only one who can find a needle in a haystack is the Green Gang. Their eyes and ears are everywhere, but Lu Ming doesn't want to get involved with the Green Gang and doesn't want to ask Gu Zhuxuan for help. He is also worried that this matter will be exposed to the Green Gang's sight and cause future trouble.So I had to find out by myself.

Just as Lu Ming was about to go out in the afternoon, he saw Steward Sun rushing to him, saying that he wanted to deposit a sum of money into his account. Due to the large amount, he had to go to the bank in person and leave his personal password and other information when withdrawing money. .

The money was one hundred thousand dollars promised by Sheng Youde. Lu Ming did not accept it at the time, but Sheng Youde was determined to pay the money.Lu Ming couldn't find a reason to refuse, so he said that this matter is not urgent, and we will talk about it later when the money is used.

"No, arrangements have been made at the bank. There are people waiting for us." Butler Sun shook his head.

Lu Ming smiled wryly. It seemed that if he didn't go to the bank to settle the matter, he wouldn't be able to go anywhere.

He had no choice but to follow Butler Sun to Citibank, where he got a passbook with [-] dollars in it, and the bank agreed with him on a special signing method, so that even if the passbook was lost or stolen, it would not be stolen. Lu Ming can not only withdraw money from Citibank in Shanghai, Beijing and other places, but also handle the business of this account in Citibank in many countries around the world.

In the international currency market at that time, one pound could be exchanged for four dollars, and one dollar could be exchanged for 2.5 silver dollars, which was the ocean.

In other words, one hundred thousand US dollars is equivalent to about 25 silver dollars, or 2.5 pounds.

At that time, although the British pound had a leading position in the world, the US dollar had already occupied half of the currency market. As for the silver dollar, it could only be circulated in China and Asia.

During the period of the Republic of China, if a person had such a fortune, it could be said that he could live a relatively prosperous life for the rest of his life.

At that time in the United States, the monthly salary of a colonel was only more than 100 US dollars, and the price of a Ford car was only a few hundred dollars.At that time, rich people were marked by millions, and the concept of billionaires did not exist yet.

Lu Ming felt a little uncomfortable, but he really didn't want to take the money.

He has never seen such an amount of money. All the real estate and shops of the Lu family in Huzhou add up to 20 US dollars at most.

It's clear that Sheng Youde bought his life with money, and he may really need to fight with his life to prove that he is worth so much money.

To be honest, he disliked Sheng Youde's approach, life is priceless, it cannot be measured by money, let alone bought by money.

But he couldn't help but accept it. The Sheng family and the Lu family had several generations of friendship, and Sheng Youde treated him like his own nephew. Because of this, he couldn't resist Sheng Youde's own arrangement.

He had already thought about it, even if he didn't charge Sheng Youde a penny, he would still risk his life to investigate Sheng Muyi's case, and if the Sheng family was really in trouble in the future, he would risk his life to protect it.

If paying the price of life is from the heart and voluntarily, it is a kind of beauty, without any return.

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