sea ​​situation

Chapter 188 Take a walk after dinner

Ning Zetao didn't speak, looking at Yuan Mingzhu and Ning Xin'er, wondering why the fates of these two sisters are so different.

"But I also have one condition." Lu Ming immediately continued.

"Brother Lu, just say it." Mr. Dong nodded.

"During the time you are using the radio, teach Mingzhu how to send and receive telegrams, including code-breaking techniques, etc., and teach her everything related to using the radio." Lu Ming said.

"That's no problem. As long as Ms. Yuan is willing to learn, we can teach her without reservation." Mr. Dong agreed.

"Then there's no problem." Lu Ming said.

"Great, I can learn from another teacher." Yuan Mingzhu happily clapped and laughed.

Although she and Lu Ming were taught by the authoritative telecommunication expert of the Kuomintang, the time was too short after all, and the skills they learned were far from the level of normal sending and receiving telegrams.

Yuan Mingzhu is not bad, not only practiced for a long time, but also worked very hard.Lu Ming has been fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, and he is still a novice up to now.

Lu Ming wanted Yuan Mingzhu to be able to send and receive telegrams professionally, so it didn't matter whether he could send or receive telegrams.

For some reason, he always felt that he would rely on this radio station in the future, not only to contact Mr. Friend, but also to have more important things waiting for him to do.

Ning Zetao asked someone to bring a table of food and wine, and everyone sat down and began to eat and drink.

Lu Ming didn't ask Mr. Dong about the Communist Party of China. He felt a little uneasy now. He had been in contact with Peter and Andre for a long time, and he felt that he was about to fall into it.

Regarding this, he felt a lot of uneasiness in his heart, but also a lot of unwillingness.The left leg is uneasy, and the right leg is unwilling. Which leg should I take now?

Rationally speaking, he is not against the Communist Party, but he is definitely not a supporter of the Communist Party.

Andre and Peter introduced him to the various advantages of the socialist system, which fascinated him, but he also felt that the world was far away from him, and he could only imagine it but not touch it, so it was not real.

He often feels like he is standing at a crossroads.

Going forward is the direction of life that has been framed by his class since he was born; turning left is a brand-new life path with ups and downs and unpredictable prospects.

He didn't know which way to go now, or if he was suitable for turning left.

Yuan Mingzhu, who has always been talkative, hardly spoke. She seemed to be immersed in the expectation of learning how to send and receive newspapers.Ning Xin'er didn't say a word either. Listening to the conversation between Lu Ming and Mr. Dong, she seemed to have realized something.

Mr. Dong wanted to speak several times, but he didn't know what to say, probably because he felt that the time was not yet ripe.

Ning Zetao kept urging everyone to drink, and the wine table seemed a little dull.

After eating, Mr. Dong suddenly smiled and said, "Brother Lu, how about going for a walk together?"

"Okay, it's up to you." Lu Ming thought for a while and nodded.

"Then it's in the backyard. The backyard is relatively quiet and no one will disturb you." Ning Zetao laughed.

Under the guidance of Ning Zetao, the two went out through a hidden back door and arrived at the backyard.

This is a secret courtyard, which may be the place where Ning Zetao practiced himself. There are all kinds of equipment for practicing in the courtyard, such as stone locks, stone pits, knives, guns, swords and halberds, and even a target for shooting. A leap from the era to the age of firearms.

"Since Brother Lu knows who I am, I won't hide it." Mr. Dong said.

"Well, in the legend, it is described as a person with a blue face and fangs." Lu Ming joked.

"Actually, my head is still very valuable. The government of the Republic of China has marked a reward of [-] oceans. Isn't Brother Lu interested?" Mr. Dong said with a playful expression.

"No. First of all, I have never been in the habit of betraying or reporting. Secondly, [-] oceans is not a great wealth to me." Lu Ming shrugged.

"I heard that Brother Lu is rich and often spends a lot of money." Mr. Dong said casually, probably to make the conversation easier.

"Haha, is this a crime in the eyes of your party?" Lu Ming laughed at himself.

"Otherwise, as long as your money is obtained legally, how to spend it is your freedom. We are going to build a paradise for the proletariat, but it will be a long process. Before that, the bourgeoisie and the propertied class They will exist for a long time, and it should be said that their existence is also valuable to the country." Mr. Dong laughed.

"Your goal in the future is to eradicate all bourgeoisie and property-owning class, right?" Lu Ming asked.

"That's true, but the proletariat in the future is just a class attribute. It doesn't mean that the people really have nothing. If we make everyone look like beggars, what kind of revolution do we have? Our ideal proletariat is also They will live a prosperous life, but they are enlightened and will not be greedy for wealth." Mr. Dong raised his head and looked up at the sky.At this moment, the sky is full of colorful clouds, which is very magnificent.

"I also yearn for a society where no one is greedy for money, but it's too difficult. Look at the current country..." Lu Ming hesitated to speak.

"Their wealth is created by their own hands and distributed reasonably by the state, instead of exploiting and oppressing others or stealing it, so they will cherish it more." Mr. Dong said sonorously.

"Well, it sounds very good. It's like the system currently implemented in the Soviet Union. Every citizen can go to school and see a doctor for free, and every worker or state cadre can get a house, etc." Lu Ming laughed. .

"Well, almost, but China has China's national conditions, and many conditions in the Soviet Union may not be suitable for our China. Although we study the same set of theories and believe in the same doctrine, the countries are different, and human relationships are different." Mr. Dong explained.

Lu Ming nodded, he also thinks so, China and the Soviet Union have different national conditions, the same doctrine and the same system may be implemented in completely different ways.

What kind of system is suitable for China?How can the state achieve perfection?For Lu Ming, this question was too profound, and he couldn't find the answer.

"Comrades Peter and Andre have been in contact with you recently, right?" Mr. Dong asked with a smile.

"Ah, how do you know, do you know them too?" Lu Ming raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Of course we do, we are comrades, but they are vacillating now, and they are even helping our enemies, helping Jiang and Wang to make suggestions. They don't understand China at all. China won't work either." Mr. Dong smiled mockingly.

"Oh, that's not right. Comrades and comrades in arms should help selflessly. How can you bend your elbows?" Lu Ming was really puzzled.

"They are pragmatists who only look at immediate interests. We are patient and believe that one day they will see the truth of China clearly and stand by our side." Mr. Dong breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Actually don't talk about them, I don't see any hope of your victory now. There is no malice, just tell the truth. This is also asking you for proof, how much confidence do you still have?" Lu Ming laughed.

"Well, after the failure of the Great Revolution, the environment was indeed worse than before. Even many comrades in our party showed pessimism. Some people asked how long our red flag can be raised? Do you know that a senior leader in our party is How did you answer?" Mr. Dong stretched out his arms and did a chest expansion exercise.

"Well, how did you answer it?" Lu Ming asked with great interest, and he really wanted to know the answer.

"The senior leader replied: A single spark can start a prairie fire. A spark is very weak, but once it ignites, it can burn all the weeds on the entire wasteland." Mr. Dong's eyes shone brightly. The person who said this answer is extremely admirable.

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